
Infinity D vs. Infinity O fight!

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Nov 5, 2008
I have picked these two stones to look at from Wink Jones (a good guy all around!). Both of them have arrived at my girlfriends parents house (we''re headed there the 23rd) so I can look at them. I''m going to have THE TALK with them and want to show them the potential stones.

Anyway, they are interesting because both are Infiinity, which I''ve read so much good about and appreciate the input they have here and their passion for stones and cut that is so evident. Both are AGS of course (all Infinity diamonds are I believe?)

Sooo...with no further ado let''s introduce the contestants...

is a .80 D I1 clarity Excellent cut grade; Ideal Polish, Ideal Symmetry
*Wink says that it is eye clean!


This one caught my eye first, after reading up on color I was intrigued what an O Infinity would look like...
she''s a .92 O VS1 clarity; Ideal cut grade; Ideal Polish; Excellent Symmetry

both have strong blue florescense, which doesn''t both me, and should help the O look whiter as I understand.

Infinity has the H&A and Idealscope on there, and wink sent one with the package, but I''m pretty newbie in using them or the other tools they offer (gem advisor, sarin)
Setting is not picked, but from her other jewelry, I imagine something in a silver color (platinum or white gold). My plan is to show her the stone and pick out a setting together.

I have some further thoughts but won''t taint them. Size vs. color and clarity...hmmm....

As long as its eyeclean, I would get the D I1.....Not enough size for me to go that low in color
I was lucky enough to spend some time looking at Crafted by Infinity diamonds with John Pollard this week (he was in town at the local Infinity dealer) and we were discussing this diamond color issue. When diamonds aren''t cut all that well, the yellowish tint can look pretty bad. I remember having a local jeweler show me an M of several carats a while back, and against a blue background you could see a sickening green through the stone. It was pretty bad. A poorly cut, but colorless diamond, would look much better.

But in these Crafted by Infinity cuts, diamonds of all colors look absolutely fantastic! They sparkle like crazy. And, best of all, the market prices them like they still look like crap. The cut makes all the difference, but the cut premium you pay is only about 15%. So, I say snap up that O colored diamond while you can, because eventually word is going to get out, and the marketplace will begin to charge much higher prices for beautifully cut diamonds of color. Besides, you will discover that it is gorgeous! I know it is.
I can''t see the video, but I personally would go for the O. I am not very color conscience and the I1 does seem to have so me visible inclusions if you look at the magnified image. That could have an effect on it later.
I would have to be honest and say neither stone. I1 is too low a clarity for an ering for me, and O colour would just be too warm.

I have to ask, what made you pick these two stones? Surely, you could find other stones with a better balance of colour and clarity.
Date: 12/20/2008 12:36:09 AM
Author: *Danielle*
I can''t see the video, but I personally would go for the O. I am not very color conscience and the I1 does seem to have so me visible inclusions if you look at the magnified image. That could have an effect on it later.
Be sure that the equals sign is at the end of the video link after you paste it, or click on it. That''s how I got it to work for me.
It said the video has been deleted. I love diamonds by Infinity from what I have seen on here. But to compare a D, to an O?? That''s miles apart.... I know the D is an I1. Wink says it''s eye clean, you see it and report back to us. Usually for an ering, I wouldn''t go for an I1, but there are eye clean ones for sure. I have diamond studs that are I1, clear as day, and superbly cut. So I know what it is to find a great I1 stone, or stones. Let your eyes be the judge. Can''t wait to hear what you think about the O. Take some pics for us if you can. I am really interested to see both stones. If the O sparkles like crazy and isn''t warm to you, go for it. But we''d love to see some pics...
ah, you do have to put the equals sign in after that, sorry; just cut and paste and then add an equals.

honey22, thanks for the honesty. My feeling, going from what my hours and hours reading here have taught me and what I've discovered "in the field" is that clarity and cut to me are over-rated. On clarity, if it's eye clean and sparkles, I'm not concerned about 40x magnification; they are natural faults and give the stone real world character.
On the color, looking at many videos of the darker colors, they do look warm and rich to me. I like them, they seem to have more personality.
Oh, and I'm trying to balance a budget, with basically a size. Originally I decided on a smaller excellent overall stone in the half carat range, but after seeing a bunch of women and checking out their rings, I decided that getting around a carat would look best on the professor. I upped my budget, but decided to sacrifice clarity and color.

