
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread


Jul 2, 2010
So this is how I started my morning!
It's the parking lot at school. I tapped the cement blocker as I was pulling in and instead of hitting the brake I hit the accelerated TWICE, and plowed through the chain link fence and several bushes.
The angle is crazy, I'm thinking I pulled on the steering wheel as I hopped over the cement thing.
The SRO came over to see if I was OK and got super close for a sniff to see if I had been drinking!!

I'm a bit sore and have a chiro appointment tomorrow.
My dear faculty have gotten quite the joy out if this!



Deactivated member 42515

Thank you everyone, so much!!! I'm sorry I can't thank everyone individually, this is taking forever to type!

I went to a orthopedic specialist yesterday and they told me it's worse than they thought. I have a fracture on my arm/shoulder and a chip on my shoulder bone and a possible fracture on what they say is the most important bone in the hand. And that fracture on my shoulder has made it so that my muscle is not attached to my bone so I need to get another X-ray done in a week to see if it's healing right.

Sigh..... I'm such a careful person. This is the first time I have ever fallen. And this happens! My luck huh?

But I'm so glad I have you guys! Thanks so much! I guess I'll take this opportunity to relax for the first time in like 15 years.


Aug 5, 2010
YT: Yowch! Here's to a ton of healing thoughts for you - the shoulder sounds bad enough without throwing in the hand too. I'm so sorry, boo! :(sad

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Elisateach|1384893733|3559394 said:
So this is how I started my morning!
It's the parking lot at school. I tapped the cement blocker as I was pulling in and instead of hitting the brake I hit the accelerated TWICE, and plowed through the chain link fence and several bushes.
The angle is crazy, I'm thinking I pulled on the steering wheel as I hopped over the cement thing.
The SRO came over to see if I was OK and got super close for a sniff to see if I had been drinking!!

I'm a bit sore and have a chiro appointment tomorrow.
My dear faculty have gotten quite the joy out if this!

Oh my Elisateach! It could happen to the best of us. I hope you are feeling better soon. Too funny about the SRO!

(Also, I just wanted to point out that your license plate is in the photo. You might want to edit that out . . . I am a nervous nellie, sorry!)


Jul 2, 2010
Well I can't edit it;( so I hope no crazies track my license plate! Thanks LV

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
I think admin would delete it if you hit "report concern." Just if you're concerned though. I won't be offended if you ignore me. :bigsmile:

I do hope you are feeling better.


Aug 14, 2009
Oh no YT!!!! I'm so sorry! Of course the ONE time you fall is the one time you're seriously injured - Murphy's Laws in action :nono:

Yes, now you HAVE to SIT and RELAX so you can heal... and if you won't I'll hire someone to come to your house and tie you down and stay with you to make sure you stay tied down!! And said hire won't be nearly as easy on your eyes as your hubby :naughty:


Jun 8, 2008
YT|1384896983|3559440 said:
Thank you everyone, so much!!! I'm sorry I can't thank everyone individually, this is taking forever to type!

I went to a orthopedic specialist yesterday and they told me it's worse than they thought. I have a fracture on my arm/shoulder and a chip on my shoulder bone and a possible fracture on what they say is the most important bone in the hand. And that fracture on my shoulder has made it so that my muscle is not attached to my bone so I need to get another X-ray done in a week to see if it's healing right.

Sigh..... I'm such a careful person. This is the first time I have ever fallen. And this happens! My luck huh?

But I'm so glad I have you guys! Thanks so much! I guess I'll take this opportunity to relax for the first time in like 15 years.

YT, I am so sorry! You need to be kind to yourself now and get that handsome hubby of yours to pamper you silly...and think of all the time you will be recuperating that you can shop for bling remotely. Bling takes the sting out of almost anything. Hey, poet in the house. :cheeky:
Seriously though, sending big hugs and healing PS dust your way!!!

Elisa, glad you're OK and that nothing serious happened. Scary though.


Mar 26, 2006
So I made an offer on a property yesterday and I am sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting for a reply. It's currently being used as commercial space but I could convert to residential use. 2800 square feet with 13' ceilings -- amazing space!. And the best part is I could then share my dogs with my ex because I certainly can't have them in my current apartment. (Oh lord, how I miss The Demon and his crazy brother Oscar!)

WHAT is taking them so long to respond?


