
I need a small D IF because that would be cool.


Jun 11, 2012
Hello, I'm the newest noob on PS and would like your input please.
I'm looking for a small (30-45pt) round brilliant, D, IF, ex ex ex for a pendant. A wee piece of perfection for my birthday. Tee hee!
I may or may not make it a Canadian, depending on price. This detail is not about conflict diamonds, I just would like a little chunk of the hubby's homeland.
So, my question is, if I'm already asking for something that is ideal cut, do I need to be specific with table and depth percentages, crown angles and whatnot? Because I have no idea about these measurements. I do want it to look bright white and fiery.
Also, on the GIA reports under clarity characteristics, what is the difference between 'surface graining' and 'minor details of polish'?

Here are two examples:

Thank you!
I'm so glad I found pricescope. :mrgreen:

P.S. It's late here and I'm off to bed, will be back in the a.m.


Mar 7, 2011
Hi Jane! Welcome to PS! I think it's very cool that you want a piece of perfection!! =) I'm sorry I haven't looked at your links yet, but I can tell you that color and clarity is not what makes a stone beautiful, so yes you need to pay careful attention to the cut of the stone. The cut is what makes the diamond have beautiful light performance, and since you are looking for perfection....

You're on the right track though by looking only at GIA ex or AGS ideal, avoid EGL like the plague as you want to know for sure this is a flawless stone and EGL is notorious for soft grading! AGS ideal stones have already been evaluated for light performance, so if you find one, it will almost always be a gorgeous stone. GIA has a larger cut criteria for it's excellent stones so you have to do a bit more research after you find one. The first step is running it's proportions through the HCA, located under the tools tab above. You are looking for a stone that scores under 2, and reject stones that score over 2. Once you find a predicted good performer you will want to request idealscope images from your vendor. You can learn more about this under the knowledge tab, but this will help you determine if the stone has any light leakage. With a smaller stone you want to make sure that it is bright from side to side, giving it the largest face up appearance possible. Then you ready to purchase and evaluate it for yourself! =)

I overslept and have to run to get my little guy to school, but I'm sure someone will be along very soon to review your links for you and offer an opinion! Can't wait to see what you choose! =)


Jun 5, 2012
I noticed the first link is actually an E color not a D color. The second link is a D IF however it has medium blue flourescence. It will run less with that. Although not detrimental to the look of the diamond, some people that want D IF stones would never buy one with the flourescence. It's a perfection thing. :read:


Jul 21, 2004
I'm inclined to agree with Florida above, if you're going to spring for D/IF, I would shy away from fluorescence. You're obviously looking for the 'best' and although I don't actually see fluro as a defect, some people do. It doesn't gain you anything and it comes with a perception of a problem. In answer to your other question, Table and depth percentage are both included as part of the GIA cut grading system already so if you already have the spec of GIAx, I don't think you limit much by including ranges for these two in your specs.


Jun 11, 2012
Hello Christina, DiamondBrokersofFlorida, and denverappraiser, thank you for your replies and advice.

I know the one stone was an E, not a D, but I couldn't find a D on Blue Nile for a Canadian stone.
I'm a little torn between the Canadian premium vs bigger stone for price but I'll just have to look at a few stones then decide. Purely personal preference.

The fluorescence doesn't bother me a lick. I like the price reduction and am secretly hoping for some blueness I can see in sunshine, and if this stone doesn't do that then i'll just have another project for another time. :Up_to_something: But some Fluor or none, for this wee stone, it doesn't matter much.

It seems that if I go for the GIA ex ex ex I'll be sweet for measurement ranges and will just have to eyeball them and do a little HCA score? Yay! I'm not sure my vendor can do ideal scope, I'll have to ask. I know that might sound dodgy on PS, but they have been serving the family for years and all the jewelry from them is lovely and sparkly. However, with my newfound knowledge I might start looking with quite the critical eye!

One more question. When I get my tiny perfect stone, do I post it in this thread or start another one?


Feb 8, 2003
JaneSmith|1339425771|3213744 said:
Hello Christina, DiamondBrokersofFlorida, and denverappraiser, thank you for your replies and advice.

I know the one stone was an E, not a D, but I couldn't find a D on Blue Nile for a Canadian stone.
I'm a little torn between the Canadian premium vs bigger stone for price but I'll just have to look at a few stones then decide. Purely personal preference.

The fluorescence doesn't bother me a lick. I like the price reduction and am secretly hoping for some blueness I can see in sunshine, and if this stone doesn't do that then i'll just have another project for another time. :Up_to_something: But some Fluor or none, for this wee stone, it doesn't matter much.

It seems that if I go for the GIA ex ex ex I'll be sweet for measurement ranges and will just have to eyeball them and do a little HCA score? Yay! I'm not sure my vendor can do ideal scope, I'll have to ask. I know that might sound dodgy on PS, but they have been serving the family for years and all the jewelry from them is lovely and sparkly. However, with my newfound knowledge I might start looking with quite the critical eye!

One more question. When I get my tiny perfect stone, do I post it in this thread or start another one?

