
I may have found it!

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Jan 23, 2003
After an approximate three month search that included B&M and online stores where I went back and worth trying to decide exactly what I found, I think I may have found it.

It's a 1.24 F SI1. I'd been considering anything in the D-E-F and VS1-VS2-SI1 range with a size range of 1.2 to 1.5. Strangely enough and unintentionally, the stone that ended up appealing to me the most ended up on low end of all those ranges.

It's stats are:
GIA 1.24 F SI1
60.1% depth
57% table
34.2 crown
40.8 pavillion
Excellent Symmetry and Polis
Thin to Medium Faceted Girdle
very small culet (.8%)
No Flourescence

The end price is roughly $7600. I plugged it into HCA and got a 1.0 and Excellents across the board. Interestingly, I could have sword that when I plugged in the numbers other times, it was a 0.6 and a 0.8. Oh well, I might have mistyped a number, but I doubt it. Though, I did read about an adjustment in HCA calculations, not two though. Either way, 0.6 and 1.0 aren't that far apart so I'm not at all brokenhearted about it or anything. Just thought it was interesting.

What do people think of the stone and the price? Pricescope lists a price per carat of 5292, which would yield an average price of approximately 6600. I narrowed the stones in this size range to 1.22 to 1.26 ct on pricescope and their prices ranged from 5200 to 8500 with an average of what looked like about 7000 give or take and a little higher for stones without flourescence and excellent/ideal symmetry/polish. Other stones I considered were a GOG 1.25 FSI1 for about the same price that was an AGS H&A and had HCA ratings of 1.4 also with Excellents of the board (though I think I will pay tax with GOG because we're both NY based); a niceice 1.26 FVS2 AGS H&A for 8800 with an HCA of 1.1 and all Excellents, except for VG for spread; a ESI1 and an FVS2 at whiteflash, both of which were at least 1000 higher in price, the former of which with HCA scores similar to the niceice stones and the latter with straight very goods.

So, I've looked around and have gravitated towards this stone and I am very comfortable with the merchant; they have been great throughout the process. I will see the stone tomorrow and assuming I like how it looks, I'm curious what happens next. I will probably take it to an appraiser of some sort and definitely get the stone matched up against its GIA cert. The stone comes with the companies own appraisal as well. I'm wondering what else beyond this I should do. Assuming I like how it looks, should I have the appraiser do a full checkup on the stone? Is it necessary/recommended? I called Just Appraisers (David Wolf company) here in NY (they're listed on pricescope) and was quoted $200 for a full write up evaluation, where they would spend 45 minutes looking at the stone. This seems a bit steep to me, but I have no experience, so was wondering what others think. Are there any other NYC appraisers anybody recommends?

A secondary issue is the setting; their are a couple of setting I'm considering and have not fully decided. My girlfriend wants a channel setting and thats what I'm looking at. One thing which I hadn't considered before, but I am thinking about now is possibly proposing with the stone unset. Is this tacky? Have people tried this? If so, what results? The upshot is that it happens sooner and given the length of my diamond search, I am getting anxious. Another upshot is she gets more say-so in picking the setting (though given her taste and what I know of it in the five and a half years we've been together, I'm fairly sure I can pick out one she'll like). The downside is I imagine she'll want to wear it as soon as she gets it, but she'll have to wait. Any ideas? Both the male and female perspective on this would be appreciated.

Ok, sorry about the long post. I guess it breaks down into three issues, the stone, the appraisal and the proposal. Any and all advice would be appreciated.

Thanks and take care,

P.S. One more thing I just thought of while looking at other posts. I have seen people post images that show light leakage based solely on the specs of a diamond. Any idea of how one may go about getting such an image. Thanks again.
Well the stone sounds wonderful to me. I will let the experts pick at it though.

I also considered proposing with a lose stone. Or, with a diamond set in a temporary setting. Actually, I currently have two diamonds I am trying to decide on, and I would really like to just ask her. I wonder what she would think if she knew she was sleeping so close to over $11,000 in diamonds

Anyways, I decided to wait. I think it is more romantic, and she will want to wear it immediately. Also, I know I am more critical than she is on this diamond. So, if I like it, she surely will.

