
Impossible Surprise (Proposal Ideas Help!)


Nov 4, 2010
Hello All,
My gf typically plans our schedule. It is practically impossible to surprise her. I need suggestions/ideas on how I can managed to un suspiciously "plan" something and have an awesome proposal.

Thanks Guys!
A few ideas you could consider...

1. After you have a date in mind, mention that you got some tickets for an event that day (or night), and you'd like to take her to it. (Obviously this requires a little fibbing.)

2. Again with the fibbing, you could tell her you will be out of town (on business perhaps?) for a few days (spanning the date you plan to propose). If she happens to keep her own schedule pretty clear during that time, you could show up and surprise her then. If she regularly meets with certain friends when you two are apart, this may require some coordination with those friends.

3. If you have some time before you plan to propose, start doing some of the date scheduling/planning. Then when the time comes for you to plan the proposal day (or night), it'll seem perfectly normal. You two might even find that it works well for you to plan stuff.

4. If your proposal idea is flexible date-wise, you could wait for her to set up your schedule, and then plan the proposal around that. Maybe showing up at her place a night you expect her to be home alone, or surprising her by proposing on a normal date night, or something. Kind of depends what you have in mind for the proposal.
You described me. I have actually thought about the fact that I do most of the planning in my relationship. I think the only way my bf could really surprise me is to "book" me...make something up, say he wants to do something on whatever night. Yeah, it's a fib, but she won't care.
Hahaha! This is a great place to ask for advice!

I understand your conundrum!

Can you offer us a little more information?

Do you have a theme in mind? A place were you met? A special place you've been? In public? Privately? Locally? On a trip?
Give us your 'wish list' of how you can make this as unforgettable for her (and you) as possible.

Someone above mentioned 'fibbing'. I full out lied my a$$ off to pull it off. Trust me, when she gets the proposal, she'll have NO issue with you bending your character to make it the most memorable day possible for her. :Up_to_something:

Here is my proposal story:

Give us more details! You'll see that everyone here is quite willing to help :)
Let her plan the evening, a special date night or something. When she plans it out, contact the restaurant or wherever it happens to be, behind her back and the coordinate with them what you'd like to happen. If it's a small venue like a local restaurant, you may be able to rent out the entire place, have your own decor set up, invite all your friends, etc etc, the skies the limit if you can approach it from that way.

If she thinks it's just going to be a regular "date night" she'll be even more surprised when she walks into a restaurant that doesn't look like it should and you're the only two there. Then have your friends and family stagger in for "dinner" what a strange strange coincidence, and while she's distracted, you can pop the question.

That's just one way it could play out.

But if she's a total planner, you let her do her thing. You just have to be subversive and get in contact with the venue without her knowing.

Good Luck