
I need dust :( / vent

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Sep 30, 2007
I just got fired...
They asked me if I could start coming in at 7am and I explained to them that due to my fiance working late and him being my only ride to work in the morning if I could continue working at 8am and just cut down on my hours and if this was absolutely not possible that I would be in at 7am.

Apparently that was too much for them and they fired me.

Also they said my performance was lackluster

I was supposed to have 7-8 printers to get a days worth of work printed and it did take a couple days to catch on (I only worked 3 days a week).
So...someone never ordered enough ink for all the printers and while I was learning how everything worked I also only had 3 printers to get it done on. How can you say my performance is lackluster when your delivery guy cant handle writing down that we need extra ink???

I guess it is all for the best though since it turned out that I was allergic to the ink and my hands were getting rashes on them and breaking out and burning. I wish I would have had a chance to report that and get worker''s comp.
I am soo sorry! hugs!!!

***dust for another job really soon!***
So sorry about the bad news!!

**Sending Dusts your way for a better job soon**
Smurf, I''m so sorry to hear your news! Hang in there!
**Dust for a new and better employment opportunity very soon!
so sorry to hear that. Sending lots of better job dust your way.
I am so sorry to hear that Smurfy! Heres some new *job dust* for you to find the perfect job! :)
Ohmygosh. I''m so sorry you''re going through this!! I have a friend with a similar ride type situation with work and I''m afraid the same thing may happen to him. Lots and lots of dust for you to find a new job!
thanks for the support you guys

thanks violet for letting me know i''m not the only one
The way the economy is you definitely are not the only one, but I know sometimes it feels like it. It''s amazing how each day I here of more people and jobs that I think would be "secure" are getting fired. It''s absolutely horrible.

Just know we''re all here for you and you''ll get through this and find something better! :)
Wow. Have you been there long enough to collect unemployment?
Ugh, I''m so sorry to hear this! They suck!
Date: 2/18/2009 3:30:22 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
Wow. Have you been there long enough to collect unemployment?

3 weeks
3 days a week
Date: 2/18/2009 3:41:23 PM
Author: Smurfysmiles

Date: 2/18/2009 3:30:22 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
Wow. Have you been there long enough to collect unemployment?

3 weeks
3 days a week
Ugh. Not good.

Well lots of *dust* that you soon find a good fit for you...
Sorry to hear that, Smurfy. I hope you can find suitable employment soon.
Im so sorry to hear this Smurfy. That just sucks. They really didn''t give you much of a chance, did they! I hope your hands recover soon and that you find something to kepe you afloat.
Aw, I''m sorry Smurfy! That lackluster comment makes me
- like they were just looking for something to say, ya know? I know it''s tough in this economy, but it sounds like getting out of there could be a lucky escape. *DUST* for a new job soon!
Awwww smurfs...
I was just thinking about you last night and wondering how everything was going for you over there because I haven''t seen you around since you started. I''m sorry to hear about that! But, it probably sounds like it''s for the best anyway if they are going to treat you like that.

I hope you find a better job real soon before you get some competition (me) knock on wood.
Things aren''t going the best where I am at right now. The business has asked for voluntary lay-off''s and after they see how many people volunteer, they will then do involuntary lay-offs possibly in March, some in May, and then more in September if things don''t start picking up.
I''m so incredibly worried and frustrated right now with the whole thing. Especially after getting laid off from my last job back in June. I know I''ve only been here since September but you always get that "uh oh, it''s me next cause I''m new" feeling. I guess they are going to go through departments and see who they can get rid of. It''s horrible really. I just hope I can survive. I can only hope I''ll be valuble to them here. Keep your fingers crossed for me!! And I will surely keep mine crossed for you!! It''s such a tough industry to begin with but with the economy on top of it, that isn''t helpful at all.....

Sending you finding a new better job dust!!!!!! **HUGS**
Thank you so much for the wonderful comments

Dreamgirl I hope things work out for you, I know my sister was in the same situation a couple weeks ago and ended up being an involuntary layoff person. They must be offering a good severance package if people are taking the voluntary layoff...
Wow, you and your FI haven''t had an easy time of things since you moved, have you? I''m sorry to hear that it didn''t work out. I''m sure something better is out there for you.
They certainly are but not too many seem to be taking them up on the offer. At least, by word of mouth anyway. I''ll find out in a few weeks.
Awww Smurfy i''m so sorry! I wish you all the best in finding a new job and it does sound like it''s for the best since it was hurting your hands. *Big Hugs to you*
Oh Smurfs...this is terrible. I hope your hands clear up soon and that jobs become available!! ****DUST FOR JOBS**********
So sorry Smurf! It sounds like your employers were jerks and would have tried to find something tiny and insignificant to fire you for eventually. At least now you don''t have to deal with ink rashes!
what would i do without you pricescope ladies? ....and ice cream? lol
i feel a lot better, i really do think i am better without them, i hope they''re stupid company gets flooded or something equally bad. hope i get a job soon *crosses fingers*
So sorry to hear about this! I really hope you find something better for you soon!
Sorry to hear this. Hopefully something else comes along soon. Do you have any temp agencies out there? It might be fruitful to look into that while you are sending out resumes and everything.
I''m so sorry they were such poopieheads!

Hang in there hun. For every door that closes another opens. (((BIG HUG)))
Sorry to hear about your job loss, but definitely glad to hear you're doing better. Chin up!!
I''m so sorry, smurfysmiles. That is too bad. I am sorry about your rashes, too - I hope they heal fast! Tons of new job dust to you.
That friggen sucks!

I''m sorry smurf...

*****dust***** to find (and land) an better job!
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