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Feb 7, 2001
I remember readin in one of the 20+ tutorials I have read about different insurance policies for my diamond, however now that I'm past the buying stage, and into the insuring stage, I can't find any of the info I glanced at before. I went to State Farm here in NC where I have my auto policy, but they have a clause in their policy that states THEY can replace my diamond with equal value, instead of giving me a check to replace it myself. Well I bought an EightStar and if they go strictly by Color, Clarity and Weight, they could easily replace it with a diamond at a 1/3 of the cost, and 1/3 of the light performance. What is the official name, or type, of policy that gives me a check, and allows ME to pick out the new diamond? Any recommendations on what companies to check out?
Well how about that. Thank you for that input. I went to as you suggested, and what do you know, the insurance agent that told me Chubb required me to have a $300,000 home with their homeowners policy ISN'T EVEN AN AUTHORIZED CHUBB AGENT! My God, what is this world coming to. DISHONEST PEOPLE SUCK! Well, enough ranting and raving, I emailed an actual chubb authorized agent, as it is now friday afterhours, so hopefully I will get the answer I've been looking for Monday morning. Thanks again for your input.
SuperPricescope conquers again.
Truth justice and the ...... way?
Internet driven transperancy!!!!!
This is not a recommendation, but I know that Chubb are very much talked about in the US as a newish entrant into high value clients goods.
This is also true in Australia where I live.
Chris,Your agent was wrong about Chubb. Go to to get a local agent or ask your agent to call. Be persistent. You don't need to have any other insurance with Chubb to get coverage and there is no longer any minimal amount of coverage needed. My agent out of Charleston originally thought it was the case, but after checking found that other coverage with Chubb was unnecessary. My agent is Palmer and Cay.I went with them and they are excellent. You just need an agent with a clue.
Thank you for your reply. I have doing my own research since I posted that message, and Chubb is also what I came up with. However, they require I have a $300,000 house covered under their Homeowners protection policy. I found a place called Travelers Insurance, and they have what I'm looking for, but I have to switch over my Auto Ins, and start an Apt Renters policy in order to get the "Valuable Items Policy" that they call a "blanket policy" that pays a set amount if anything should happen to the diamond. This is exactly what I'm looking for however as I was typing this message, they called and said I was denied. Apparently I need good credit to get insurance with them. The search continues....
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