
international gemmological institute

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bone doc

Feb 9, 2003
i''ve just started looking for a diamond ring. i''ve done some background reading (including the tutorial on

the ring i''m interested in comes with a certificate from the "international gemmological institute" ( i''ve heard of GIA and AGS. can anyone tell me about IGI? is it reputable?

the certificate describes the total depth % and the table diameter %. there is no mention of the pavillion or crown angles. how do i go about obtaining this information so i can run the stone through the HCA?

thanks to any and all!

Here are a few links to prior questions regarding labs and grading. If you do an advanced search (see above banner) and type in IGI you'll find many discussions.

Hope these help!

GIA and AGS are the most reputable labs in the world.

In order to obtain the crown angle and pavilion depth,
you must ask the vendor for a sarin analysis.

Hi. I have a diamond that is IGI certified. It has been graded an I1, G-H color. I have seen MANY stones graded by the other labs with better clarity grades that aren't near as beautiful as mine. I haven't gotten an Idependent Apprasial yet, my appointment is on 2/19, but the GG I spoke to told me that he thinks the IGI has really tightened up it's grading in the last few years. Follow the professional's advice to take the diamond to a Graduate Gemologist to get their opinion on the IGI grading. Then you won't have to worry about your purchase. Good luck.
thanks for the advice! i read a number of previous discussions on IGI. sounds like a topic many in the past have wondered about.

the ring i've been told about is a 1 carat, VVSI-1, G. I've been told the symmety and polish are very good/very good. the cut dimensions i don't have at the moment. its listed for $8400 CDN.

i haven't purchased but will have more info. tomorrow. i'll ask for a sarin report. i'm cautiously skeptical about the stones attributes given what i've read on the forum.

i'll keep you posted.


I can get you better stones (HCA under 2) with HRD cert (with all angles)
for a much better price in canadian dollars... I'll
refer you to some of my friends...I'm also leaving in canada.

here are the further IGI details i've been given:

weight: 1.03 carat
dimensions: 6.52-6.53 x 3.90 mm
table %: 56
depth %: 61
colour G
girdle: thin-medium
cutlet: none
no fluorescence
polish: very good
symmetry: very good
mounted in 14K white gold

$8400 CDN

trichrome, can you give me some price comparisons.

if i take the ring to an independent appraiser, can they grade the stone set in the ring? from what i've read this is not possible.


a 90 pointer, G, SI1 (completely eyeclean), excellent cut would run around 6200$CDN on a person-to-person
sale basis.

any gemmologist would be able to get a good idea of your stone after it has been set....
However key elements like color, certain proportions would need a little guess work.
That's what you want to avoid.

what is an HRD cert?

HRD certs are certificates coming from Antwerp, Belgium. They rank as high as GIA or AGS.
You can ask for the opininon of rockdoc, or someone else on this topic.
The main advantage besides their accuracy is the fact that you have the crown and
pavilion angles provided in the cert (since all stones graded by HRD get a Sarin). Also,
girdle thickness is expressed in % and words (for example "thick").
So for me, HRD cert is like a GIA cert combined with an AGS one.

Hi Rich,

I agree with you and in my opinon HRD is even better, especially in high colors grading.

As for BD... Your stone sounds certified by IGI NY, as Antwerp lab works like HRD and includes all the percentages... IGI NY is pretty liberal and definitely not the strictest, but maybe your stone is graded correctly and has a very nice make... Bring it to an appraiser who will verify IGI's grades.

thanks trichrome, rich, and giangi! must say i've learned a ton from with website and the forum. the stone is indeed graded from IGI NY.

i have time so i'm leaning towards letting the IGI ring go...i'm just ensure about the "great" grading of the stone. i'm also concerned that the stone is mounted and i may not get an accurate analysis from an independent GG. $8400 CDN is no small price to pay (although its about equivalent to $100 USD!

do you think it would be helpful to get an Idealscope to help with my eventual decision. how do i get one?

trichrome, i'm nowhere near montreal. you said your contacts operate on a person to person basis. any advice?

do you think it would be helpful to get an Idealscope to help with my
eventual decision. how do i get one?

I appraise diamonds every day, and I find the IdealScope extremely helpful. It tells me information in a very simple and straightforward manner that I spent years developing a intuitive sense for.

It's easy to use. After a couple diamonds you also will begin to develop an intuitive sense of what to look for.

In my opinion, it's the great equalizer for the layperson trying to analyze cut. No longer the big mystery known only to the diamond "experts", it immediately allows you to eliminate poor performers. My guess is that almost every jewelry store will be using them within the next five years. It will be the next tool picked up after the loupe is put down.

Ol' Garry's gonna be rolling in dough...

Be sure and order the "calibration" cz too, so you'll have a standard to judge by. For $30 total, you can't go wrong. It will save you a thousand dollar mistake easy...

You can order them up on the menu at the top of your screen.
I agree with you and in my opinon HRD is even better, especially in
high colors grading.

I've heard this as well, especially from the Belgians. Does your personal observation bear it out?

Does the HRD carry the stature in Europe that the GIA or AGS carries here? Do European dealers prefer an HRD cert for marketability, or a GIA/AGS?
Hi Rich,

here AGS is almost unknown and GIA certs are very hard to find. IGI antwerp and HRD are the most common and very easy to sell, mainly because here a lot of diamonds are sealed in those plastic case with a microfilm of the report and GIA doesn't offer this service.
I'm only a GIA student, but I have to say that HRD is almost TOO strict in D-E-F colors, fluorescence and finish grade...Almost all stones are graded as 'good' and you see very few very good. Very often GIA faint = HRD medium.
Hope that helps.

Bone doc,

I can get you a good stone.. However you will not be able to
see it before buying. So my advice would be to find one in your
local area. If you're the type of person who likes to SEE
before buying, do it that way.

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