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Dec 31, 1999
about those jewelry commercials.

I REALLY REALLY LOVE HIM! December is the season for jewelry advertisements. A typical TV commercial involves a woman who loves a man, but in a tentative, wishy-washy sort of way, until he gives her very expensive jewelry. Now she really loves him, all because of that diamond.

Intellectuals often exaggerate the power of advertisers to shape consumer preferences. From what little I know of the advertising business, it's all about figuring out what consumers want and then giving it to them. So there must be plenty of people out there who find the message of these commercials persuasive -- women who believe that the size of the diamond is an indicator of how much they should love the guy who gives it, and men who, understandably, strategize accordingly. How utterly pathetic.

It's not too hard to come up with a functional explanation, in which the size of the diamond is a signal of either the man's level of commitment or the standard of living the woman can expect after marriage. But diamond size doesn't seem an especially good signal of either, particularly if (as in the commercials) the man and woman are already in the midst of a long-term relationship, in which both of the qualities the diamond ostensibly signals can be directly observed. And if a signal is needed, why jewelry? Why not, say, lavish parties for the woman's blood relatives, or the ceremonial burning of currency? These human beings -- they sure can be hard to figure out.

two beers.

does that mean that i am disapointed by having started out a new stage in life by giving my fiance the best damn diamond out there? nope. living within and understanding the system are not mutually exclusive.
living within and understanding the system are not mutually exclusive.

Sylvesterii, well said :appl:
but education and information can do a lot to make a purchase that seems so shallow a lot more meaningful. if you look at what i paid for my diamond, i could have gotten a 1.25 Carat K Sl2. That would have been really big, but would it have been better? we all know the answer to that. When love and money mix, only two things can happen, spend too much or hurt feelings. that sucks. it is very unfortunate that people identify wealth with status, status with happiness, and diamonds with wealth.

With all that said, many many many people make me sick to my stomache because of their "I Got Mine" mentality. too much unfortunate competition because people are competing for the same resources through instinct. We should have moved above that idea a thousand years ago. does that mean K-Mart jeans are just as good as Levi? no, that is a question of true quality, not a name. just as an A Cut Above diamond is not the same as a diamond with .2 extra carat weight in the girdle...that is cracked, yellow, and off-center. heh.
De Beers gets a lot of well-deserved flack for its advertising approaches, but people often forget that diamonds have been valued throughout human history. They have a lot of unique qualities, and there's really nothing like a well-cut diamond. De Beers didn't invent that desire.

Advertising drives diamond demand to some extent, but that's true for just about all consumer products.

That said, I'm not sure I'd want to marry a woman who put as much emphasis on diamonds as those women in the De Beers commericals do. :bigsmile:
On 12/4/2002 2:06:04 PM

it is very unfortunate that people identify wealth with status, status with happiness, and diamonds with wealth.

Wealth, Happiness, Status & Diamonds.....ummm. I really don't think they are inter-related. I am however happy that we have the wealth to buy what one considered status - a big diamond.

Really though, for me, our purchase has more to do with "attaining a certain position in life that one can afford such a luxury". The diamond is a tangible expression of hard work & sacrifice. :bigsmile:

I hope you know I'm ribbing you. And, I am in complete agreement that "society" in general tends to place way to much value on material "status" possessions. To me, Debeer's is just pushing those inate buttons. Satisfaction in life, or conversely lack thereof, has more to do with self esteem.

Oh dear, rambling on......already feeling cabin fever from the "big snow".
great post, Leonid! thanks!

You're up in the nothern country with me, right? Ever read an Adbusters? One of the many beautiful things about Vancouver...:praise:
But I do want to marry a woman who values me primarily for status symbols that a relationship with me will allow her to attain. That is why I am a graduate student.

Is there anything wrong with that?
My boyfriend loves me alot because he bought me a 1.23 carat diamond instead of a 1 carat like many of my friends. But if he loved me more I think I should have been able to get a 1.5. Oh well, our marriage is doomed to fail due to the inadequate size of my diamond.


In all seriousness, as a die-hard marketing person, I would love to get some insight into the internal workings of DeBeers and be the proverbial fly on the wall to see how decisions are made and campaigns are thought up. They were the ones who originally began heavily promoting the diamond engagement ring as ritual, and thought up the 3-stone anniversary ring (for the tear-jerking past-present-future) idea, what is next? Veerryyyyy interesting.
This thread tickles me.

Oh dear, Student, hubby was in grad school - STATUS....oh my no...poverty!. but that was 20+ years ago! :-) Funny, at the time I just wanted him to "get a job".

Mara, somehow I think you will do fine.. a sense of humour above all is paramount..I am a tad worried about the diamond.:bigsmile: You may in 20 years spin out of control w/ an anniversary present!

O.K....definetely cabin fever
Oh dear, Student, hubby was in grad school - STATUS....oh my no...poverty!. but that was 20+ years ago! :-) Funny, at the time I just wanted him to "get a job".

That made me giggle too. When I was in law school, my wife was working full time while I sat around the house all the time studying. I like to think she married me *in spite* of having to put up with that for three years, not because of it. :naughty:
I do agree that its unfortunate that wealth-status-diamonds all go togother. Society and many of the people in it have placed so much emphasis on material items and comparing themselves to others (i.e.: my friends all got 1 ct. but I got 1.23, sorry, but true) that true happiness is gone. I don't have a big diamond but I'm in great health, have a great home, husband, job. I am well- educated and have very little debt and will still be traveling to Europe this spring, which I bet a lot of people bying huge rings can't say. I have 1 friend that got a 3 ct ring for engagement, ending up declaring bankruptcy and they broke up anyways. Hmmmm! I wish the world could be a simpler place.Sorry to be so harsh but this web page is not for me.:confused: :confused:
On 12/6/2002 5:43:44 PM

I don't have a big diamond but I'm in great health, have a great home, husband, job. I am well- educated and have very little debt and will still be traveling to Europe this spring, which I bet a lot of people bying huge rings can't say. Hmmmm! I wish the world could be a simpler place.Sorry to be so harsh but this web page is not for me.:confused: :confused:

I can say all of the above & have a big diamond also. We have worked hard to ascertain a certain lifestyle. And have over the years made sacrifices to be financially secure. To you - a 3 carat diamond may be frivilous & meaningless. To me, a 3 carat diamond - a tangible sign of our hard work.

just my 2 cents - but then I think Europe is overrated. ...having lived there for 2 years.
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