
interesting setting comment at B&M

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May 14, 2008
thought i''d share this...

went to a local mall in IL yesterday b/c the gf wanted to see how the size stone I purchased from GOG would look on her finger. Even though they were inflated price and ugly tables she just wanted to get an idea...

Already becoming irritated at some of the things i was seeing.. price for color, clarity, and not to mention the cut, the worse thing i heard was this at 1 place.. We asked to see a 1.5ct princess cut. they only had 1 that was in this very clunky setting. We only made a comment as an observation and the saleswoman chimed in that it had to be that huge because it had to hold the 1.5ct diamond in place and it was absolutely needed when dealing with such a big diamond. BLAH! even better that NONE of their diamonds were certified.

i will say 1 of the 5 places we went too did actually have some nice diamonds though we never got into the $$$ side of it. they really pushed the hearts on fire line which was pretty and got to see the idealscope 1st hand on a hearts on fire and a nice princess cut. that was pretty cool! but overall a day of seeing terrible overpriced diamonds. i saw so many SI2 H/I stones that looked BAD even to my novice eyes! I''m so thankful for pricescope and GOG!
Oh my... Aren''t you glad you found PS?!? Just imagine all of the nonsense you would have been fed (and possibly believed) had you not!!
I see that same thing every time I walk into a B&M... Sometimes I really want to start spouting information at them... But I don''t because it would be mean to make them feel stupid.

Can''t wait to see what you create!!
Just thank yourself that you got a good education before you bought something less desirable at one of those stores.

I'll add a funny comment I got at the last B&M store I went to. The young sales girl was really friendly and chatty in a very personable way. She showed me one of the larger stones in the display case and said that a customer really liked it and bought it, but for some reason he decided to bring it back. It was a lifeless stone the minute it came out of the case, but I just continued listening to her. I had to hold back the laughter when she explained that the diamond had turned yellow after he brought it back and she didn't know why.
It''s too bad that some people are not as informed as others and so I too am thankful to this board. My first e-ring may not be superb quality but I know what to look for when I get the next one. The one thing I try to remember is that everyone needs to work somewhere and those B&M stores do provide opportunities for others. Besides, there are people out there who may not really care how much a diamond sparkles and so there''s a good thing that we all have a choice.
Date: 2/1/2009 12:29:12 PM
Author: caribqueen
It''s too bad that some people are not as informed as others and so I too am thankful to this board. My first e-ring may not be superb quality but I know what to look for when I get the next one. The one thing I try to remember is that everyone needs to work somewhere and those B&M stores do provide opportunities for others. Besides, there are people out there who may not really care how much a diamond sparkles and so there''s a good thing that we all have a choice.

i agree everyone needs a job but when you are purchasing a big money item (of any type) you should have informed salespeople. I forgot to mention at another store i asked if she had %''s on the table and depth. she kept reading me the mm dimensions of the diamond. I dont think she had any idea what depth, table, etc was. she then brought over her much younger manager who was even more irritating. i nudged the gf and said lets get outta here...we laughed when we left and both said thank god we did not by from a mall B&M!
I have had store sales people get mad at me when I ask for the numbers! I was going to bring them back to you guys to get your opinions on them hahaha.
I kept pressing for numbers and finally one lady snapped and said that she would give them to me AFTER I had put a deposit she was holding them ransom.
Imagine if you went in uninformed..the pressure to buy from those salespeople and what you would get for the money...
Every time I walk into a jewlery store I am thankful I found ps and stories like this just solidify it for us as well!
I went into a mall store yesterday, just to browse, and I was very specific about what type of stone I wanted to look at, and the sales woman asked me if I had ever worked in jewelry before, to which I replied no, and then she asked me if I would consider it, and if I would be interested in filling out an application.
To be fair, the store sold certified stones. And, I have been considering getting into the jewelry biz, but not until grad school is finished. But inside I felt this twinge of anxiety, I didn''t want to hurt the woman''s feelings, and also felt that if I ever worked in a typical mall jewelry store (I know there is a spectrum from bad to good) that I might be betraying my PS knowledge. Depending on the quality of the stones sold, I would feel bad recommending a diamond that I couldn''t rationalize buying myself. It was a moral dilemma of sorts.

Sorry if this is a little off track, just fresh in my mind.
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