
Is this a good or bad cushion?


Feb 3, 2016
I'm still waiting for the reset on my ER with an 8-main K VS1 diamond but like to browse JA to see if any others comes up. I love the one I'm getting but it's always fun to look. This diamond is higher than I am willing to go pricewise but it was very interesting because you could see the arrows (facets) more clearly - although dark. I'm trying to educate myself more so can someone tell me if this is actually a good diamond or a bad diamond? Thanks.
Beautiful. It's a hearts and arrows cushion.

I had the chance to see one of these in person a couple weeks ago. And the only issue with them is the faceting is so much like a round, that the stone looks like a round.

So you should set it in a way that squares it off.
Thank you Gypsy. I wasn't planning on buying as this was more than I wanted to spend and I really like my original one which has a bit more spread. This was so unique looking and I am really interested in learning more about diamonds and was just wondering if I found a truly nice looking one or not.
This was my original which I hope to have back this week or early next -
Gypsy, would the H&A face up whiter than the 8-main? Just curious. Maybe with the PS discount, it would be similar pricing.
Depends on how well cut both are. Not necessarily.
Such a dilemma .... Having one of their gemologists compare in the morning. ~$600 difference and .13 cts bigger for H&A but 6% greater spread on 8-main. JA CS rep thinks H&A faces up whiter but said to wait for gemologist. Would also delay my ring which should ship this week.
As an update, per JA diamond expert, the diamond is cut a little deep but still shows very bright. And also said what Gypsy said, that it is cut like a round in a squarer, cushion shape. He said it was no whiter/brighter than my original since the original has optimal table and depth and suggested I stay with my original. (Again, thanks Gypsy. You are definitely right about cut being key. For some reason, I figured H&A = whiter. I still have tons of learning to do.) Thanks again.
That's what we are here for. :wavey:
absolutme77|1458564168|4008849 said:
A He said it was no whiter/brighter than my original since the original has optimal table and depth and suggested I stay with my original.

Complete nonsense and I wonder if they actually even called in the H&A or he was just "guessing" off the grading reports.

The GIA report for listed on the JamesAllen site could not possibly be the report relating to the H&A stone in the video.
sharonp|1458652522|4009323 said:
absolutme77|1458564168|4008849 said:
A He said it was no whiter/brighter than my original since the original has optimal table and depth and suggested I stay with my original.

Complete nonsense and I wonder if they actually even called in the H&A or he was just "guessing" off the grading reports.

The GIA report for listed on the JamesAllen site could not possibly be the report relating to the H&A stone in the video.

I agree. The stone plot diagram and description shown on the report for the 1.70 are for a a cushion modified brilliant.
Per JA - "its the right report, the GIA will provide a generic shaped cushion in the diagram most times, they dont match the shape perfectly." I'm not sure if that's accurate but I did question the report being to that diamond.
absolutme77|1458668529|4009447 said:
Per JA - "its the right report, the GIA will provide a generic shaped cushion in the diagram most times, they dont match the shape perfectly." I'm not sure if that's accurate but I did question the report being to that diamond.

I am afraid you have received repeatedly incorrect and misleading advice from James Allen. Which draws into questions everything they told you.

GIA-GTL would provide the following plot for an H&A cushion although most would be graded by AGSL not GIA-GTL,.


Further there is no such thing as "ideal" table percentage and depth in a cushion the tuning of the facets with each other matters more, that is why ASETs are requested over biased "Gemologist" opinions.

If you asked for an ASET of your purchased first stone it would undoubtedly not have edge to edge brilliance or red under the table, the ring of green/white would be unmistakable.

Google "Brightness and Fire versus Spread and Weight Retention cushion youtube" that is an comparison of your purchased cut compared to an H&A.
absolutme77|1458668529|4009447 said:
Per JA - "its the right report, the GIA will provide a generic shaped cushion in the diagram most times, they dont match the shape perfectly." I'm not sure if that's accurate but I did question the report being to that diamond.
It could very well be the correct report for the diamond being listed for sale. But the video is almost certainly of a different diamond.
Thank you Texas Leaguer - you may be right there.
I'm surprised by the comment about my original diamond though - I posted the link to the 360 in the original setting and IRL pics and was told it's fiery, brilliant, etc. And it does seem to have edge-to-edge brilliance.
The main point of this post was to see if I could discern a good cushion which Gypsy commented on that it was a beautiful H&A. For a brief moment, I did consider switching but realized I am extremely happy with the one I am getting (well already got and sent back to reset).
I do appreciate everybody's inputs.