
Is anyone else in denial that it's already LATE November?!


Jun 22, 2011
Hello ladies, I know I've been a bad LIW and absent for the last while. Holy cow has life been busy!! Second year of my PhD means comprehensive exams, oral defense, research proposal, and what feels like a billion funding applications, so I've been SUPER stressed and tired. Boy it will sure be nice if some of those research grants I've been applying for come through!! I've still been lurking, but my PS time has had to be greatly reduced lately due to such a high workload... and I am in WITHDRAWAL! Can't wait to catch up on everyone's news.

My mini-update is that I think I MAY have found THE stone!! I don't want to say much in case it doesn't work out, but I've emailed the vendor of interest, and BF knows that I've found something that's caught my eye. I think he might even be coming around from his strong desire to purchase something in person. Since the stone I love is far far away, I might be able to convince him to have it shipped in to take a look. Cross your fingers!!

Anyhow. I have no idea where the time went. BF and I just booked flights to go home for Christmas (he is coming to spend the holidays with my family this year), and I can't WAIT for some serious down time. I guess this means I'd better start Christmas shopping! :shock:


Sep 23, 2011
Re: Is anyone else in denial that it's already LATE November

Great to hear from you, petit :wavey: Find some 'you' time between all that fun phd stuff, so you're not so stressed out! You definitely sound like you deserve some self-indulgence :))

Care to share what kind of stone you've got your eyes and heart on? :naughty:


Oct 2, 2008
Re: Is anyone else in denial that it's already LATE November

Welcome back! I hope you're able to slow down and enjoy some down time together! And taking him home for Christmas! That's wonderful. Has he met your family before?

And yes! I agree, more details on THE stone! :)


Feb 29, 2012
Re: Is anyone else in denial that it's already LATE November

Thanks for checking in! So exciting that he is coming home with you to visit your family for Christmas!!! I have to start my Christmas shopping still as well hehe. Please do tell us what type of stone you were looking at...we need a visual! :naughty:


Jun 22, 2011
Re: Is anyone else in denial that it's already LATE November

Thanks ladies! It's good to be back. Amazing how a community of people you've never met can feel like such good friends when you bond over jewelry.

I know I'm breaking mega PS rules by not posting pictures, but we don't have the stone on hold yet so I don't want to risk poaching because I have SERIOUSLY high hopes for this one!! It's an elongated cushion spinel, and I just swoon over it every time I look at the vendor pics. It's a lot larger than I thought we'd be able to afford, so I'm hoping there isn't some hidden mega-flaw that I won't know about until I see it. As far as setting inspirations go, I'm all over the map still... but I'm thinking perhaps a classic Leon cathedral solitaire, or a Cartier Ballerine-inspired split-shank. I'd love side stones or a halo, but it's larger than I thought I would go, and don't want it to be obnoxious. I'll be sure to come back with lots of pics and a poll if we do go with this one!!

I'm SOOO looking forward to having BF come home with me for the holidays! He's met my family a bunch of times, and come home with me for a few weeks during the summer, but this will be out first Christmas together. His fam is Hindu so there will be no hard feelings that he's missing their Christmas, and we'll make it up to them for New Year's. We've both just been stupid busy with work and travel for conferences etc. that it will be so nice to be in the same place for a little while and not have to go anywhere! I took this weekend completely off work (didn't open my computer for anything other than PS :lol: ), and it was such a foreign feeling. We did indulge a bit, and BF treated us to massages last night after a yummy sushi dinner. It was definitely a much needed break, and now I'm looking forward to starting the week fresh!!


Nov 4, 2009
Re: Is anyone else in denial that it's already LATE November

Sounds like this break is coming at the perfect time! I'd agree with Madelise to find something that balances you! Burnout and exhaustion hit you SO fast.

So exciting to hear you might have found your stone!!! If you seal the deal, please post pictures! I am very curious to see what this stone looks like!


Jun 22, 2011
Re: Is anyone else in denial that it's already LATE November

Blaaaah! So I finally got the OK from BF to email the vendor for more info/pictures about the stone, and it is already out on memo :errrr: !!

Is it fair to ask for dust that another person will HATE a stone you lust after?! My fingers are crossed so hard, but I'm sad that I will likely be back at square one looking for a center stone :(


Oct 2, 2008
Re: Is anyone else in denial that it's already LATE November

petit_bijou|1353359586|3310390 said:
Blaaaah! So I finally got the OK from BF to email the vendor for more info/pictures about the stone, and it is already out on memo :errrr: !!

Is it fair to ask for dust that another person will HATE a stone you lust after?! My fingers are crossed so hard, but I'm sad that I will likely be back at square one looking for a center stone :(
Oh no! Not bad at all...I'll send some "hate the stone" vibes to the prospective buyer right now!! :angryfire:

I hope it comes back and that you're able to see it! If not, it wasn't meant to be. I'm a firm believer in that and I know that you will find the right stone for you.


Feb 29, 2012
Re: Is anyone else in denial that it's already LATE November

audball|1353364670|3310459 said:
petit_bijou|1353359586|3310390 said:
Blaaaah! So I finally got the OK from BF to email the vendor for more info/pictures about the stone, and it is already out on memo :errrr: !!

Is it fair to ask for dust that another person will HATE a stone you lust after?! My fingers are crossed so hard, but I'm sad that I will likely be back at square one looking for a center stone :(
Oh no! Not bad at all...I'll send some "hate the stone" vibes to the prospective buyer right now!! :angryfire:

I hope it comes back and that you're able to see it! If not, it wasn't meant to be. I'm a firm believer in that and I know that you will find the right stone for you.

Agreed!! Let it all play out, and we'll see what happens!!


Jun 22, 2011
Re: Is anyone else in denial that it's already LATE November

You ladies are right... I just need to relax and have faith in the process. At least on the bright side SO is being more open to online vendors, which significantly opens up possibilities.

I'll be sure to keep you posted on how things go... I should probably give up on the tiny part of me that hopes SO beat me to the punch, and it was him who got the stone.


Oct 2, 2008
Re: Is anyone else in denial that it's already LATE November

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