
Is a deal only a deal if you are getting exactly what you want?

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Dec 29, 2004
I''m curious if many of you buy things because it''s a "great deal" vs actually buying what you really want.

I''m the queen of this. I LOVE an awesome deal. It may not even be something on my radar, but if it''s truly discounted and something I wouldn''t mind having, I often go for it. This doesn''t always yield long term happiness with the product though because it is not exactly what I wanted.

I remember this statement on MrsS''s avatar and am thinking about it now. Say you are in the marketing for something, and some comes up at a super, once in a lifetime deal, but it is not exactly what you want. Would you pass it up even though such a deal would never come up again? And what if you couldn''t get exactly what you wanted at the super price, ever again anyway?

What''s the line between DEAL and DUD?


Feb 28, 2007
OMG, I am so guilty going for the deal over what I really want! I do not know how many clothing items I have purchased, just because they were on clearance and then never wore them. As I have grown wiser in my 31 years of life, I am starting to modify my thought process, especially with bigger purchases. It is tough to pass on a super deal though, as I am a recovering dealaholic.


Nov 18, 2004
I used to fall for that. But now it has to be exactly what I want. Makes life a lot easier. Half of what I want, I can''t have. Makes the checkbook a lot happier.


Jan 1, 2007
A deal is only a deal if you''re getting exactly what you want. If it''s on sale/a deal and I really wanted it, great! If not exactly what I want, I don''t care if it''s a $300 bag marked down to $5-I don''t buy it! Really, I don''t.


Aug 8, 2005
Welll ... I wanted a white metal and diamond pendant and have been saving for one. I also want a certain type of vintage pendant and have been browsing for one. But when that really inexpensive pendant came up (you know the one T-gal) I jumped on it. I got it and no, it''s not exactly what I want... but at the same time for the price I''ll wear it until I can afford to get what I want. But it''s just a place holder. Do I think I got a deal? Yes, intellectually I know it was discounted. But do I FEEL I got a deal... No, it didn''t satisfy me and didn''t give me what I really want. Still I kept it and wear it. But I think I kept it and wear it because it will keep me in line, it''s a reminder and not an expensive one, that I will from now on wait till I can afford/find the pendants I really want. Still, I should have probably returned it. I too, like Omi, am still learning.


Dec 14, 2007
I buy deals. When I find something I want though, I buy it if I can afford to. (Designer shoes do NOT fall in this category!) If I see something I want, I''ll jump on it. Meh.


Jan 18, 2008
Hrmm...are we talking about jewellery or just in general? Generally, I had always fallen into the definately yes category for this - only buy it if I really want it - this goes for clothes, accessories, household items etc.
Even though I love my clothes, I''m not a big clothing sale person (except for 1 or 2 of my fave shops.) I find myself really struggling at Xmas and other clearance sales to find something I want to buy - even if it is half off, its not quite what I would really usually I don''t buy at all.

But that was before PS and my jewellery obession...

Now, I am a lil from column A and a lil from Column B - if I see something thats a great deal jewelery-wise on..say..ebay, I''ll get it, even if its not something I''m after. For example a recent oec purchase - I wasn''t in the market, don''t have an immediate use for it - but the price was too good to pass up. So even though I don''t really want or need it, I like it so its still a deal.

Now on the other trying to set a garnet recently, I really wanted a JM setting - but didn''t think I could afford it. So, I shopped and shopped trying to get a "deal" on having something similiar made at a lesser price. But it just didn''t feel quite right. Now, as soon as I have decided to go ahead and get the JM I''ve after all, I couldn''t feel happier about it - so in that case, the other jewellers I was going to weren''t exactly what I wanted - so even though it was going to cost less and still be a nice product, it was not a deal for me.
Um..does that make sense?

I guess in short it depends on the item for me?

Tgal, I''m not sure what the line is - what are your thoughts?

softly softly

Jun 13, 2007
I''m going to look at this question from a different perspective. I tend to agree with MrsS''s tagline, but at the same time I sometimes wonder if expecting to always get exactly what I want is just a wee bit entitled. Disclaimer, I am not including anyone else in this train of thought, only myself as I am constantly wondering if I my expectations are higher than they need to be.

My parents, my dad in particular, LOVE to feel like they are getting a good deal. My husband and I often laugh affectionately when my Dad will bring over a cake that he got at half price at the supermarket because it was just about to go out of date. But the bottom line is they have never earned a large amount and all their savings have been the result of living very frugally. As a result they don''t expect to get exactly what they want on a daily basis like I often do, rather they are happy to achieve their ultimate aim of financial freedom.