Oct 24, 2012
YT|1384744845|3558281 said:
I fractured my shoulder and sprained my wrist and thumb. Stupid!!! I'm down for 6 weeks.

Hi YT. So sorry. Hate it when stuff like that happens. :cry: Hope you are feeling a little better. Dust for speedy, uncomplicated recovery!


Sep 16, 2009
Biopsy results came back as an infection of the lining of my upper GI tract. Almost finished with the meds and feeling as good as new!

Seems crazy that something so simple took 2 months of ER visits and specialist appointments to diagnose. Finally found the right doctor who said that persistent GI bleeds in someone my age are most often bacterial so strange that nobody thought to check.

Chrono: How is your brother doing? Did the doctors check him for h-pylori? That was the root cause of my bleeding and no amount of ulcer medication would fix it. Apparently h-pylori is the most common cause of ulcers and bleeding so something doctors should test for, but often don't.


Jun 25, 2007
I do not understand people who feel the need to continuously bring up old drama. Why? What purpose is it serving? Does it make you sleep better at night? Do you feel better dragging people's names through what you think is dirt?

Still. Like air. I rise.



Sep 3, 2009
I found some fun info today. Spent about 2 hrs researching a pair of candlesticks DH bought me when we were first married, at an antique store in The Hague. They're English & that's all I knew. Got out my loupe for a look at the hallmarks & tracked them down -- sterling silver, made in Sheffield, England, in 1881, by a company called Robert Pringle & Sons. Amazing how much you can dig up on the internet when you're bored! :))

--- Laurie



Sep 1, 2009
DF -- Some people are just children who never grow up. Hope they drop it soon!

JF -- Beautiful!

Okay.... so DH is back to work after we couldn't sustain him not working and the disability insurance denying the claim. Life is getting better.
I don't know WTH "A" was thinking yesterday. She told her mom (in front of me) that her dad hadn't been paid in over three months (true) and that we'd been living on "nothing but rice and dried beans" (NOT true) and not having regular meals (what!?!?!).
Yeah... :nono:
Her mother utterly stuffed her yesterday during their few hours together and then insisted on bringing us a pumpkin pie! She suggested that "A" has a very big appetite so she's sure I've been feeding her but she's still hungry :-o :nono:

Um. Yeah.
We had savings to cover much of that time out of work and we also had a hugely stocked kitchen. I like to be able to stay home in the winter if it gets too icy for the other people on the road to manage to drive safely. We routinely stock 100+ pounds of flour, 50+ pounds of onions, three varieties of rice (60+ pounds total), 20+ pounds frozen mixed berries, cases of canned tomatoes, 10+ frozen whole chickens, 2+ frozen turkeys, rolls of turkey sausage, pre-cooked meals ready to be thawed and heated, beef briskets, corned beef, turkey stock, chicken stock, beef stock, piles of fresh herbs, squash...
Anyway -- You get the idea!

So I have been using mostly from our frozen or bulk stuff. So what!?!
She's been "suffering" through homemade everything! Roasted chickens. Chunky stews. Egg dishes. Stir fry.
She has not only NOT missed a single meal, she's also been getting snacks! All well balanced with fresh fruits, fresh veggies, whole grains, meats, cheeses, etc!

More damage control this week to make sure no one else thinks she's starving :nono:


Sep 1, 2009
I may have just found a new yummy treat!

Dark chocolate, white chocolate, and butterscotch chips melted on a graham cracker and then topped with toasty marshmallows :lickout:


Sep 27, 2009
Toopatient, did you put that under the broiler? I would eat that....

My happy thought for the day levis black friday deal was 40% off entire web site, and free shipping, I got a pair of my favorites and I am going to try a pair of the leggings and see how I like them. :appl:


Sep 1, 2009
Oh! The broiler!

No, I just microwaved it and held the marshmallows on bamboo skewers over the stove :oops:


Sep 27, 2009
TooPatient|1385863089|3565392 said:
Oh! The broiler!

No, I just microwaved it and held the marshmallows on bamboo skewers over the stove :oops:
That works just as good. Nomnomnom melty chocolate and marshys.....


Sep 1, 2009
We went camping this last summer and one of the guys on the trip made the most amazing sounding variation. I have GOT to try this!

