
interviews and offers


Apr 9, 2008
I have a question. I recently went on several interviews (on the same day). One job gave me an offer pretty much immediately. The other job recently called me back for a second interview. I need to respond to the first offer before the second interview even takes place (it isn't for several weeks). That being said I don't want to waste the second employer’s time. I really did like the position and the people but I don't think it would be wise to risk them not giving me an offer considering the current economic climate. I want to cancel the second interview. But because I just scheduled the second interview I feel like it would be weird for me to cancel it the day after making it. But I guess things can happen quickly sometimes? I don't want to burn any bridges and want them to have plenty of time to contact an additional candidate. Any advice on how to cancel the interview diplomatically?

Edited to note that when I scheduled the interview I was still conflicted about what to do.


Dec 29, 2006
I know you said that the other interview isn't scheduled for several weeks, but is there any way you could move it up? Maybe call the company and explain that you've been offered a position elsewhere, but you're very intrigued by their company, and you'd love the opportunity to interview sooner, if at all possible.

Other than that, maybe you could also call the other company and see if they can extend the deadline for letting them know.

ETA: I like Yssie's advice a lot. Definitely don't cancel the other interview, and like she said, no offer is final until the paperwork is done and a written offer has been signed.


Aug 14, 2009
Absolutely don't cancel the second interview.

1. You don't have an offer until you've got an offer letter, signed and dated. Until you get that you don't want to close any doors.
2. If the first company decides to play games... or the second is more interesting but they are dragging their feet... having an offer in-hand from a competitor may be just the fire that's needed to get things moving.
3. You're not wasting anyone's time - it's to their benefit to spend the effort to woo you. There's nothing sleazy or underhand about following through with two different companies - all the way through to getting two offers, and being able to decide between them, if you can arrange to have companyA give you the extra time to decide as Zoe suggests - and you don't have to hide that fact.


Apr 9, 2008
Okay. I am sorry. I think was unclear. I already have decided I will take the offer on the other job. Assuming the paper work proceeds foward I want to know how to bow out gracefully of the other position. As I have a feeling that will be the case. Thanks for the advice!:)


Jun 30, 2010
Just to be sure (even if you know that you'd rather have the first job), I wouldn't cancel the second interview with the second company until I had the signed offer letter from the first company.

Also, are you absolutely certain that you would prefer to have Job #1 over Job #2? If you're not totally sure, but just feel that you need to accept the first offer quickly, then I don't think that there's anything wrong with telling the second company that you have an existing job offer, but that you are still interested in their position - and ask if you can possibly move the second interview up. The worst that they can say is no. I also think that they would totally understand if you cancel the second interview if you accept the first job - that's totally normal to do, and it happens all the time.

Good luck, and congratulations on your job offer!


Mar 13, 2008
P24, have you already verbally accepted the offer from Company1? If so, congratulations. I'd wait until the paperwork goes through, should be quickly and then call up Company2 and say, "Thanks, I appreciate the interest but I accepted an offer at another company." Very profession, no bridges burned

If you haven't accepted anything yet, ask Company1 for a week to think it over. Tell Company2, "I'm really interested in your company and this position, but I already just received an offer from a different company. Is there anyway that we can meet sooner?"

Good luck and congrats!

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