Good Luck!
Haha... well ... while I was ruled out for the tax reasons
I have to tell ya that the numbers look real good.
The numbers however do not guarantee that the internal symmetry will hold up to the H&A standard. Consistency and precision of the cut will determine that and if you want a proper appraisal done, OPTICAL ANALYSIS would be strongly recommended.

I know that RockDoc does it, and I believe that Dave Atlas can also check optically for the precision of it's H&A symmetry.

Their sites are and

You may want to ask the place you found in NY if they check for these kind of things.

Thanks for the advice so far. Sorry Rhino, though your stone was tempting and may still be an option if this one doesn't pan out. Incidentally, do you ever meet with clients in NYC to show them stones or is that something that is just not done?

Does anybody else have any advice with regards to the appraisals, the proposal or the light leakage questions?

Thanks again,

David Wolf (down the block from us)has a good reputation,
is knowledgeable and excellent; $200
for his full appraisal services ($160.00 Per Carat)
is the going rate today and you're getting your
money's worth.

Since you'll be on 47th Street at David's, why don't you
stop by, say hello, and visit with us. It will be our

Now that's a nice stone
If you like it, go for it! It sounds gorgeus!!


I also called David for an appraisal price and when quoted $200 - felt it was pretty steep. Since I am buying AGS 000 I was mostly concerned if the stone matched the cert and if it was eye clean SI1 - I went to 54 west 47th street phone 212-382-2888 - they don't have a H&A viewer, but they are much cheaper - verbals cost about $37 a carat.. my 1.26 - was $46 which will be
counted towards written report for insur companies. call them up, see if they can do what you want them to.

Re: setting,

on 47th street there is a wholesale place and they sell 14k gold white settings pretty cheaply - ~50. See if you want to buy that, propose and then have her choose a different setting...



Hope this helps.
Thanks for the replies Anna and Giangi.
Anna, the 54 w 47th place, what type of place are they? Solely appraisals or other stuff as well. What's their name? Would others recommend this as a way to go?

Any other takes on any of the issues I posed in my post?

Thanks again and take care,
The name of the place is Gemological Appraisal Laboratory of America, Inc. They don't sell diamonds. It's a small place on the second floor.
It depends what level of detail you need for your appraisal. in my case i got what I needed to know. If you need a very detailed analysis - ask them if they do it or go with David...
everything has it's price
even peace of mind.

Thanks Anna!
Any other views?
Take care,
By the way, although it may be a tempting offer to buy out of state to save on sales tax, the only way you save on sales tax is by not reporting your purchase and paying the use tax on it. I don't know for sure if your state has use tax, but only a couple do not. By not reporting this you are actually commiting tax evasion. If you get caught (which I admit is not highly likely) you will be sorry.

If you are interested, a few months back I started a discussion about this.

On 2/13/2003 9:38:35 PM Kessar wrote:

My girlfriend wants a channel setting and thats what I'm looking at. One thing which I hadn't considered before, but I am thinking about now is possibly proposing with the stone unset. Is this tacky? ..... Another upshot is she gets more say-so in picking the setting (though given her taste and what I know of it in the five and a half years we've been together, I'm fairly sure I can pick out one she'll like). The downside is I imagine she'll want to wear it as soon as she gets it, but she'll have to wait. ----------------

Kessar: I'd recommend getting an it set in an inexpensive, plain temporary setting to propose with. make me laugh out IMAGINE? she'll want to wear it right away? That's a saying, I imagine a rat might like to have a piece of cheese! Of COURSE she'll want to wear it right away, and a temporary setting will let her do that.

Also, I can only think that proposing....and then having to put the stone away as though nothing just happened would be very anti-climatic.

I wouldn't, though, having it set in a final setting for only one want a channel setting, and some channel settings don't respond well to resizing. If you don't get her ring size exactly right, could be a problem.

Good luck!

On 2/14/2003 4:37:40 PM aljdewey wrote:


Kessar: I'd recommend getting an it set in an inexpensive, plain temporary setting to propose with. make me laugh out IMAGINE? she'll want to wear it right away? That's a saying, I imagine a rat might like to have a piece of cheese! Of COURSE she'll want to wear it right away, and a temporary setting will let her do that.


Great response. She may even like the ring just the way it is.
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