
Info on blue sapphires


Jan 11, 2006
Has anyone looked at blue sapphires lately? That is my favorite colored stone and eventually I will get a good one! But I want to know how much a really good quality one would cost in a 2 or 3 carat size, not from Burma or anything like that, and I don't care if it is heated. I just want a gorgeous color and beautiful cut. I really never saw any I liked the last time I looked at the usual sites. Most were not good color or well cut. Yeah, I realize I might have to do a recut to get a great cut, but it won't hurt to try!

Also, any suggestions about where to find one?
I can't help you on the price, since I haven't looked seriously in the last couple of years, but several PS'ers have gotten gorgeous blues from Jeff White, so I would start there if cut is important to you. I've realized that cut is increasingly important to me, so I understand setting that as one of the priorities.
Thanks! I actually ordered a sapphire from Jeff a couple of years ago, and I absolutely would have kept it had it been eyeclean. But I could see two white specks on the table and just couldn't handle it. The main problem is having him custom cut an existing sapphire and committing to something you cannot see. I can't remember now, but I think I did lose a deposit doing it that way. He does do excellent cutting, though, and that would be my preference if it would all work out!
"Gorgeous color" in a blue sapphire is very subjective. Do you have any examples of photos that you consider "gorgeous color?" What could be a beautiful blue sapphire to one person, could be meh to someone else. Also be aware that blue sapphires tend to lose saturation or "grey out" or shift to more violet hues in some lighting, and you may not want this.

Although you don't care about the fact that the sapphire is heated, some heated sapphires are also diffused, and this is not always disclosed. You may end up getting ripped off if you do not have a reputable lab report that checks for all possible treatment on the stone, so be careful.
Any trustworthy vendors of quality sapphires, TL? As far as color goes, I am open to any in the medium range including a touch of violet. I just don't want a blackish one like my old ring!
Gemfix has a few beauties posted in that size range, even a certed untreated one:

My thought is that you should expect at $1000/ct minimum, more for untreated.
diamondseeker2006|1305131549|2918606 said:
Any trustworthy vendors of quality sapphires, TL? As far as color goes, I am open to any in the medium range including a touch of violet. I just don't want a blackish one like my old ring!

Well, as far as unheated material goes, I think Tan is well priced, but I can't read his photos very well when it comes to sapphires.

If you want excellent cutting, then Jeff White.

Simplysapphires seems to be a reputable company with decent pricing, but I'm not sure if they provide independent lab reports if you ask.

I think some vendors are very overpriced for mid-range heated material, so that's why I mention the above three, although you will be paying a premium for Jeff's precision faceting.

What is your budget?
Premium colour, 2 to 3ct, I would expect to pay around $4-5k - prices have gone up hugely for blue sapphires.
Thanks, Selkie and TL!

Budget? I don't know. I have a big anniversary coming up this year and it is an excuse to get something, but if a good sapphire is going to cost as much as a diamond, I might go with an AVC instead! But I hope I can get a sapphire for less than an AVC! I am hoping that not limiting myself to unheated, it will offer more options.

Pandora, gosh, if premium color heated will run $5000, I may be rethinking the whole thing.
Just got a friend in the trade to have a quick check with Palagems - who are on the more expensive side I agree - and he said I was on the money at $4k - $5k for a premium colour in a great cut and with no clarity issues etc

I also bought a 2.29ct heated cushion in a periwinkle blue with a superb cut for a friend's e-ring a year or so ago and it cost $3,200.

Of course, it depends what you would consider premium colour - I am talking about a rich saturated 'kashmir of legend' type colour.

On the other hand, Gary at Finewater Gems has some superb sapphires at cheaper prices

They are fabulous and very desirable colours but not THE colour if that makes sense.

The exact shade you are seeking is key and with coloured stone a few shades higher or lower on a colour card can make significant changes to the price of the stone - colour is EVERYTHING with gemstones.

(I will say that a really fine sapphire will hold it's value in a way that a diamond won't, plus it is far, far rarer).
Pandora, thanks for checking!!! I don't want one at all if I can't get a fine one, yet I am flexible on the color. I like many colors of blue as long as it is really blue and not dark. If you happen to see any that you'd recommend, I'd love to see them! I feel very inadequate in picking out a sapphire! I'll check the link now, though!
If you go for the 1-2 ct range, the prices should a lot less, though of course it does all depend.

Specifically, one sapphire I've seen recently comes to mind:

Heat only, Ceylon sapphire, 2.18 cts for $490. What do you think? I think its a really nice option for the price, and of course it comes with a good return policy as well so it would be easy to check out in person.

