
If you can turn back the clock would you change your college major?

@qubitasaurus I am a newcomer to crystal growth & related mathematical diffraction, or so I am kidding myself.
Absolutely. I'd probably pick chemistry or geology.
I did Finance but would have loved to do Medicine (marks not good enough). DH has degrees in Finance also but is currently doing a degree in Geology. DD is just finishing her final year and wants to go into Medical Research. Luckily she has the brain and attributes to succeed.
DS did law, qualified here and again in France and had wanted to do Forensic Science originally but found out she couldn’t handle blood, cutting and slicing or dead things!
DB has a computer science degree but would have rather been a marine biologist.
I wouldn't change undergraduate degree, but I would change my graduate degree. Instead of getting a darn MBA I should have gotten past my hesitance to work with cadavers and persued my MD as I originally planned.

I'm not complaining now, I'm too far in at this point.
A different degree wouldn't change my compensation, but maybe would be more enjoyable day to day.
I wouldn't change my major or the fact that I went to a state school. I have a very nice career as a result.
@qubitasaurus I am a newcomer to crystal growth & related mathematical diffraction, or so I am kidding myself.

Ah ok, someone told md a few months ago that inverse scattering and inverse diffraction were rapidly growing areas at the moment due to machine learning. Is it something like this?
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I would not turn back the clock period. I did not like school, still have nightmares about midterms and finals. If I did turn back time I would NOT attend university or grad school, but instead choose a career like acting or recording artist, where a degree is not needed.
I sat for the CPA exam when it only required a 4 year’s degree in accounting. Although my real dream was to teach Algebra, I wouldn’t change a thing because I met my husband in college studying accounting. It’s been a good life.

If it was your dream to teach Algebra, there's no reason to let that dream die! There are so many opportunities to do this outside of becoming a full-time math teacher. There's adult ed, community college, tutoring...

I've taught accounting at a satellite campus of a private college even though my only experience in the courses was taking them myself for my MBA. Now I'm a full-time math teacher even though my undergrad degree was in Chem Eng. I don't regret any education I've had, formal or not. I'm a lifelong learner.
@qubitasaurus It is all about the inverse problem - telling of structure from some diffraction measure or other. I am hooked on some analytical problems requiring pen & paper, have not heard to ML or AI except for stray mentions in footnotes; qubits, I am not sure how to make.
Although I love what I do and am quite good at it, I wish I had a career where working from home wasn't impossible.
No regrets. I would pick the same major.
I majored in Biology but took lots of courses in my favorite field at the time Psychology. I wanted to go into Psychology but my parents dissuaded me saying I would take things too much to heart if I became a psychologist. So I listened to them and went into a different field and hence majored in Biology.

If I had to do it all over again...and I don't regret going into the career I did as that is how I met my dh. He was a patient of mine lol. However, if I had to do it all again I would major in Statistics or something similar based in Math. I love numbers and my mind used to work well that way and I think I could have had a good career that was math based.

Instead I went into biology and I have no regrets about that or else I would not have met Greg and well the rest is history. Hahaha or should I say Biology/Chemistry.:lol:

So interesting! I have rarely heard people say that they'd rather have done a math degree! You are one of an elite few, if you could have majored in math. For my students, that is the biggest issue many times that forces them OUT of a major and into another because they cannot achieve the math level needed. You have a special brain!
Although I love what I do and am quite good at it, I wish I had a career where working from home wasn't impossible.

I don't know if I've ever heard anyone say this! Usually people are trying to find a way TO work from home! Out of curiosity, what don't you like about it?
This is such an interesting question, and I don't know how to answer it. I had two majors, and most of them people would consider "fluffy," in the education world. My undergrad degrees are Communication, with a public relations concentration (like a minor) and English with a journalism concentration.

I do not work in public relations or journalism, despite those degrees. But I'll tell you, I loved EVERY minute of college - the English was an extra major, just because I loved reading so much - I filled that degree instead of what other people would have picked for elective credits.

I do teach Communication at the collegiate level, and it's the greatest job in the world, so I guess the answer is no. Even if I said yes, I would have just picked another humanities/social science major anyway. I think the one answer I would add, is that I would have finished my PhD, which I did not do. I stopped after my master's degree - if I had finished, I would be a full-time professor now, although I would have had to go where the jobs were, and wouldn't be able to live where I do currently, which is near all of my family. Currently, I'm only adjunct, but I teach a lot of classes. I also counsel my students in choosing majors, so I really loved thinking about this!
i'd go back and go to medical school, not get a degree in Business.
i'd go back and go to medical school, not get a degree in Business.

And I would immediately hire you to be my personal doctor. You would be a great physician Kate. We need you and more caring compassionate intelligent individuals in the medical field. They do exist (many of them PSers!) but not in great enough numbers.
So interesting! I have rarely heard people say that they'd rather have done a math degree! You are one of an elite few, if you could have majored in math. For my students, that is the biggest issue many times that forces them OUT of a major and into another because they cannot achieve the math level needed. You have a special brain!

Haha well there is definitely something "special" about it no doubt :lol: but I am not sure it is a good special. I was always good in math and science and enjoyed them. I don't think there is one perfect field rather what is best at that time. And during different periods of life our preferences change and I guess that is why many people don't have just one career anymore. I am too old to start anything new but this is a fun thread to read and dream what could have been....
Thank you Missy, so nice of you. I wanted to be a physician from 4 years old on, got to college met my 1st husband freshman year, he was going to go to medical school, so I thought I'd be Mrs. Doctor, (my mother didn't say "Laziness they name is CATHERINE" for nothing. Also, the turmoil at home was a quite a bit and I took a few law classes and thought business was the way to go, I had great jobs at IBM no complaints, but as you know, there is a unique feeling in the medical field of self satisfaction in your life's career and the yang of patients :) xoxoxoxoxo

And I would immediately hire you to be my personal doctor. You would be a great physician Kate. We need you and more caring compassionate intelligent individuals in the medical field. They do exist (many of them PSers!) but not in great enough numbers.
@qubitasaurus It is all about the inverse problem - telling of structure from some diffraction measure or other. I am hooked on some analytical problems requiring pen & paper, have not heard to ML or AI except for stray mentions in footnotes; qubits, I am not sure how to make.

I think the ML stuff may be a fad in any case :lol-2:.

In any case it sounds like you are enjoying working through the details, which is really nice.
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If yes to what major? :))

My mother assured me college was a waste and I was wife material...not the college type. Heh, career planning in 1982.

My daughter is a biochemist. You bet I supported her education!