Which is not to say my Dad''s extreme reluctance to spend money on anything that hasn''t already been heavily discounted always makes sense to me.


Feb 17, 2007
I really really try to not get swept up in sales...but sometimes I feel compromises need to be made if it really is the deal of a lifetime. If I had endless money I would always buy exactly what I want. But because resources are limited, I will make sacrifices on certain things if I means that the thing I buy is still nicer than the one I could afford at full price. Does that make sense?

Here''s a great example. I wanted a jogging stroller recently. I decided that $200 was my limit. So I browsed around, did research, and realized that the ones that get great reviews for doubles (Bob and Mtn Buggy) were both well out of my price range.

So I started checking websites that sell closeouts/returns, and lo and behold a Mtn. Buggy Terrain popped up for $200, normally $500. Now it''s not exactly what I''s red, the front wheel is fixed, it doesn''t have individual canopies...but for my $200 my other somewhat solid option was basically a pretty crappy InStep stroller that gets mostly fairly bad reviews. So in this case it was either crappy or very nice but not exactly what I wanted. As this is an item I need now (and won''t really do me much good to save up for since the babies are here now) I snagged the not-quite what I wanted great deal.

Now if it''s not something I **need** I will save up and just get what I want. But if it''s something I need now and know I won''t be able to save up enough for what I really want, I will compromise.


Dec 16, 2007
For me it completely depends on the item...

Say it''s clothing ... And I happen upon a really cute sweater at a great discount...although it may not have been the ideal piece of clothing for my wardrobe considering we''re going into spring and I should be phasing out sweaters at this point in time, chances are pretty darn good that I will buy it regardless. Why? Because it''s a cute piece of clothing at a good price.

However, if it''s a bigger item--say, a designer purse where I''m planning on spending upwards of $400.00--I tend not to be swayed by sales. Like, for instance, I have never, ever purchased a Coach bag at Macy''s. Now, they do offer some pretty nice discounts on their bag once they have exited the season. But for me, my bags have to be "right" to be enjoyed. They are not an impulse purchase so I do not mind really waiting for the right one to come into my life. Unlike the sweater, if a purse doesn''t speak to me, chances are it will "sit" in my closet unused. I once received a beautiful winter white pebbled leather bag...big in a''s absolutely beautiful and classic...but, I''ve only used it twice!

So, long story short...I think in certain instances a deal is only a deal...but in others, you can simply shop and have fun and enjoy yourself without over thinking things...


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 2/21/2009 1:16:07 AM
Author: Kaleigh
I used to fall for that. But now it has to be exactly what I want. Makes life a lot easier. Half of what I want, I can''t have. Makes the checkbook a lot happier.
Couldn''t have said it better myself.


Jan 3, 2005
Ha, well I use it as my tag because I''m guilty of falling victim to a good sale and often would compromise and get it and then would be unhappy and end up spending more down the road to get what I wanted to begin with. My hubby was actually the one who came up with the tag b/c he was tired of watching me just spending for the sake of the deal! But, it totally depending on the item. I still will settle for a not exactly what I want deal on smaller items or things for my kids. neats stroller example is a good one. But, right after Jake was born I found a coach diaper bag I really wanted. It was $430 and I just could not spend that much on a diaper bag. so, I waited and scoured ebay and ended up getting the exact bag slightly used for $150. So, I''m so glad I didn''t settle and buy a different $150 bag and I can say almost a year later I still love my diaper bag and have no regrets whatsoever.


Jul 21, 2008
I definitely used to fall victim to deals even if I didn''t want it in the first place. I wasted a good deal of money in college in clothes that I never wanted but they were marked down so much that I couldn''t pass it up. I was particularly bad about buying skirts, dress pants, and dresses that I didn''t need.

I have gotten much better at sticking to what I was looking for in the first place and only buying something if it fit into my criteria.

Though, if I find a cute pair of shoes or a sweater (as Italia mentioned) or some other basic clothing staple that I am sure I will wear eventually (but not necessarily at that moment) I will go for it.


