
I think I'm ready to go on this ring, just worried SI1


Sep 20, 2015
So after doing more research here on PS, learning more about the nuances of about cut, etc, I found a ring that I think I'll really love that fits my budget:

The HCA report is:

Light Return: Excellent
Fire: Excellent
Scintillation: Very Good
Spread:Very Good

Total Visual Performance - 1.4 - Excellent

My only real concern is the crystal inclusion on the table. However when I zoom out I can't see it, and most people's opinions are that it will be eyeclean. I'm just nervous (though JA has a great return policy so it's really not that much of a risk). Anyone have specific experience with inclusions on the table that can't be seen once you actually had the stone in hand? Guess I'm just looking for reassurance or affirmation from people far wiser than me, to be honest. :?
Did you ask JA about eye-cleanliness? If they say yes, ask how far away are they eye-balling it from.
No I haven't been able to do that and don't think I'll be able to while still maintaining a hold on the diamond. I was just interested in opinions based on other peoples experiences with real-life rings vs the 10-20x James Allen photos.
I think you'd be able to see if it if you were to look for it - ie, 2-3 inches away with good eyesight. However, I think at 6+ you wouldnt see much. I have a similar inclusion, and I can see it close up, but once you put your hand out a bit, and if there is much movement I can't tell. The sparkle masks the inclusion quite a bit, and it's also white. It's not a black spec so it doesnt stand out as much.
Thanks, this is helpful. I don't think my significant other is someone that would worry too much about mind clean, and if she never sees the plot or close up photos she may never even know it's there.
After looking at probably 200 stones and learning more than I ever thought I would, I went ahead and with with this one a platinum pave. I'm a little nervous about the inclusion but the more I thought it out (Even drawing it's size on a piece of paper and seeing how big it would be right in front of my eye), I'm pretty confident it's going to look great since I love the cut and color. Thank you all for all your advice and all the information on this site.
Post some pictures once you receive it!
Congrats on your choice! :clap: Looking forward to seeing it! :wavey: