
If you could relive...


Apr 28, 2010
any age range...which would you choose?

I would want to relive my 16-20 yrs.

Some of my most favorite memories come back from those years.

A lot of times I say I wouldn't do anything different but sometimes I wish I could go back to that age range with the things that I know now and do a few things differently.

How about you? Any particular age or age range that stands out to you?

I find myself thinking about this a lot!
I would go back to 16-22, because I made some poor life decisions then. I had a rough time starting around 16, and didn't care about school, or going to college, and didn't have the best work ethic. I didn't go to college until I was 26, about a year and a half ago. I'd have been so much better off to have done it then.
I'd really want to relive everything from middle school through college, but if I couldn't do that, then definitely at least high school. Around when I was 10 years old, I fell in with the 'wrong' crowd, meaning the 'outcast' kids. Unfortunately, the girl who I started hanging out with the most turned on me in high school, and our whole group then sided with her.

I was kind of a loner from that point on - the 'popular' kids always teased me and talked about me behind my back, and then, so did the outcasts. Of course, back then, high school and my peers were my whole world, so I was completely devastated. My self-esteem plummeted, and I did some pretty stupid things to try to be 'cool'. I also wanted for guys to find me attractive and see me as 'hot' (rather than gross), so I dressed the wrong way to try to get that attention.

I wish I could go back and relive all of that, and just make different decisions and realize that high school isn't all that there is to life. I really feel like there are some unresolved issues there (at least in my mind), and I also wish that I had made some different decisions and handled the situation differently. I just never really had fun or developed the way that I should have during those years, and it still shows now.
I'd probably go back to college. I was so stressed and so worried about my grades and doing well. Now, years and years later, I look back and think that it wasn't all necessary. I should have enjoyed that time...the mix between independence for the first time in my life but still not totally out on my own. I'd have a lot more fun if I were to do college all over again!
I'd want to relive the years between 26-32. That's when I got married and had my 2 beautiful babies...yes, being pregnant and giving birth were the highlights of my life, I wish I could remember the feeling again!
I'd relive college, definitely! I was super-productive and had a lot of fun at the same time, made lifelong friends, did tons of really fun activities, saw a bunch of concerts and shows, and really just had an awesome time.
My early 20's. I always lived my life with no regrets, but I didn't appreciate myself as much as I should've.
I initially was going to say early 20's - for the simple fact that I miss being young and pretty and it would be fun to experience those years again.

But then I remembered how happy I was when I became a mom - I'd want to relive the years from 28-32, when I had my kids. It would be wonderful to hold my babies again.
My early 20's. I should have taken school more seriously, could have had better grades for grad school and chosen a different major. Heck, maybe even go to medical school.

But for some reason things worked out in their own way. I think I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. I probably wouldn't be as appreciative as I am now. 8)
1975-1985...gambling,pool halls and holding "PINK" in my hand... :naughty:
16-21. I had a blast.
My years in college...I would have done a few things differently -- spent less time on school overall and more time with friends and on investigating possible careers.

My years 15-18 were ridiculous and exciting...I made some silly decisions but I wouldn't have it any other way now. was good then
There are a lot of different periods in my life that I would love to experience again but if I had to choose just one I would choose to relive my early thirties when I first met my husband and enjoy that experience of dating and falling in love with him for the first time all over again.

Though I would honestly say these are the best times of our life now even with all the trials and tribulations of the last few recession laden years. We have made it through some very tough times together (and still have some to come) and we are fortunate that we are happy and healthy and in a better place than if we had not gone through that difficult and life altering period.
For sheer enjoyment & learning, I'd re-do my late 20s through 30s when I was traveling internationally, meeting super people, living abroad w/a new husband. I also wish I could be the age I was when my grandparents were still alive -- so many many questions I wish I'd asked about their lives in early times.
Honestly, I don't think I've hit the point in my life that I'd want to re-live yet. Ask me again in 20 years!
I would NEVER want to be 16 again. Yikes. I hated being 16 the first time. I was so. in. love. with my guy friend Jim that I literally wanted to die when he didn't return my affections; it was the worst thing that ever happened, no one loved me, I must be some kind of freak, etc. I didn't want to live anymore, omg the dramaz. It was ridiculous, but it was all-consuming at that time. Now, at 30, Jim and his wife are some of my best friends, and FI and I hang out with them almost every weekend. It took many years of being apart and growing up, but the awkwardness is now 10000% gone, we have a great friendship with zero drama, his wife is fantastic and a great friend as well, and I am so glad not only to be done with my teenage years, but also to have gotten a second chance at building [healthy] relationships with some of the people who made high school what it was. It was horrible being that age, but I couldn't be happier that everything worked out the way it did. So instead of reliving my youth, I'll stay at my current age for as long as I can!
While no one section of my life was any better or worse than others I would pick college just because my best friend from college was killed 12 years ago and I would sure love to spend some more time with her.
I'd probably go back to being 17 and choose a cheaper college to attend so as to avoid being in debt for years to come! :) But honestly, I really enjoyed where I went to college and that was a very positive time in my life--I had great internships, I fell in love with my husband--so maybe it was worth it.

