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Sep 19, 2006
Hi everyone,

I wanted to post an official "introduction" to the board. I''ve posted a few times already, mostly in the WWT section.

I hope to post some pictures of my actual ring soon. A friend of mine has them on a disc which I don''t have yet. We had a very hard time getting some decent shots.

Anyway, I attempted to change my avatar to the image of the ring that I had originally showed my now husband when we decided to get engaged. This was a second marriage for both of us so I had much input on my ring. Basically, I wanted a round brilliant in a setting as close to the original Tiffany as we could find.

I''ve had my ring since May 2005 and we got married in June 2005 (ran away to Vegas!)

Anyway, I will have some pics to post soon! Once I have my pictures do I simply copy and paste into my message? I''m still new at this...
Date: 1/16/2007 3:11:50 PM
Hi everyone,

I wanted to post an official ''introduction'' to the board. I''ve posted a few times already, mostly in the WWT section.

I hope to post some pictures of my actual ring soon. A friend of mine has them on a disc which I don''t have yet. We had a very hard time getting some decent shots.

Anyway, I attempted to change my avatar to the image of the ring that I had originally showed my now husband when we decided to get engaged. This was a second marriage for both of us so I had much input on my ring. Basically, I wanted a round brilliant in a setting as close to the original Tiffany as we could find.

I''ve had my ring since May 2005 and we got married in June 2005 (ran away to Vegas!)

Anyway, I will have some pics to post soon! Once I have my pictures do I simply copy and paste into my message? I''m still new at this...


Welcome! I''m not a picture expert, but I wanted to say HI!! Can''t wait for your pics! :-)
Welcome dancingqueen!

To post pictures use the attach files button, but you must size them down first. For guidelines, here''s what it says when you click that button:

Choose the file you wish to attatch to the message you are posting. The file types supported on this system are limited as well as the maximum and minimum sizes. Your file is going to be available to the public. Do not upload it if it contain sensitive information. You are also not permitted to upload illegal content.
Upload settings:
File size (max): 100000 bytes
File size (min): 1 bytes
Supported file extensions: gif,jpg,jpeg,pdf,png,gem,dmc
Make sure the file size is less than allowed limit 100KB.
Avoid any strange characters in the file name. E.g."+=:;’]`!@#$%^&*(){}[]+=:;’”<>.,?|" or blank space.
File name must be unique. It can be done by adding a unique number to your file name e.g. "MyRing98765.jpg"

If you have troubles you can email admin with the pics attached to the email and they''ll help you out.
OK, I finally got the pics from my friend that took them with his camera. They totally didn''t turn out, but they seem to be a little better than my own attempts. I don''t know how you all get those great shots.

Anyway, attempt to post...

I can''t figure out how to size them. I''m going to try to email to the admin...
welcome to PS!
Love your ring!!!

Now I''ve got abba stuck in my head...

I love abba. DQ is my ringtone and it''s so obnoxious, but I love it!

I guess I should have posted this in the "Show me the ring" forum. My posting skills are kind of lacking... If someone could explain how I post a link in the other forum, that would be great!
Wow dancingqueen, your ring is gorgeous!!!

What did you choose for a wedding band?
Welcome to PS dancingqueen.
Your ring is stunning!!!!
Thanks everyone for looking!

My wedding band is a simple thin platinum knife-edge band the same width as the band on my e-ring. I''d like to get a eternity band someday to have the option of something a little more flashy, but I really prefer the look of a simple solitaire for everyday.
DQ, Welcome!

And beeeuuutiful ring!!
DQ, welcome to PS. May I just say that if that pic does not do your ring justice, I don''t think my heart could take a good pic of it.

Welcome DQ! LOVE the ring!!!
Gorgeous ring!!! Glad you joined in!!
Thanks Shay and everyone! I''d love to get some of those awesome flower shots like Mara and the others. I''ll work on that this spring. Not too many flowers in the midwest this time of the year!
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