Date: 12/3/2006 3:47:07 PM
Author: the other Jake
How about ''''Free Insurance appraisals for all purchases are available upon request.''Date: 12/3/2006 9:24:31 AM
Author: DBM
let''s see:
Ira: i''ve got to think about the wording. OFFERED FROM DBM sounds a bit too much for me...
DiamondFan: do you think Memos/Consignment are any better? I can tell you stories, personally witnessed, of liars and frauds WITH MEMOS. The bottom line is even with memos you need to know who you''re dealing with otherwise you get screwed and that just revisits my point: who has time or energy to build strong ties and trust relationships like that with appraisers across the whole country? you can''t really know someone until you try and who can risk ''trying'' many ''dozens of appraisers in the country'' exposing oneself to tens of thousands of dollars of risk all to make a paltry profit margin. it''s just not really realistic IMO. atleast not for me or most of the ''old school'' diamond dealers in teh district.
Neil: you make excellent points and honestly, from the vibe i get from you i''d have virtually no problem (maybe just a little hesitancy but you can understand) sending you a stone..but on a grand scale, looking up and searching for an appraiser in yahoopitzville and all that, honestly i think it''s a bit much. but you''re definitely right that in concept it would greatly be helpful to both myself and the customer.
Neil: You''re right but ''insurance documentation'' is just too, how you say, not-flowing, you don''t think?
avlis: no prob. we can''t win ''em allpeace
That understandable to me and I am ''Joe Blow'' consumer...
I''m sorry if i came off like i was attacking you, that was not my intention. i appreciate your input and your thoughts. thxDate: 12/3/2006 4:43:19 PM
Author: diamondfan
First, I am only trying to help you. No need to get tudey with me. I am not a jeweler or in the industry, I am just a consumer. I would think these issues are part and parcel of going into business and I guess you will have to figure out a way to address them. Otherwise, it seems to me, you cannot really provide customers what they want. This has never been of issue to me, I buy from people in my community and have GIA papers, so I am not looking around for third parties that are out of state to appraise what I buy. And, as in any field, I am sure there are unscrupulous people out there, I am not surprised by much these days. I think this is something you have to work out so you are able to do what you need. I was just offering my thoughts as a comsumer about how this all works. If you make it too tough on people they might just decide to go with a known quantity in the e commerce jewelery arena and skip dealing with a little guy who has not worked the kinks out yet. Just mho...