The one other time I wouldn't mind going back to is age 23. That's when we got Byron. I wish I could relive my time with him as a puppy knowing how blessed I would be to have him in my life.

I know this is going to sound eye-roll worthy (and it probably is), but I'm excited about this time in my life. I've been married for a few years now, we've been on some truly amazing vacations, we bought a house last year, I'm pregnant and really excited about the next chapter of our lives. I'm really happy with my life right now...I need to remember to enjoy each day, even if it's full of nausea!
Right now is pretty great. I will probably want to re-live the next two years over and over (getting engaged, married, hopefully pregnant).
I would echo Junebug about going back to the good looking days but choosing the times I had my kids. I'd much rather be able to hold them again and see their smushy faces.
I would also go back from 20-29. I got married at 20 and had 4 kids before I was 29. I would tell that younger me to appreciate
the time more and not feel so weighed down by the responsibility. I would allow myself to FEEL young and appreciate the days.
I loved when the kids were young and said such funny things, and I would write every single one down.

I would say the things to my family that I cannot now because they are all gone. I didn't stand up for myself enough then, and I wish I
had. I would find the answers to the questions I didn't ask.
I would love to be in my teens again in the 1970s. Heck I would love to be any age again back in the 1970's. Love music from the 70s and so much more. Went to many concerts (free) and college did not cost an arm and a leg back then. No cell phones, no computers, no was much simpler back then.
I would say my college years. Those were the best years in my life. If I had it to do over again, I would have spent more time enjoying those years and not worrying so much about the future.
I'm 34 right now and have to say that this is my fave age so far! My 30's for sure. I have loved every part of my life but these last few years have been the most satisfying. I'm a mom, wife, homeowner, great education, some decent bling, healthy, in good shape and no grey hair or wrinkles (yet). Does it get any better?? :twirl:
I'm sure I'll look back at my age range now (30-34) 10 years from now and think it was great, but as far as this question, I'd say I'd love to re-live ages 16-20! I had so much fun from 17 on...some of my BEST memories are from then. I looked great, I was feeling good, I was going to college (at 18), I was just experiencing life with eyes wide open and excited! I didn't know to be scared! Now I feel like, in my early 30's, I have reasons to be fearful and worried. I never experienced that in my 20's and that's what made them so freaking fun!

I love my age now, but who doesn't say that about their current age? It's not like we want to admit that it's not the best. Because honestly, the best (imo) is in your 20's when you just don't give a damn about most things you do in your 30's and beyond. You don't have the worries, period. And I think that's why you see people trying to re-live their youth by dressing younger than they are, driving cars that don't fit their lifestyle, etc. Everyone wants to be young, that's all. Nothing wrong with it, but it just slips away from us, myself included.
My early 40's were fantastic. DH and I were both healthy, the kids were in their 20's and fun to be with, and we did a lot of travelling. Those were the days, my friends :appl: :wavey:
soocool|1311107983|2972466 said:
I would love to be in my teens again in the 1970s. Heck I would love to be any age again back in the 1970's. Love music from the 70s and so much more. Went to many concerts (free) and college did not cost an arm and a leg back then. No cell phones, no computers, no was much simpler back then.
yep, the best music ever :!:
22 and 25 were pretty good years for me. I've literally just turned 36 and have to admit my 30's and the past year in particular has been very good to me in many aspects of my life. I'm a tad peeved I've left the 30-35 age range - aka 'early 30's' and now well and truly on my way to the big 4-0 :shock: the past few years seem to have flown by, I think I'd like to be eternally 32 with all the knowledge I've gained since then.
I haven't had a full opportunity to read all of the responses yet, but for me, I'd relive these past ten years (36-46) over and over again if I could. For many reasons, I truly feel this has been the best period in my life.

My self-confidence has changed flavor; as a young woman, it came from a sheer belief in myself that was largely yet untested. Now it's born through proven resilience earned through experiences.

I'm past the 'salad days' and am now firmly established in my career, which has brought a solid income and meaningful financial stability. During these ten years, I also met and married my husband....and we bought a home together.

Not only do we both enjoy relatively good health, but my parents have remained fairly healthy and active, too. That's been a blessing, and one that I know will inevitably be changing in these next ten years as they become older. I'm thankful we've been mindful enough to enjoy these past years with them, enjoying dinners, shows, card games, outings, fishing, and many other activities that bring much laughter together. I feel acutely aware that those shared times will mean even more to me when they aren't here someday, and I'm humbled that I've had a chance to *really* get to know my parents for the people they are and not just within their roles as my parents. They are amazing people, and we thoroughly enjoy their company.

I've watched close friends start families of their own, and I've been honored and thrilled to have been invited to share in their joys. Being the 'cool' adult auntie is one of my most relished roles, and I love spoiling them.

This period of my life has been the most settled and perhaps the most worry-free time of my life. I feel a bit apprehensive about the next ten years; I worry about my parents and how the years will impact them and us healthwise. The more time we spend with them, the less I can fathom having to miss them someday. On the other hand, I do so look forward to seeing my friends' children grow.

For these reasons and many more, I would live these past ten years over and over again if I could.