Flygirl, you are letting the potential secret out!
I was thinking the same thing; after doing some research on stones in the darker colors, I found it very interesting. The Infiinity cuts do look nice, I look forward to seeing them in person. I think her mom would enjoy being my model.

I wasn''t convinced by the O until I saw the video.


I think you should take a close look at it in person. The blue flour might make it look a bit whiter, as you stated. Look at it in all sorts of light - indoors, outdoors, overhead lights, flourescent lights, etc. It would also help to mount it in a while gold or platnium setting.

Wow. Sorry, off to watch the video again!
Oh, so you''re the one who reserved that D I1!! I was seriously considering that stone at one time, and I still visit it from time to time on Wink''s site. I went with a slightly smaller, $1,000+ cheaper .73 J I1 Infinity from Wink instead. I never saw the D in person, but it looked very tempting to me on paper.

Wink told me he found my J I1 "eye-cleanish," but I swear, I can''t see a thing in it without my loupe. Maybe it''s my middle-aged eyes. Or maybe it''s the dazzling sparkle. In fact, I found that disappointing. I wanted to see the inclusions--I found the idea of little baby diamonds (crystals) inside my diamond very romantic. But I really can''t see them.

My J, which has strong blue fluorescence, doesn''t seem the least bit yellow to me. I also have an L OEC with negligible fluorescence, which does seem a little yellowish, especially compared to an F I have. But the J doesn''t seem to me any yellower than the F. I have it in a setting where only the face is visible.

So, will you be able to see the inclusion in the I1? Will your fiancee? If so, will you mind? Will the O look yellowish to you? If so, will you like that look? Will you enjoy the extra size compared to the D? Will you prefer the smaller, icier stone? Will the D show its fluorescence in an attractive way? (That was what tempted me most about it--the idea that it might have a violet glow in sunlight. My J doesn''t, which disappointed me. I don''t know whether the D will or not.)

You won''t know the answers to these questions until you see the stones.

But whichever you choose--or neither, if that''s what you choose--I promise they''ll be beautiful.

PS: You can see my Infinity J I1 here.
Everyone has given you great advice, as Kaleigh says the two colours are miles apart so if you have the diamonds in your possession give them both a good test run to see which one appeals the most!
Date: 12/20/2008 3:53:09 AM
Author: Lorelei
Everyone has given you great advice, as Kaleigh says the two colours are miles apart so if you have the diamonds in your possession give them both a good test run to see which one appeals the most!
Ditto I don't think I can make a call on this one without having seen the stones.
But for me, I would chose more size and a lower colour over visible inclusions..However Wink said its eyeclean, so we're back to square 1, loll..
Just remember that its you that likes the warmer colours and the "character" of inclusions,.. but does your girl?
Will she be okay carrying it off if someone notices and says something unkind ? (not likely with an infinity, but always a chance..)..
Wow! The video of the O diamond is unbelievable!
So much fire and brilliance! I would love to see it in person!
Please keep us posted!
I managed to watch the video and the O is spectacular!
WoW, just watched the video and its sooo gorgeous! I think Im a color snob but im starting to come around.....absolutely beautiful
I like the O myself... I am color sensitive, but I think the warmth of that stone mixed with the cut and the flouro, could make it really lovely!
That O in the video stands for Outstanding! I would pair it with some whiter tapered baguettes to really show off its beautiful warm
color. The D really has too many inclusions for me (you''ll have to let us know what you think when you see them in person). I love the
sparkle of that O!
I have found the trick to making those videos work. Near the rignt side of my reply window is an icon that looks like three links of chain.

If you highlite some text then click on it you will be given the opportunity to enter a link.

Like this link to the video

It will include that last pesky "=" sign so that you can see the movie.

I will refrain from commenting on the two diamonds in question other than to say that I appreciate all the kind words and comments and information being given to our supplicant. I also appreciate the negative comments for providing a balance to the conversation, as that is what makes this a complete conversation.

wink your a funny guy, your video made me giggle

I have to say after seeing that vid that O is definitely a stunner, talk about sparkles

I personally would use my own eyes to decide you have had both shipped out, have a look at them (maybe ask her parents as well but don''t tell them the specs) and see what you like better. If the D is eyeclean to your standards that that could be a winner as well, I know some have mentioned that an I1 is lower then some peoples comfort levels for an e-ring but really if you can''t see the inclusions who will know?