Yeah, generally, it's recommended that you don't purchase from family jewelers/friends-of-family situations as their priority is to make money. You can buy an idealscope if you do plan to purchase a diamond from them so you can look at it and double check the light return of the stone and ensure you're getting the best.

Re: the E vs. D stones. I had an E that face up bright white and looked more crisp than my D because it was cut better. It kind of came down to what looked more like "perfection" in the color range on paper. The E was an AGS graded stone.


Oct 4, 2011
Welcome! i'd say post here --- then we can keep the info all in one spot!

Looking forward to viewing what you end up with... and also... I am in agreement with MC above - be careful of the friendly purchases. They don't always end well. Check out price and quality comparisons here on PS and see if they match. If you do all your background research, you'll feel confident you are purchasing the right stone for the right price.

Best of luck!


Jun 11, 2012
Thank you MC and Enerchi, you raise good points. Where is the best place to buy an ideal scope? Fingers crossed that I am not hopeless with it.

I think that this small project will give me a good idea about my vendor's scruples and abilities so that when the time comes for another (hopefully larger) purchase, I'll know if they are trustworthy. I'll still be doing comparisons with online searches for this wee diamond.

I hope to be posting a cute little fireball soon!

Enerchi, are you in Canada? Apologies if I'm wrong about your location, but I was wondering about how easy it is to buy loose stones sight unseen; and if the import tax, duties, etc make it much more expensive than sourcing in country.



Oct 4, 2011
Hi Jane,
Yes, Ontario. I have purchased on line (BGD, Diamonds on web {pre PS!}) and have had no problems. You pay in US$, they ship to you and there is an HST tax that is paid. No duties. It is super easy! I've had them delivered by FedEx and you just scan your credit card at your door ---- technology ROCKS!
I spent a lot of time talking about my items online - either the chat feature, or emails - or by phone. I asked for whatever photos/impressions/input that could be provided... and made sure if there was an issue, I had a return period and full refund (minus the shipping charges) Yes, it all went well.

Have no fear, Jane, it is easy enough to do! If you don't go with your connection, who are you considering? I highly recommend checking out the PS vendors and some offer both a wire discount and a PS discount. Nothing wrong with research and covering your bases! :bigsmile:


Jun 11, 2012
Enerchi, thank you for a swift reply. It is nice to hear of good experiences. If there is no US tax and only GST (for this province), that would be good. Is the shipping insurance pricey? I would absolutely need to request a lot more info from a US vendor before I got anything shipped, as you said. It never hurts to shop around!
I'm sure I'd be as nervous as hell the first time I bought a diamond this way, but I'm sure that if the stone was good and the price was right, I'd soon get over it. 8-)
However, I'll probably go with my B&M store this time, unless what they offer me is of a lesser quality than what I see online. If that happens, I'll be enlisting the PS hordes to help.

TrialnError, than you. I'll follow that link now.


Feb 8, 2003
I got my idealscope from WF when I made a purchase with them. I think that the $25 beginner model on the link that has been posted above would serve your needs just fine (as mine is a basic model and works really well!).

Jewelry store lighting can be deceptive, so it's good to have a way to see beyond the sparkle that lighting creates.


Jun 11, 2012
Thank you MC. You're right about jewellry store lighting being all about the sparkle. I'll be viewing any potential stones in their back room, and hopefully outside in sunshine.

I'm going to be buying a 2-3ct oval in a year or so, do you guys think I should buy the ASET scope for then? I'd rather buy a few tools at once to cut down on postage so I'm eyeing up the idealscope, ASET scope, light box thingee, loupe, and CZ.

In for a penny, in for a pound! I love gadgets.


Oct 4, 2011
Hi Jane,
I found the pricing, even with the CDN$/US$ exchange, to be much better online than here in Canada with a B&M. I really do suggest you consider it... I know you have your plan in place to go with a B&M this time, but with all of PS backing you up - its worth investigating other options. If the one diamond your connection is bringing in for you to look at, is the right one, it will still be there even after having PS source out something for you. No harm in trying PS, right? ;))

Having purchased on line and B&M - AND - having had a B&M custom ring as well as PS vendors make items for me.... there is no doubt in my mind that online is the way to go! Wouldn't even give it a thought, whether I had $1000 to spend or $100,000 to spend, that online via PS would be the way to go. (well - hold on a moment... if I had $100,000 to spend on anything - that MAY require some alternate considerations... tee hee!!! :lol: )

2 of my online purchases have been thru IDJ, I have 2 ongoing now with and have 3 that are finishing up with the etsy vendor, DanielM. Awesome communication with ALL vendors, lots of photos, all my questions answered, all saved me way more than purchasing Canadian and I really feel good about the quality of these items.

Just food for thought!!!


Feb 8, 2003
JaneSmith|1339440908|3213954 said:
Thank you MC. You're right about jewellry store lighting being all about the sparkle. I'll be viewing any potential stones in their back room, and hopefully outside in sunshine.

I'm going to be buying a 2-3ct oval in a year or so, do you guys think I should buy the ASET scope for then? I'd rather buy a few tools at once to cut down on postage so I'm eyeing up the idealscope, ASET scope, light box thingee, loupe, and CZ.

