
Introducing my wonky diamond ring!


Sep 27, 2015
Those of you that have been following my diamond search know that I ultimately picked a beautiful 1.48 GIA M stone I affectionately named "Wonky" because of its asymmetey. After sending it back to Adam (with OWD) on Monday, he had it set and back to me by yesterday! My boyfriend and I decided to check it out to make sure it was okay, and took some pics in the process! Haven't put it in my left ring finger yet... That's for after he proposes to me, whenever that is!

More pictures to come!




It turned out so beautiful!! Live the pointy prongs and the profile. And yeah they did set the stone to minimize the wonkiness I think by putting the wider part between prongs instead of at the prong. Really beautiful. I love her name too. Wonky :lickout:
Wonky is just lovely. Enjoy for many years!
Do you have on of the profile I can hardly tell which setting you decided on.

It's stunning, none the less
I love your ring! And her name too!
That's the Stuller setting, right? The ring looks lovely. I hope you get to wear it soon!
It does look lovely! What do you think of the setting?
The very close-up shot with pomegranate-colored facets is fabulous! So pretty. Please give us a close-up side shot.
Absolutely adore the faceting! Congrats on a lovely stone and setting :D
Thank you everyone! Initially I was mildly freaked out by the shadowing, but then I learned about "head obstruction" and am feeling better (also helps that the diamond's light performance is even more lively set). Having the diamond set does change the diamond's optics!

Anyway, here are pics from the side!



PumpkinsAreAwesome|1448161349|3952653 said:
Thank you everyone! Initially I was mildly freaked out by the shadowing, but then I learned about "head obstruction" and am feeling better (also helps that the diamond's light performance is even more lively set). Having the diamond set does change the diamond's optics!

Anyway, here are pics from the side!
Are you happy with your setting choice??

I think it's all very lovely
I'm pretty thrilled with the setting choice! It's simple, elegant, and the band is the perfect width for me! Also, it's set lower than I thought, which is a pleasant surprise!

I went ahead and tried it on because I couldn't wait and because I tried on size 5 rings at Costco today, only to find them too tight. This size 5 is snug, but not so much that I have to struggle to remove the ring. Whew.

I can't wait to start wearing it!
very pretty!!!! congratulations!
A few more low light pics:



Wonky is pretty in its new home :appl: :appl: What weather was it when you tried on Wonky and noticed it's snug? If it's swollen fingers day and it's snug, it's alright. But if it's cool weather and less salt and it's snug and there's no weight loss intention, you might want to wear it for a day or two to determine if you need to size it up. I love your setting :love:

ETA: I don't recall if my stones have that dark effect when I hold it 180 deg. I'm not wearing any now. Will check and let you know.
PumpkinsAreAwesome|1448161349|3952653 said:
Thank you everyone! Initially I was mildly freaked out by the shadowing, but then I learned about "head obstruction" and am feeling better (also helps that the diamond's light performance is even more lively set). Having the diamond set does change the diamond's optics!

Anyway, here are pics from the side!


Is it my eyes in one of the side profile pictures the stone looks tilted or was that how they had to set it because of its wonkiness.

Thou maybe that would be super cool wonky diamond in wonky setting - anyways shes a real beauty :appl:
It's gorgeous! I hope you're wearing it by the holidays!!!!
It is GORGEOUS! :love: Love the faceting and I love your choice of setting. Beautiful! I am so happy for you and wishing you all the best. Good luck on your engagement and I hope it happens very soon! Please come back with photos. And happy holidays. This is going to be a very happy one for you and your SO that is for sure. :appl:

Love the name you have given your ring. Wonky is wonkalicious!
What a stunning stone and I love the setting you have chosen for it.
Looking forward to see more pics and handshots!
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! That face up shot has me drooling!!! What colour manicure will you get to compliment your ring once it's actually given to you? GORGEOUS! I'm in love with the prongs!
Quick question: did you have to ask stuller to do the prongs like that, or did they do it that way automatically? I love the way the claws look!
Congratulations! Wonky looks fantastic in the new setting! :appl: They did a nice job and especially fast turnaround time. The photos of your new ring are gorgeous! Looking forward to hearing next about the part where it gets officially put on your finger! :dance:
I can't get the dark center when held parallel to ground. Might have something to do with the lighting. I stood at the kitchen door with kitchen lights on but turned off living room lights. Think I didn't do it in the right lighting condition. Since it takes a bit of effort to achieve the right lighting condition for that to happen, I don't think you have to worry about it. It's a charming diamond with a beautiful setting.
It looks fantastic. Congratulations.
Congratulations! wonky is beautiful. :love: I know you will love wearing her. The setting is quite perfect as well.
So pretty! That setting is perfect and a great value, too! :appl:
pearaffair|1448207932|3952776 said:
Quick question: did you have to ask stuller to do the prongs like that, or did they do it that way automatically? I love the way the claws look!

Just FYI, Stuller doesn't set the stones. The jeweler orders their settings and sets the stones, so I assume that OWD set the stone in the setting for her. You really have to specify to any jeweler how you want the prongs to be because many just do little balls at the top.
It turned out so great! Congratulations. Can't wait to see hand shots.
Congratulations!! Very pretty with a personality all its own!! :love: :love:
Awwww thank you everyone! Indeed, Adam's bench set the diamond with the tiny eagle claw prongs! I'm a fan!

Unfortunately, the ring has since been confiscated by my boyfriend because I couldn't stop playing with it over the weekend! ;(
When I'll get it back, it's a mystery! I'll definitely be posting more pictures once I do!

Thanks to everyone for the advice and help during this crazy process! I never would have found this ring without your support! Thank you thank you thank you!!!! You all are the best! :love: