
iLander and Danny's quit smoking thread


Jan 21, 2008
This thread is for iLander, me, and anyone else who wants to quit smoking!

Thanks, Ilander for suggesting this thread, and thanks, manderz for offering us moral support!

I smoked the last cigarette I had a few hours ago. Tomorrow will be my first day without cigarettes. Wish me luck!
Congrats to you for stopping!Get a jar...and for every day that you don't smoke put the amount of money you would have spent on smokes in that jar...its a visual reward system...the reward is a piece of jewelry from your favorite jeweler(maybe a Cartier trinity ring for example)or a donation to your favorite charity or the lung cancer institute?You have made a great choice for your future well being! Hope you don't mind if we check in now and again to see how you are doing with this new goal?
Good suggestion! Thanks!

I meant to post this thread in diamondhangout. :o
A big thank you to Ella for moving this thread cause I posted it in the wrong forum!!

Sorry, everyone- I didn't quit smoking yet. :oops:

I hope I can tomorrow or the day after.

I'm moving (not a big move, just across town) so a little stress because of that.

When my father quit smoking he put his daily butt money into a piggy bank every night for the rest of his life. We took family trips on that money, bought new appliances, all sorts of stuff. Too bad he didn't know enough to buy gems with it!

Danny -- you just moved. Is everything okay? Hugs.

--- Laurie
I quit in August of 2000 and it was haaaard. I chewed on pens, ate a lot of mints, exercised like a fiend, did chores at home, everything I could think of to stay busy and keep my mind off it.

It sucks and it's hard but you guys can do it!
Hooray for deciding to quit! That's a big step and we're here for support. Use this thread to vent, chat, whatever. We'll help keep you busy and not think about it.

iLander, how are you doing? I was following your other quitting thread not too long ago.

YAY! Go you guys! You got this!


I'm glad you are taking this step Danny as it shows you really DO want this and that's the first big step.
Quitting smoking is the smartest thing anyone could do.
It's so bad for you in so many ways.

Dust to both of you.
Good for you guys! I wish you well as you take the first steps toward quitting, Danny!
And kudos to ILander who's been working hard at this for a while!
it is hard but not impossible. find what works for you and stick with it.

for me it was giving myself permission to smoke but only in prescribed ways: i could buy a carton of cigarettes every pay day which was twice a month. i could not bum a cig off anyone and i could not buy a pack from a machine. i could smoke when i wanted where i wanted but once that carton was gone, it was i learned first to pace myself. i carried a pack or two on me at all times and i had a couple in the glove compartment of the car "just in case". got to a point that because i had permission to smoke, i didn't need to. i'd buy my carton twice a month but there came a point wheni hadn't finished my previous carton and the new one/s went into the freezer. then i realized i was no longer smoking at all and i had all these cartons of smokes frozen........gave them away and never looked back. it happened over time....every couple of years i might light one up because as i said, i have permission to smoke. its not the evil thou must not do it. but when/if i do, i never finish it! it always reinforces for me that i don't understand why i did it in the first place and thati just don't miss it at all.

also, when giving up something, its easier when its replaced with something. my dad did it by playing with a yo-yo when he had the urge to smoke. that was over 50 years ago and he's been smoke free all that time. [yes, he got really good at doing yo-yo tricks.]

i really like the idea of placing the cost of the habit into a jar each day and feeding the bling habit instead!

good luck to you all.
Yayyyy!! Glad to see you decided to make a thread. The more support you have, the easier it's going to be, imho. Someone to talk you down when you have a rough craving (or to threaten to break your fingers if you're being really stubborn like me, haha!) is SO helpful!!

Don't be embarrassed about a setback. It's all part of the process.You have the will to start, and you're making it happen, that's all that matters1
YEAH DANNY!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

You quit whenever you're ready, we're here for you!

I know I quit a few times, for a few days at a time, but I'm on week 7 now and I'm pretty happy with it. That's the longest time I've ever gone without being pregnant with someone (both times I was expecting, I quit the whole time without any trouble. The secret-motivation!). It's not easy, but I've had some success with patches (down to 1/4 of one per day) and lozenges (4 mg, mint, 3-4 per day). You might want to give those a try and see if either of them work for you.

Also, tell a lot of people. Tell everyone you know, even random grocery clerks, because they'll ask about it later. Then, when you want to smoke, you'll think about all those people that might ask about it. Like all these people on the forum! I kept picturing them being kinda bummed if I started again. That really helped those first few days. All their notes and kind words were invaluable!

I think you'll be doing yourself a huge favor if you quit, Danny. It's not just the possibility of it making you sick when you're old, it's the type of sicknesses that smoking causes; feeling like you can't catch your breath, difficulty doing simple things, feeling weak, painful heart strain. What about a stroke? That's a sad situation, and you don't want to be that guy!

I used to smoke because it made me feel rebellious against all the people that said I couldn't smoke. Then I considered it again and I realized I was a slave to big corporate jerks! I was a slave to having cigarettes around all the time, having time to smoke, smelling smoky and covering that smell. Etc., etc.! Who has the time for that nonsense? I don't need it, and neither do you!