Apr 6, 2005
Ha, I used to fall victim to this ALL THE TIME especially with clothes and jewelry. I''ve really been trying to stop the "buying just because it''s a deal" business and pretty much had it licked until last weekend. Hubby and I were wasting time while his car was being serviced. He suggested we go to my favorite jewelry store just to say hi and see what''s new. Bad for me because my jeweler was having a huge sale on items that he had in the store that hadn''t sold in a while. Hubby ended up buying me some lovely blue sapphire earrings. They were 70% off! They really don''t match my sapphire pendant and ring, plus they are a little dark BUT did I mention they were 70% off? My jeweler calls them place holders until my dream earrings come along. Oh and did I mention they were 70% off?


Feb 15, 2007
Date: 2/21/2009 9:35:40 AM
Author: Ellen
Date: 2/21/2009 1:16:07 AM

Author: Kaleigh

I used to fall for that. But now it has to be exactly what I want. Makes life a lot easier. Half of what I want, I can''t have. Makes the checkbook a lot happier.
Couldn''t have said it better myself.

Oh, big thritto, here.

My DH, on the other hand, is a total sucker for a good deal. But then he realizes he bought something he didn''t really need or want, and he returns it. I often tell him he''s going to end up on a shoppers blacklist if he doesn''t stop returning everything.


Nov 24, 2006
I use to fall victim to that in the college years and then I would wonder why I have all this stuff I don't use.
It mainly happened because I worked retail and would buy all these clothes with huge discounts.

I don't think I fall victim to it too often anymore; only at Costco when they have the coupons for toilet paper and paper towels then hubby gives me the look, like why do we so much tp in our garage. hehe

I do like deals but I won't buy them unless that is what I want. I remember when the Britax car-seat was $50 at Target, I was tempted to buy one but then thought I don't need one. I had a moment of, oh that would make a good shower gift but hubby told me who do you know that is having a baby? Plus that deal was a fluke anyway.

I do notice that I get specials on hotels and flights and sometimes we will do that though.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
Date: 2/21/2009 3:15:02 AM
Author: softly softly
My parents, my dad in particular, LOVE to feel like they are getting a good deal. My husband and I often laugh affectionately when my Dad will bring over a cake that he got at half price at the supermarket because it was just about to go out of date. But the bottom line is they have never earned a large amount and all their savings have been the result of living very frugally. As a result they don''t expect to get exactly what they want on a daily basis like I often do, rather they are happy to achieve their ultimate aim of financial freedom.

Which is not to say my Dad''s extreme reluctance to spend money on anything that hasn''t already been heavily discounted always makes sense to me.
but he is getting exactly what he wants: a cake at a bargain. he wouldn''t have any cake at all otherwise. he doesn''t care what it looks like or that its white, yellow or chocolate. he''s getting to eat cake! for many growing up in the depression or just plain poor later having cake was a luxury and one didn''t question what flavor it was. only those of us lucky enough to grow up with plenty have the luxury of knowing what we want and passing if its not.



Jan 6, 2005
I''m like Lisa - I used to just get it if it was a good deal, now I''m much more selective. I think what did it for me was helping my (packrat) mom clean out her large house of all the junk she had accumulated, mostly because it was all "a good deal" and she might, someday, have a use for it.

Now I''m very strict about what I actually bring home (though I still love a good deal), and I try to purge on a regular basis to get rid of stuff I don''t still want or use.


May 20, 2008
I pretty much only buy what I want, deal or no deal. I''ll try to get it for a reduced price, but if I can''t I will often buy at full price. And I never buy discounted things just because they''re a deal; I''ll only get them if it''s something I really want.

I find paying full price for what I really want keeps the load of "stuff" in my life to a minimum. I''m careful with money, so if I don''t want it enough to get it for whatever it''s selling for, I just won''t get it.


Aug 16, 2007
For me it doesn''t have to be EXACTLY what I want, but something I would still be happy with. For example, I''ve been looking at baby bedding. I''ve fallen in LOVE with a bedding set that is WAY out of our pricerange. It is exactly what I want. But I''ve been scouring,, and ebay, and I''m confident that I will find bedding that I like (probably none as much as the original though), but I will get because it is a much better deal.


Oct 28, 2007
Ditto Sabine. If something isn't exactly right, but is close enough that if I get it, I won't feel let down or keep craving the "perfect" thing, then to me it's a deal.

For example, Ann Taylor was having a crazy sale on their cashmere last month, but not much was left in my size. I ended up getting a turtleneck sweater when I would have preferred a crewneck or v-neck, but it was all they had and for the price I couldn't resist. I know I won't end up getting another, different style cashmere sweater in that particular color (or any color at all for that matter, unless it's at some future end-of-season clearance), but since I do like the one I got and have worn (and will keep wearing) it a lot, I am satisfied with it and think it was an absolute steal.


