


Jan 1, 2011
I know everyone on here really dislikes IGI/EGL or really any other besides GIA or AGS. I know if a lot of reputable posters say this, then everyone else will repeat that. Does anyone have a stone that has been graded by both to actually have proof? Or is it heresay? I am not disagreeing with anyone. I just wish I had proof to really see if there is a difference. I have even seen people say that a IGI could be 3 or 4 grades off! That seems very excessive. I would not mind buying an IGI if I knew that they were *maybe* off by 1 or possibly 2 (if the price would be fair for the lower grade) I have an IGI graded stone that multiple jewelers have looked at, and agree with the IGI cert. Now, I have not sent it off to GIA, as I think it would be pointless to spend the money, just to have a comparison...
Exceptions to a rule do not vanish the rule.
Sample size of 1 or even 10 are still just exceptions.
Why bother looking for one or two?

Pro after pro here with decades of combined experience have told us again and again that GIA and AGS have the most consistent, believable and highest grading standards.

Don't bother with an exception or two, just go with IGI if you are one of those people who think you can get something for nothing or have to believe you got some killer deal, and GIA/AGS stones are just overpriced.
People vary.
I am not looking to get "something for nothing." I am simply curious to see just how "off" IGI really is. Again I said, if it could be up to 3 or 4 than I would completely ignore any IGI diamonds in the future. If not, I would maybe consider purchasing one, taking the slight variations into consideration in relation to price. I believe the pros who say GIA is more reliable. I am just asking if anyone has actually had experience with a diamond truly being completely off or perhaps quite similar.
iugurl101|1294016915|2812708 said:
I am not looking to get "something for nothing." I am simply curious to see just how "off" IGI really is. Again I said, if it could be up to 3 or 4 than I would completely ignore any IGI diamonds in the future. If not, I would maybe consider purchasing one, taking the slight variations into consideration in relation to price. I believe the pros who say GIA is more reliable. I am just asking if anyone has actually had experience with a diamond truly being completely off or perhaps quite similar.

No problem.
But if I tell you my IGI was only one grade higher than GIA what use it that to you?
Will you take that to mean that every IGI you find will also be only 1 grade optimistic?

Exceptions to a rule are what they are but rules still hold.

Nobody is gong to tell you IGI is always exactly X grades optimistic.
They vary.
That's one of the problems with grading from the off labs, inconsistency.
Another thing you get with AGS/GIA is a more narrow range of variability. (they are not perfect either)

Of course this inconsistency means that it IS possible to find that rare IGI needle in the haystack that really IS a good deal.
But how much time do you have and who are you going to trust to definitively state that a particular diamond is really X and Y clarity and color? - A GIA or AGS report is the authoritative document you want.

It sounds like you want AGS/GIA product at IGI prices.
The question doesn't have a simple answer. IGI has numerous worldwide locations with site-based management.

Their reputation in the US has been arrived-at largely based on the finished jewelry appraisal-reports which are famously misused by salespeople to demonstrate what a "bargain" a piece is. That trend is unfortunate, as is the fact that those reports eclipse the number of IGI loose diamond reports issued in this country. Meanwhile, the IGI Antwerp lab has a strong history in Europe and IGI Hong Kong has nothing short of a top reputation in Asia. The loose diamond grading results from the HK lab are widely considered on par with GIA with no complaints of inconsistency. In fact the IGI "Hearts & Arrows" grading report from the HK lab is seen in much the same way that an AGS Ideal report is in the US.

Here's a related thread which may be of interest.
Thank you John. On the reports, does it specify which lab graded the stone (Hong Kong, Antwerp etc)? Are they normally sold only over their own countries or also online (such as James Allen, ID Jewelry)?

Have you personally seen such large discrepancies between GIA and IGI?
I've been shopping diamonds for many months. Nobody quoted or delivered to me an IGI diamond report. Got it?

That may be all you need.
iugurl101 said:
Thank you John. On the reports, does it specify which lab graded the stone (Hong Kong, Antwerp etc)? Are they normally sold only over their own countries or also online (such as James Allen, ID Jewelry)?
If you're examining a loose diamond report examine the top banner at the left, under the logo, for laboratory address. This sample indicates grading by the Antwerp laboratory:

iugurl101 said:
Have you personally seen such large discrepancies between GIA and IGI?
Yes and no: I have seen, firsthand, the abuse of finished jewelry appraisal-reports by salespeople in commercial outlets. "Finished jewelry" is an important distinction; not many loose diamond reports are issued here. My understanding is that 90% of IGI reports in the USA are done for already-mounted jewelry and often use split-grades by necessity. That ratio is upside-down compared to IGI's other worldwide labs which issue far more loose diamond reports. I have been able to examine a good number of those and find them in-line with any other lab's top standards, but the majority were admittedly in stores I was visiting in Antwerp, HK and mainland China.

Do remember that you frequently get what you pay for. Whether NY, Antwerp or Mars...if you're looking at two reports - one saying "2ct F VS1 Ideal" for $40K and another saying "2ct F VS1 Ideal" for $30K - I have no doubt that you'll eventually uncover meaningful reasons for the difference.
Thank you very much =)