You can do it. Ask your SO to do some nice things for you the first week or so. And explain how agitated and pissed off you'll be (patch really helps with that!). And give yourself time and go easy on yourself. Every so often, I smoke a half a cigarette. As time goes on, they taste more awful and don't do anything for me. But it's not a big deal. I've still quit, even after a slip.

I'm not a smoker anymore, and you won't be either Danny. I believe in you!! :appl: :appl:
Awesome! This is really great. Your body is going to start healing the very same day you stop smoking which is really amazing. I'll be cheering you guys on!

P.S. I always knew smoking was really bad but I never knew HOW bad until I started nursing school and saw JUST how many illnesses have smoking as a risk factor. It's really REALLY disturbing.
Danny, how ya doing?
Good luck Danny and iLander!

I quit three years ago. One of the BEST decisions I ever made. I was a pack/day smoker. and the message boards helped me a lot. I also used the patch. Just to be able to touch the patch on my arm and know that I had the nicotine in my system and I just had to get over the psychological aspect made it easier.

Another piece of advice: every time you crave a cigarette, brush your teeth. It actually helps. Also, yoga breathing. Really helped in the middle of a craving.

You'll do great. You'll be breathing easier as soon as you know it!!
Dust to you both!!! I like the piggy bank idea... A visual reminder of the money you are saving and a nice goal to save for a nice reward for yourself.
Thanks, everyone!

Jewelerman, I'm doing fine. How are you doing?

Laurie, it's sweet of you to ask! I love my new place! I'm deliriously happy. It's in a residential neighborhood, up higher in elevation, quiet, beautiful, cool, with a fair amount of rain, and no pollution at all from cars, trucks, outside my window as it was at my last place, no sugar cane burning as it was at my last place when they burn sugar cane, no agricultural pollution as it was at my last place where we had pollution from the sugar cane fields (pesticide), municipal bug spraying in from trucks in the street, soot everywhere, covering everything every other day. It's also $400 less a month and $200 less in electricity! My new place is so much better. We were so lucky to find it.

ILander, your experience quitting and your supportive words inspire me! Hugs!

Ok, so today is Day 1. I had my last cigarette, it wasn't even a cigarette, it was what was left of one, at around 6 PM, I don't know but sometime around 4-6 hours ago.

It seems like the right time to quit since SO doesn't think I should be smoking in the new place and this is the second night here, and also spending $10-$12 a day is so stupid!

I have a lot to unpack and organize but hopefully I'm going to be able to start saving cash in a jar. I didn't get my ring yet and I just want it asap.

Thanks again, everyone of you. I so much appreciate your help, especially since the first week or two is the hardest. iLander, keep up the good work! :wavey:
Anytime you think about having a cig come to PS instead and stare tabling to motivate yourself to save that cig money for something healthier
How's it going Danny! Glad the move went well!!! Saving $10/day is a HUGE savings!!! $10 * 30 = $300 in one month! You can buy a fancy smart phone with that! Or in just 2.5 months you can buy an iPad. If you're not a techie, in 4 months you can buy yourself some Sah-WEET jewelry!!! We can help you "shop"

We're here cheering you on Danny! As long as you're still determined to quit you're still successful! :appl: :appl:

That is great Danny!

The money saved is a huge motivator! I think you should treat yourself to that nice Cartier ring that you had your eye on! :appl:

A few weeks will go by wether you choose to smoke or not; but if you choose not to smoke, you will have a fabulous ring as your reward! :love:


Resist the urge to just throw that money back into the general household fund. It is your reward and you deserve it!

You ROCK, Danny!! :appl:
Sending my support!
Yay Danny!! Nothing like a change of scenery to help inspire personal change too! SO happy for you :appl:
Hey iLander, how are you doing??
Wow, thanks for the kind words everyone! Well, it's been one day. It's not physically the most pleasant experience but I'm sticking to it and the worst will only last for a few more days. :wavey:
Yeah Danny!

The worst part is the first couple of days and your attitude is great! :appl: It WILL get easier but you understand it is work

But it is work worth doing. It pays you back with health! I noticed that my moods were more stable so I guess it pays in happiness too!

You can do it!

Good luck both. And well done for quitting. I quit about 6 years ago, and its one of the best things I ever did. I did two things that helped. I bought a new perfume and hand cream. I hated the way smoking made me smell, so everytime I wanted a ciggie I smelt my new perfume in order to remind myself that I smelled nice and a ciggie would make me smell like an ash tray. Second I refused to think of myself as a smoker again. I caved so many times and had a cigarette. In fact sometimes when I am drunk I will cave even now (once or twice a yr). The trick to avoid going back on them when this happens is to refuse to believe that a couple of mistakes makes you a smoker again.
You can do this Danny! I did it four months ago. Yeah, I still get cravings but I eat a lot of sugar free chocolate sucking candy and sugar free chocolate gum drops (my fave). Just find something, anything, that will help to sooth the craving when it comes. I'm not going back and once you finally do stop for good, don't go back either. I'm saving a TON of money! More sparklies, more bling! Seriously!
danny you can do it!! we are all rooting for you :)
how's it going, crew? danny, when it gets rough, do something else to take your mind off of it. seriously. it works. do that something else the minute you get a craving. keep busy. keep moving. keep posting and getting support here!