
I quit smoking today and I could use some dust


Jan 21, 2008
and virtual hand-holding please!

I quit about 1/2 hr ago. :o

I'm pretty familiar with the mechanics of quitting, so advice and tips are appreciated, but what I really feel like what I need even more is moral support.

I need to do this for my heath, finances, $300 a month on cigarettes is such a waste of money, and for SO who rightly told me I'm too old to be smoking without taking serious risks with my health. It would make SO very happy if I could succeed this time.


Danny, very best of wishes.

I succeeded, mindful of a significant other, some 17 years ago or so. It's not easy, but it's a good move.

Good luck, and...well...get ready for (modest) weight gain.

Ira Z.
Dust, dust, dust, Danny, dust and good wishes - quitting is hard, but it IS worth it. You can do it. Do whatever you need to do to get through: in the end, you'll be glad you did.

P.S. - Still flying the e-cig flag, just because they made it SO much easier for me.
sending dust your way! you can do it :)

Just think of all the diamonds you could buy with that extra $300 a month! :naughty:
Lots of dust Danny! It's hard and it sucks but it's so worth it!
Consider your hands held Danny! I have a friend that lost a large amount of weight in her 40s after dieting her whole life without success and she said what worked for her this time was before if she cheated one day she would say screw it, i'll start again tomorrow and then the next day do the same thing. This time she said she acknowledged that she will fall off the wagon sometimes but not to fall off for the whole day so even if she had a doughnut for breakfast she stuck with her salad for lunch and so on she said it became easier and she found herself falling off less and less. I think the premise applies to smoking also and I hope it helps. Sending dust your way......
Circe|1316640824|3022426 said:
Dust, dust, dust, Danny, dust and good wishes - quitting is hard, but it IS worth it. You can do it. Do whatever you need to do to get through: in the end, you'll be glad you did.

P.S. - Still flying the e-cig flag, just because they made it SO much easier for me.
Ditto! Still haven't had a real cigarette since I got mine.

Good luck Danny! It is wretchedly un-fun to quit.
Good for you!! I know it's hard, but you CAN do it :appl: :appl:
Best wishes to you! My FI just quit recently and I'm really happy about it. What do you like about smoking? For FI, it was a chemical addiction and so he quit with the help of the patch, and for my coworker, it was the oral/tactile experience, and so she combated cravings with copious amounts of sunflower seeds. I think having a plan to battle cravings will help tremendously.
All the best to you Danny since it is a real challenge.
It will be worth it.
sending lots of dust your way! and strength and resolve and most of all, patience and kindness towards yourself. :appl:
GO Danny!! A day at a time, an hour at a time, is one way to do it. Also when you get nutso, just get up & move around, do something else if possible -- "move a muscle, change a thought" is how we recovering boozers think of it. Same techniques work.

Much success, friend!

--- Laurie
Good luck Danny, im rooting for you :appl: :wavey: so great you've made this decision, you wont regret it, so soon you'll FEEL how good a decision it was =)
YAH!!! Way to go Danny! :appl: :appl:

You rock, my friend!

Think of all the cool stuff that you can buy with that money; a certain Cartier ring comes to mind ;)) It is a RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF MONEY isn't it? $300 a month is just too much, there are such awesome things you could do with that. Promise that you'll at least take some of that and spend it on yourself.

You can do it!

Dust, dust, dust!! :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
go, Danny, go! if you put the $ aside each and every day that you would have used to buy cigs, you'll see it accumulate before your eyes: $300 first month, 2nd month $600, etc. you could get yourself a nice congrats for quiting present with the $ you'd be saving.......put a picture up on the refrigerator of some place you want to travel to with the saved $, or a picture of a piece of jewelry!
Tons of dust to you! I quit cold turkey 8 years ago. It was hard but once I got through the first month or so it got a lot easier. If possible, I suggest a change of scenery, at least for the first week or two. Go to places you usually don't go, do new activities, take a vacation somewhere if you can (even just for the weekend), etc. I quit while on vacation and that helped keep my mind off cigarettes. Good luck-I know you can do this!
Sending tons of dust your way Danny! Just think about what you can spend that extra $300/month on, not to mention the extra years of living you'll have with SO! You can do this!
More dust coming at ya! You can do it!!
Lots of healthy lung dust coming your way!!! Start thinking how you will spend that extra $300 a month!

My DH used to chew tabacco (yuck was before I knew him) and he said the patches really helped him.
Dust! Tons of it!
Good luck. Lots of dust. Check in here if you need support.
sending dust your way!would rather see you have price Scope diamond dust in your lungs then smoke any day!
Wow, thank you everyone! I don't feel well enough to reply to each of you individually right now (headache) but I will. I just wanted to say a quick thank you and let you all know I've had no cigarettes and I'm on my way!

Thank you again! I'll post more in a couple days when I feel better! :wavey:
Hooray! Well done! I always said I would smoke until I was 25 and then stop (no idea why) and I did but it was really hard for the first few weeks. You CAN do it, and then you can join all the other ex smokers who wrinkle their noses really dramatically when anyone comes within 40 feet of you with a cigarette :bigsmile:
Mucho Dusto for the days ahead! You can do it. Think of a good habit to replace it with. Like pushups everytime you want a cigarette.
The hardest part for a lot of people is breaking the habit of "when" they were used to having a smoke: first thing in the morning, with coffee, while on the phone, while on your computer, after meals etc. So, when you feel that pull to have one (or to put on your shoes, grab your car keys and run out to 7-11) change where you are and what you're doing. Pour yourself something to drink that's different from your usual, like tea or soda or juice. Buy a LOT of sugar free sucking candy, gum drops, lollipops and Jelly Bellies :-). Jelly Bellies really help! Good luck to you. You CAN do this. You are stronger than a cigarette! It's really mind over matter!
Congratulations on making it this far! My dad said the hardest part of quitting was not having one as soon as he woke up with his coffee. I wish you luck in the morning! Try some excedrin for your headache, heck, take vicodin if you have to in order to get through these first few days.
Hi Danny! :wavey:

No need for individual replies, we're just here to help you. If it gets bad, try a 1/4 of a patch, it really takes the edge off.

You're going to FEEL so much better soon! The headache could be the nicotine leaving your system, so it's a good thing (well, sorta :twirl: )

Hang in there, we're rooting for you!
Lots of dust coming your way! Hang in there - you can do it!!