I like this as well but its most likely much too small for you

Besides that, 1.5 carats and precision faceting but quite gray

Another vendor I have purchased from is Simply Sapphires, and their prices are really good as well. Gypsy has also bought a sapphire from John at Simply Sapphires, in case you want to reference with someone else. Jeff White is also really amazing with sapphires--precision cutting and a great eye for color. Re-cuts are always an option but can be scary because they have the potential to affect color more than you would realize, though a good cutter will be able to offer guidance if that is the route you want to take.
Pandora|1305133733|2918666 said:
Premium colour, 2 to 3ct, I would expect to pay around $4-5k - prices have gone up hugely for blue sapphires.

Yes, right now is the worst time to buy IMO because of all the hype with the Kate/Diana sapphire ring, which I personally find a bit too dark for my liking anyways.
IndyLady, thanks! That top one is a little too much like the one I have other than mine is a little darker. I probably should tell everyone that I am open to shape but my dream stone would be a squarish cushion or cushion period. It sounds like I will need to stay under 3 cts. unless I find one to recut. But I REALLY do not want to buy a stone with the idea of recutting because I would be stuck with an unknown outcome! Thanks for the additional sources!
TL|1305139479|2918821 said:
Pandora|1305133733|2918666 said:
Premium colour, 2 to 3ct, I would expect to pay around $4-5k - prices have gone up hugely for blue sapphires.

Yes, right now is the worst time to buy IMO because of all the hype with the Kate/Diana sapphire ring, which I personally find a bit too dark for my liking anyways.

Oh gosh, that never crossed my mind. I was just convinced that I'd rather go sapphire than diamond for this project, and you'd figure I'd pick the next most expensive thing! :(sad
diamondseeker2006|1305139773|2918827 said:
TL|1305139479|2918821 said:
Pandora|1305133733|2918666 said:
Premium colour, 2 to 3ct, I would expect to pay around $4-5k - prices have gone up hugely for blue sapphires.

Yes, right now is the worst time to buy IMO because of all the hype with the Kate/Diana sapphire ring, which I personally find a bit too dark for my liking anyways.

Oh gosh, that never crossed my mind. I was just convinced that I'd rather go sapphire than diamond for this project, and you'd figure I'd pick the next most expensive thing! :(sad

There are some good buys that people mentioned above. I think you just need to be careful not to spend too much with certain vendors that are taking advantage of the hype going on right now with sapphires. It actually cracks me up that people look to Diana's inky blue sapphire as a gorgeous example of the material. I've never seen a photo of that stone that I liked, even the new ones that are very detailed on Kate's hand. It's either the most unphotogenic sapphire in the world, or just not that great IRL. If only Diana had Pricescope back then. ;)
I agree, it is a little dark. Can you post a picture of the blue you're looking for? That would definitely help. Its also great that you are flexible on color as that should help you accommodate size and even shape preferences. Roger Dery also has a few amazing sapphires, but the prices aren't listed so you'll have to contact him if you see something you like (at least I think they aren't?). You also might want to chose a couple from Pala and have a jeweler offer quotes.
Pandora|1305133733|2918666 said:
Premium colour, 2 to 3ct, I would expect to pay around $4-5k - prices have gone up hugely for blue sapphires.
That is pure truth! We had my 8.71 ct Ceylon sapphire reappraised and adjusted the insurance appropriately before handing it off to a jeweler to create a new setting for it earlier this month. When the price came back we felt it was insurance inflation and the appraiser showed us stones not as large or even as well proportioned that were selling for fantastically higher than we paid several years ago. It was shocking to us! I wish we'd bought some other quality stones and held them!
Sparkly_Not_Gaudy|1305303925|2920801 said:
Pandora|1305133733|2918666 said:
Premium colour, 2 to 3ct, I would expect to pay around $4-5k - prices have gone up hugely for blue sapphires.
That is pure truth! We had my 8.71 ct Ceylon sapphire reappraised and adjusted the insurance appropriately before handing it off to a jeweler to create a new setting for it earlier this month. When the price came back we felt it was insurance inflation and the appraiser showed us stones not as large or even as well proportioned that were selling for fantastically higher than we paid several years ago. It was shocking to us! I wish we'd bought some other quality stones and held them!

Ah, well you were very lucky to have bought a large one when you did! Did you by chance find it in Charlotte? Just wondering if there is anyone who really carries good quality sapphires.

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