Pulling my hair out trying to decide between the two diamonds (same color/clarity/price). Is anyone able to run the numbers through DiamCalc for me? Diamond 1 is obviously bigger but I wonder if 81% lower girdle facets is too big (it also causes a split in the hearts image below). I also hear reports that AGS/GIA's new grading system will penalize lower girdle >80%?
Here are some comparison ASET and H&A shots (Diamond 1 on the left, Diamond 2 on the right).
Diamond 1 Diamond 2
Weight.............1.803 1.726
Diameter...........7.80 7.69
Total depth........61.80 61.4
Table size.........57.4 56.7
Crown angle %......35.19 34.8
Crown height.......15.06 15.0
Pavilion angle %...40.80 40.9
Pavilion depth.....43.14 43.0
Star length %......48.1 52.0
Lower halves %.....81.0 78.0
Girdle Min %.......2.08 1.7
Girdle Max %.......2.48 2.3
Here are some comparison ASET and H&A shots (Diamond 1 on the left, Diamond 2 on the right).