I don't think so, if a diamond is graded by an obscure lab and the resultant grading is deemed wildly inaccurate by an independant expert then that report is little use IMO. In which case I would consider an ungraded diamond by a trusted expert if they stated the colour and clarity and the other aspects were what I wanted and was paying for - IF I was absolutely sure I would not want to ever try to sell or trade in the diamond, without a good grading report it is next to impossible.Date: 3/14/2009 4:50:49 AM
Hi ! I am just curious... Provided that the stone in question doesn't seem to raise any red flags (i.e. blobs of carbon on a vs1 that we can see without a loupe), is a certificate by any (even unheard of) labs better than stones that have no certificate at all ?
Date: 3/14/2009 8:10:55 AM
Author: denverappraiser
The purpose of the lab exam is so that you can know some facts about the stone on which to base a decision. A report from a lab, well known or not, that is inconsistent or unreliable doesn’t provide this. ‘Some guy said it’s a VS2’ is not helpful information any more than that ‘some guy said it’s worth $10,000,000’. To the extent that writing it on a piece of paper and calling it ‘certified’ encourages you to rely on this opinion as somehow meaningful, makes it worth less than zero. If it''s laminated you can''t even recycle the paper.
Neil Beaty
Professional Appraisals in Denver
Great term!Date: 3/14/2009 9:34:07 AM
Author: oldminer
Never trust all certiiiificates as being equal. However, many certifiactes have some degree of credibility and international standing. A cert from HRD is a good example of a credible document. It is not identical to GIUA, but is not a problematic report for many of us. EGL-USA has made great strides in becoming more GIA-like in recent times, but a lab can't be more stringent than GIA or it will suffer economic disaster. One can't simply duplicate GIA or AGS results as they are a bit subjective. GCAL, now back under Don Palmieri's leadership, is anothe example of a smaller lab with great credibility potential.
Any cert has to be examined individually for accuracy and credibility. Mistakes are made even at the highest levels. Of course, there are lunatic fringe labs too which deserve nothing but the worst comments. So, be careful.