
Is the economy affecting anyone and their diamond purchases?

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Jan 19, 2009
I know it sure is affecting me. My original plan was to buy a 2.0ct RB, but with the economy the way it is and the uncertainty that is out there, I am seriously considering down-sizing or worse, postpone the proposal.

What about proposing with a simpler stone and the promise to upgrade later when times are better. I''m sure your gf/ STB fiance will completely understand.

The economy hasn''t affected us too much, we are a military family, so we know there is job and finacial security. We have taken advantage of the market and were able to buy our home.
I wouldn''t postpone the proposal because of the economy. Who knows when it will get better? Instead I would get a smaller stone and upgrade when things get better! What girl wouldn''t be excited at the prospect of an upgrade later?
I think you should propse now with a smaller stone. You can always get more bling later, but the timing of an engagement doesn''t have to be affected my the size of a stone, unless your gf prefers it that way. I would think most girls would rather still get engaged and worry about upgrades later on.
On the bright side for the consumer diamond prices have come down and are coming down so now, like for everything else, seems like a good time to buy. Just do a PS and google search for diamond prices. The industry is affected by this downturn. Once we get out of this mess and certainty arises again inflation is going to hit us in the face. But most importantly don''t make comments like this affect your better judgment, because we would not be in the situation we are in today if we all thought twice about our purchases and only bought what we could afford within our means.

It''s a tough situation you seem to be in, but it''s a once in a lifetime event so do what feels right.
Two words:

Upgrade policy.

If you want to propose then buy a ring you can afford. You can always upgrade
I would propose with a smaller stone with the intent to get her the carat size she desires at a later time when diamond prices come down. Then you can use the smaller stone for a pendant or use it for the upgrade.

Check out this thread to see where diamond prices are going: , the 1/28/2009 update is at the bottom. Prices have been trending down since the summer of 2008, but they are still above Dec 2007 prices. With the world economies suffering, I would expect prices to continue their declines.
I would still propose now, but go with a jeweler with a 100% upgrade policy. The jeweler I purchased from has a lifetime 100% upgrade policy, so you can always trade in your original diamond for a bigger one and just pay the difference. Maybe get her a 1 ct or 1.5 ct now, with the promise to try to upgrade for a 5th anniversary or something. I''m sure your GF will understand, and just be delighted that you guys are engaged.
I have noticed the prices coming down. I can get a much bigger and better quality stone right now for what I paid for last year during the peak.

You shouldn''t get a diamond beyond your means. Don''t postpone the proposal - just get something within the range you are comfortable spending. As mentioned above, look for a company with a 100% trade-up policy. Can''t go wrong!
I would not pospone because of the economy. You''re getting married for the two of you, not to show off a ring. I''m getting a smaller size diamond than my BF and I originally discussed. It''s still lovely because it will be from him. The fact that he almost didn''t have a job, pretty much put things in perspective. I''d hate to think that my engagement has to be delayed so that my BF can buy or afford a bigger stone. Two years ago we all tried to live like millionaires and now look at us. Buy what you can afford.
alternatively get a beautiful big juicy colour stone, maybey her birthstone or favourite colour, in a lovely setting, which can be used as a right hand ring later and then get the e-ring you both want when the time is right.

that way she gets a beautiful large ring (if she likes big
), and you still get to keep the ring for the future as a rhr for sentimentality.

Maybe you could get her dream setting with a colored stone set in it now? Then when finances permit, possibly an anniversary, replace that stone with a diamond and the colored stone could be put into a pendant.
As a professional, I am supposed to tell you that you should at least buy a diamond, and if you have to go down in size, colour or clarity, the advice of looking for an upgrade policy is very important.

As a human being, I have to advice you to never buy a diamond unless you are sure that you can afford it. There are many more necessary purchases than a diamond, and you should make sure to cover these first.

Live long,
Date: 2/12/2009 3:32:28 AM
Author: D2B
alternatively get a beautiful big juicy colour stone, maybey her birthstone or favourite colour, in a lovely setting, which can be used as a right hand ring later and then get the e-ring you both want when the time is right.

that way she gets a beautiful large ring (if she likes big
), and you still get to keep the ring for the future as a rhr for sentimentality.


What do you do if she''s an April baby like me? The April birthstone is the DIAMOND
Date: 2/11/2009 2:19:23 PM
I know it sure is affecting me. My original plan was to buy a 2.0ct RB, but with the economy the way it is and the uncertainty that is out there, I am seriously considering down-sizing or worse, postpone the proposal.


Yes, the uncertainty in the economy is having an impact. I lost my engagement ring in the fall and am now planning an upgrade for my anniversary. Dh''s job, however, is in the financial sector. We don''t expect him to loose his job (but you never know) but are holding off on the upgrade until we feel more comfortable. It''s not a question of not being able to afford it but that we prefer to have the imoney in the bank in this environment.

As for your proposal, I vote with the other posters for going ahead with a future upgrade planned.
i am normally always saving up for another diamond project, with things going the way they are, i don''t think i''ll be saving up for another diamond project anytime soon. i''ll just be saving up for an emergency!
Well, my husband bought me a relatively expensive ring over the holidays, but I returned it for various reasons other than cost. But now he says he doesn''t want to make any luxury purchases like that because he sees business down a lot and does not want to take his job for granted. He''s not really worried, but it would be kind of nuts to buy expensive jewelry when there is a possiblity the economy is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

But as far as an engagement ring goes, don''t postpone!! Just go below 2 cts. How much do you want to spend?
You can always find a reason to postpone getting engaged, the size of a diamond though shouldn''t be one of them though

Do what others have said, get a smaller stone from a place that has a great upgrade policy.
I have a budget and will work within that budget, so that sum has already been set aside whatever the state of the economy is.
And that budget will be within a comfortable range, meaning not overstretched and within my means.

I know my girlfriend would kill me for spending TOO much on a diamond.
Then again, you can upgrade, but I don''t think there''s a downgrade policy

Unless she gets sentimental about it and would rather keep it.

0.02 cents
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