In for a penny, in for a pound! I love gadgets

Yes! If you're going to be making a major purchase in the future, might as well get all the fun gadgets now and play around with the smaller stone(s) you're considering. If you just plan to get a .50 or so, then I'd say just get the simple ideal scope...but a big stone is an entirely different story!


Nov 28, 2011
I have nothing of substance to add, but just wanted to say that I love your idea of having a small perfect stone for your pendant. I hope you post pics when you get it!


Apr 30, 2005
I bought a small D IF so i could include a colorless example in my FCD collection.
It's only 0.22 ct but the cut is outstanding and that thing is a little fireball.
It is astonishing how even a tiny diamond, if well cut, can perform so impressively.


Jun 11, 2012
Thank you all for your replies. This is such a lovely forum. :))

Enerchi, I would be on the first flight to NYC if I had $100000 to blow on jewelry! Woo hoo!
You are a lucky woman to have five projects on the go, I can't wait to see pics. You must be excited!
I really feel like I have to give my vendor a shot, but I will certainly take your advice into consideration. If anything starts to look less than rosy, I'll be on PS in a heartbeat.
I've decided to get a Canadian diamond. Hubby is Canadian and I am a sentimental romantic fool. That unfortunately puts a crimp in the budget, as I'm now paying for the fifth 'C' - Canadian maple leaf laser etching. So it will be a wee thing after all. 30-40 pts. But I did enjoy looking at those 50-60 pointers. Yum!

Kenny, do you have a pic of your tiny beauty?

GemFever, thank you! I will post pics. I'll have to go read the photography tutorials.

MC and TrialnError, thank you for your input. I've emailed David Atlas about the professional kit on his website. Is it wrong to be just as excited about the gadgets as I am about the diamond? :D :geek:

I'm hoping to get an 18 inch DBTY style necklace made in 18k white gold with 10 or 12 pointers every inch with a gap at the front for a pendant. Can such a small (35pt) diamond be prong set and attached to such a neclace without a bale? So it looks like its floating along with the wee bezel set ones? I want it to look like a part of the DBTY necklace but still removable so other pendants can have a turn.
If anyone can post a pic or a link, or even just tell me it's possible, that would be cool.



Mar 7, 2011
I agree with DA and Florida about the flourescence. Not because I think it will impact the diamonds beauty but because typically buyers of D IF are often, as you are, seeking a piece of perfection and many are collectors, the flourescence no matter how cool it is will still be considered less ideal than a stone without it. If you like flor. then go for it, I like it myself, but if you should ever choose to sell the stone on the second hand market, you should be aware that you will likely have to discount it as well.

As far as idealscopes and ASETs, I would get one of each. You will find the ASET beneficial when you search for your honkin' pear! :love:


Apr 30, 2005
JaneSmith|1339455390|3214087 said:
Kenny, do you have a pic of your tiny beauty?

Only family portraits top and bottom.
The bottom view is first, and the 0.22 ct D IF round is in the lower left corner.

Interesting how a well cut round performs from the bottom when the primary light source was under all these diamonds.
The round green is also a very well cut diamond an it also looks very dark because it is returning light back out the crown like a well cut diamond is supposed to.

Oddly the yellowish orange pear is also a super performer but does not look dark from below.

The D IF is in the upper right corner between the set round, which is ungraded but of low color, and the yellowish green radiant




Oct 4, 2011
Re your DBTY idea - I think if you are going custom for that, you can have anything mounted in there! Is that where you plan to mount your D/IF diamond? that would be stunning!

Will that be done by your B&M or would you consider one of the PS vendors. Smith1940 had 2 DBTY's made - sapphire by WhiteFlash and diamond by BGD (or was it the other way around...??? forget!) but search the name or DBTY threads and you'll find it. Lots of DBTY recently... sounds amazing.

Yeah - if I suddenly have $100K for jewellry - i'll be sure to post my diamond travel itinerary!!! :lol:


Jun 11, 2012
Christina, that is a good point about reselling. I dont plan on selling, but one should never say never right? :(
I'm ordering my 'professional package' from Idealscope which includes the ASET scope. I hope prices don't go up too much in the next year, I want my 3ct oval!

Kenny, thank you for the pics. They are breathtaking. It's like opening a treasure chest in AliBaba's cave! I LOVE your little blue pear. :love: Apologies if I'm calling it the wrong colour.

Enerchi, I've been pouring over the DBTY threads and have several pics saved. Plus I've been bugging the people at Tiffany's by trying on all different kinds. He he he.
As for who will make it, I'm not sure yet. I like the vendors you mentioned and they come with glowing recommendations here on PS. It will take a bit of emailing. I need to find out if I can get the small perfect diamond set in a floating pendant that will fit over the bezel set diamonds in the DBTY necklace. Not keen on a bale. Or is it bail?
I want it to be a removable pendant but look like it is part of the necklace.
Anyway, I think I have to concentrate on buying my wee precious first. Otherwise I'll just get too excited.
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