Compared to most of the diamonds out there your FF''s diamond is most likely to outshine most of them.

GL with your selection.
My Internet Explorer crashes every time I watch Wink''s video. Is anyone else having this problem with it? (Or, maybe it''s just a sign I need a new PC for Christmas!)

I have no problem with I1 CBI stones. I have one--and it is magnificient. Given these two choices, I would probably get the D. That siad, I am not a fan of flouro. That would be a deal breaker for me--but that is only my preference.

Date: 12/20/2008 10:10:43 AM
Author: Deelight

I personally would use my own eyes to decide you have had both shipped out, have a look at them (maybe ask her parents as well but don''t tell them the specs) and see what you like better. If the D is eyeclean to your standards that that could be a winner as well, I know some have mentioned that an I1 is lower then some peoples comfort levels for an e-ring but really if you can''t see the inclusions who will know?

Ditto Dee!

Wow that O is a stunner in the video, but wow--if the D is eyeclean...

What a choice! Good luck--I cannot wait to see what you choose!
No to the O.

I have an L with strong blue fluorescence and it does help. It looks more like a J.
I also have an antique cushion that is an M. In an antique stone color is less objectionable.

The O looks way too dark to me to make a good engagement ring. Consider that your FI will be showing off her ring to all her friends and coworkers. O color will be QUITE noticeable and no amount of fluorescence is going to magically make that go away. How will she feel if someone is rude enough to say "why is it yellow?" or "it''s kind of dark"?

People should not be rude, but someone is bound to lack a filter on their mouth and say out loud what they are seeing. Do your FI a favor and get the D if it''s eyeclean.
What a great thread! I''m excited to hear your impressions Ross... I''ve seen several I1 CBI diamonds and can''t recall one that wasn''t eye clean. As for the warmer color, I know that you''ll be shocked by the looks of the diamond face up.

Keep up the good work on the video''s Wink, I love them! We should put together a "Best of Wink video".

Fly Girl, I checked out your cloud dancing thread and loved the pics!
For comparison, would love to see a video of the D! The two color grades are worlds apart but you have to admit that the O is beautiful. It might just come down to a ''mind issue'' - can you wrap your mind around having a beautiful O color diamond?

Probably going to be a tough call though - two beauties are hard to choose between!
Both stones are gorgeous. I would go for the O. It''s larger. Either of these can be upgraded later to get bigger and/or higher color or clarity but I''d prefer to start off with something closer to a 1 ct. You won''t find many AGS0 stones at that size for that price. But either choice would make a stunning ering!

Any chance you can have both shipped to you and send one back? Your eyes would make the choice in a second.
I know someone that owns a H/I1 diamond from James Allen. In photos you can see the inclusions but I''ve seen (and tried on
) her ring a number of times and in person all you see is sparkle and flash. I would go for the D people can see color from a distance, if Wink says it is eye clean I would trust him completely.
The O color is beautiful. I like it, I''d wear it in a heartbeat and not feel like I was "sacrificing" anything. I do wear an M and N colored OEC ever day. Let me say this however- I wouldn''t give an O colored diamond as an engagement ring as a surprise. People can feel really strongly about color, and an O color, no matter how beautiful, could be something that would disappoint some people.

Also, people will comment on the color. For every person who doesn''t notice it, or who assumes it''s a high color because it''s sparkly (some people really do), there will be others that say "Oh, is that a fancy yellow?" Or, the most recent Weird Peanut Gallery Comment I got this week: "Oh, is that a citrine?" (My M color is nowhere near as yellow as a citrine!
) So she will definitely have to be reaaaalllly comfy with the color. I love the color of my OECs and could care less what anyone else thinks, but then, I picked them myself too, they weren''t a surprise whatsoever.

I''d go with the D I1. Much less risky. A good, well cut I1 that Wink says is eyeclean would be killer.
I like the O stone better. If I didn''t see the pics of the O stone, I''d have said "of course you should pick the D" but after looking at their specs... I would definitely go for the O!
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