Dec 9, 2007
You know this is funny, because mrssalvo''s quote runs through my head all the time now when I am shopping. It''s very good for me, and has stopped me from buying more junk!

So...thanks mrss!

I love a good deal, but it does have to be exactly what I want, or I just can''t part with the $$.


May 14, 2006
I love buying deals even if it''s not exactly what I''m after. Can''t help it!


Jul 13, 2007
Well, it depends I guess. My upgrade is definitely a product of a deal too good to pass up. I was confident enough to go for an uncerted stone from a reputable vendor (Pearlmans), even if it meant going for a used stone. I don''t believe in mojo, so I guess that played a large part in my decision too, but really, it came down to "Wow, I can get this 1.77 K, or a 1 ct H-I, what should I do?". Not hard for me to decide.

Then there''s our new dog. A chihuahua puppy rescue that cost us $400 to buy and ship. A definite savings, but this was a "love" decision obviously too. If someone came up with a rescue Yorkie tomorrow of similar circumstances, I''d probably go for that too.
Maybe I''m just a sucker?

In general though, I do strongly agree with the sentiment of Mrs. Salvo. I try to think hard about these things. I have turned things down too. Anything that falls into the luxury category gets a lot of thought put into it, as in the scheme of things it means sacrificing somewhere along the line.


Jul 8, 2006
Sorry, I have not read all the responses.

I feel there is a difference between not getting what you want and a dud. I think the REAL bargain is getting what you want at a great price/terms/conditions.

But if something is almost perfect and the price is cheap what makes that a dud? Just because it is not perfect?

To extend that thought to crazy proportions would our SO''s say they settled in choosing us? None of us are perfect *. Did we settle on them? Does that make them or us duds?

* Well as you know - I am perfect


Feb 27, 2007
I used to go for deals just because it was a good deal. Then since it wasn''t something that made my heart go pitter patter I never wore it (clothes, jewelry, shoes, purses, etc.). I save money in the long run trying to buy only things I want that way I don''t have to give things away or try to sell them at a discount.


Jul 21, 2008
Thought of this thread today when I was buying a dress at Ann Taylor. I am not really in need of a dress right now but it was a $200 dress marked down to $20 (silk, from their Celebrations line, fit like a glove). Did I really need it right now? No. Is that one hell of a deal? Yes!!!

My excuse is that it could possibly be worn to my rehearsal dinner in over a year.

So I suppose I am not really fully rehabbed from my habits of buying things just because they are a good deal.


Oct 28, 2007
Date: 2/21/2009 7:47:42 PM
Author: Clairitek
Thought of this thread today when I was buying a dress at Ann Taylor. I am not really in need of a dress right now but it was a $200 dress marked down to $20 (silk, from their Celebrations line, fit like a glove). Did I really need it right now? No. Is that one hell of a deal? Yes!!!

My excuse is that it could possibly be worn to my rehearsal dinner in over a year.

So I suppose I am not really fully rehabbed from my habits of buying things just because they are a good deal.

Aahh, another Ann Taylor victim! Their end-of-winter clearance this year was unbelievable, I''m 100% on your side here


Dec 29, 2004
I don''t buy anything if I don''t need it. But since I buy so little, I need lots of things. I''ll buy clothes if it''s a steal because I could always use clothes (I''m still wearing some maternity tees, almost a year after I gave sad.

I just bought a necklace from that jrake sale. Didn''t need it, but was looking for a necklace that might jazz up some of those boring maternity tops.
Going to return it though because it just didn''t look right on me.

But yeah, I LOVE a deal. There''s so little I actually really want that I just let the deals guide me. If I do want something in particular, I''ll spend the money and buy exactly that.

I''m currently grappling with someone that isn''t EXACTLY what I want, but is definitely a deal and I will be hard pressed, if ever, to find something like this for the price I am getting it. The item is also very very nice. I''ll let the cat out of the bag once I figure it all out.


Jun 25, 2008
Date: 2/21/2009 2:10:53 PM
Author: coatimundi
You know this is funny, because mrssalvo''s quote runs through my head all the time now when I am shopping. It''s very good for me, and has stopped me from buying more junk!

So...thanks mrss!

I love a good deal, but it does have to be exactly what I want, or I just can''t part with the $$.

Also, I just moved. Holy cow we have a lot of stuff. I do NOT need more stuff. So I had better save up for the things that I TRULY want, as opposed to getting it just because it seems like a good deal!
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