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Sep 8, 2001
Hi.I recently purchased a 1.8, round, F color, VS2, GIA certified stone. I was under the assumption that F color diamonds appear colorless (white)in all lighting. Is this true in the sun as well?? How about in flouresent lighting?? The stone seems to show a hint of yellow in these lighting conditions.How do I find out if the stone is definetly an "F"?One more question....The jeweler had to change the basket on my platinum setting in order to accomodate the stone. Now the seems where the basket was soldered to the setting are turning yellowish. The jeweler said that they had to use low content platinum solder so they wouldn't destroy the setting, which is all channel set baguettes. Has the durability of the setting now been compromised??? How about the beauty???Thanks for the advise.
Hi BEDAZZLED,You are right F should be colorless and you shouldn't see yellow unless there is something yellow surrounding the stone, i.e. yellow gold settings, yellow shirt, etc.What about fluorescence of this diamond?
Did you consider taking it to an independent expert/appraiser to make sure the diamond matches the report?
Flouresence: NONESo, if I see yellow in the sunlight and yellow in flouresent light than it is not a true "F"????? or is the lighting throwing off the color? It is set in platinum.I have a GIA certificate that states its an "F". How do I make sure?????Thanks for your reply
Then you should have an option to return it or renegotiate the price. Does your jeweler have a return/exchange policy?Did you try to identify the stone yourself using the inclusion plot on GIA report?
I've tried, but I cannot see the inclusions with my naked is a VS2. When I was choosing the stone, he showed me a G and an F...(both the same size and clarity). I am just worried that they may have gotten mixed up. I only wanted an F...I prefer a really white stone.Thanks for your reply.
You need at least 10x loope of course to see the inclusions.Well you shouldn't see yellow in G or H in normal conditions either...Are you sure it is not because of some reflections from surrounding objects?You could try to do a simple test: find good white paper and place the diamond table down. This will help you to exclude possible reflections from surrounded objects. In table down position F-color diamond shouldn't be more yellowish comparing to the white paper.
let your fingers do the walking.
Find a professional, or you will worry yourself sick.
Yes I would like to take it to an independent appraiser. Doesn't GIA offer a service to check the stone against the certificate.If the stone doesn't match, then what do I do?
Avoid 47th st.
Avoid Department stores.
Avoid chain storesThere are maybe 2 or 3 independant appraisers in the country. It may not be practical to spend time finding one.Find a qualified, experienced appaiser.
Ask if he has studied appraisal science
Color is difficult to judge especilally for the untrained. Under the tube light it will look yellow because typical office light is about 2700 kelvin. That light is very yellow.In the sun are your looking at the body color? Or are you seeing reflections from surrounding yellow things?
I am looking through the sides of the stone, not the top. From the top it is white, but on the sides I see yellow when I look at it in the sun. Am I just seeing the sun's reflection??????In what light do jewelers determine the color of a stone???
Many use 5000K
GIA uses 6500KI would have to see it to answer that question
If you look through the stone at the yellow sun you are likely to see the yellow of the sun. I think you really need to have the stone appraised by an independent appraiser loose. (I mean the diamond should be loose, not the appraiser). I did that despite what the GIA grading report said. The appraiser agreed, but I am glad to have that info. I also got a Sarin measurement report as well. Now I have the whole story. It is very comforting to me to have this.The Rodentman
Personally I cannot recommend an appraiser in NYC but I am sure others can and will. I am not in the trade and live in the Midwest. My appraisal for a loose diamond was $55 regardless of the size or value. This included the measuring of cut, clarity, color, and carat, plus after the stone was set, photos of the ring and the signed paperwork of course. I suspect that NYC prices will be higher. It is $ well spent. I am sure the phone book is filled with independent appraisers (meaning not affiliated with sellers).It seems to me that you need this professional examination (of the diamond, not you personally) in order to rest easy.The Rodentman
Can you recommend any Independent Appraisers on 47th Street, NYC???What would the cost be? Is it per carat or per the appraisal value?Is Macy's on 34th St. considered a reputable Indep. Appraiser???Thanks.
I doubt there are many more. Most "independant" appraisers don't tell you about the work they do for the trade or jewelry they sell on the side. Truly independant appraisers are a rare breed.
Yes, there is a list of appraisers shown on this forum, but it is only of those known to this forum as reliable. There are no doubt many more and I am sure in NYC there are many. There are quite a few in Mpls and we are a small city. I would not choose an appraiser affiliated with a seller, but one whose sole buiness is appraising. There are credentials but I cannot cite them offhand. Perhaps others can. Based on what I have read here I encourage you to pursue this since it seems you have doubts.....The Rodentman
Please re-read my first post and respond to my question about the basket on my setting.Many Thanks.
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