He put a couple of peanut butter cups on a graham cracker and set it near the fire to get all melty and then he added the toasty marshmallows :lickout:

I'd forgotten our vegetarian marshmallows so I didn't get to try one :(sad


Jan 1, 2011
I was once an occasional to frequent poster here until I became entrenched in both grad school and wedding planning. Now that I am married with one semester of school left, I hope to post more often than I was. :) I have a lot of pages of sparkly goodness to catch up on.


Aug 14, 2009
This evening I took an alternate route home thanks to construction. I don't usually take this route because it requires driving into the sun for several miles, but...
So I put my visor down. And opened the mirror. And saw a long white strand nestled in the black over my shoulder.
HOW did I miss it?! I obviously wasn't blessed with longevity of hair colour because white hairs are no strangers to me, but my Saturday inspections are diligent and merciless - and obviously not thorough enough.
I texted DH and told him that from now on one of his responsibilities is to look for and remove any white hairs I may miss. He has yet to respond but I'm confident he'll be neither amenable nor sufficiently thorough :nono:


Jul 27, 2011
My Christmas bling is here, somewhere... DH opened the box to make sure Blue Nile didn't ship us an empty brown box!!!

One of my 2 pairs of birthday blinging earrings is here!!! SOOOOoo psyched. BIGGER milgrained bezel studs from BGD. They are noticeably bigger than my IDJ milgrained bezel studs. SOOOooo excited! My 2nd birthday blinging earring pair will be picked up at Fedex on SATURDAY!!! :appl: BGD did so awesome and came $850 under budget that I was able to spring for some huggies from IDJ for $900 (just $50 over budget).

Deactivated member 42515

Yssie said:
This evening I took an alternate route home thanks to construction. I don't usually take this route because it requires driving into the sun for several miles, but...
So I put my visor down. And opened the mirror. And saw a long white strand nestled in the black over my shoulder.
HOW did I miss it?! I obviously wasn't blessed with longevity of hair colour because white hairs are no strangers to me, but my Saturday inspections are diligent and merciless - and obviously not thorough enough.
I texted DH and told him that from now on one of his responsibilities is to look for and remove any white hairs I may miss. He has yet to respond but I'm confident he'll be neither amenable nor sufficiently thorough :nono:
I have those rogue white hairs. And I ask DH too. He refuses to help me. He says it gives me character against my black black hair. Character my ass, pull it out!

Deactivated member 42515

Oh and yssie, I remember you having BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL hair. So your DH better get going on the plucking!!!


Aug 14, 2009
Aww YT you're sweet as always ::)
Don't get me wrong - I'd kill for yours!! You have NO idea how long and how much goop it takes to get waves... and you, lucky creature, have them straight out of the shower! Bah.

My DH responded with "character" too. Actually he said "distinguished", and "maybe people won't think I robbed the cradle".
What is with men?!

How's your arm? You ARE resting it, right? :devil:

Deactivated member 42515

Yssie said:
Aww YT you're sweet as always ::)
Don't get me wrong - I'd kill for yours!! You have NO idea how long and how much goop it takes to get waves... and you, lucky creature, have them straight out of the shower! Bah.

My DH responded with "character" too. Actually he said "distinguished", and "maybe people won't think I robbed the cradle".
What is with men?!

How's your arm? You ARE resting it, right? :devil:
Ugh, my arm. I have more X-rays in about an hour. We shall see. Blah.


Oct 24, 2012
Hi Yssie, I hope I can say it on this thread. I'm just SUPER glad you called out helpmefind30 on the budget for his ring. After all the talk about wanting exclusivity and nothing people can "save up for", he still hasn't answered the million dollar (or maybe far under) question. Anyway, just had to say, good going girl. I especially loved that you used the word "coy". I could not have thought of a better way to describe the attitude. Sorry, if it's not ok to make comments about other posters. If moderators tell me I can't do this, I'll have to go back and just ask him again directly... ;-)


Nov 17, 2009
I really need to vent...
My birthday is on December 9th and at the same day it is my mom's and daughter's name day (name days are a very big deal in my country and they are considered a happy occasion, when people are buying drinks and sweets for everybody, etc!).
Anyway, traditionally, we have been celebrating this day together with my parents and the rest of the family long as i can remember! This year, mom decided to go away on a trip during this day. I will not pretend that i didn't care and didn't feel sad, because i would be lying. Especially this year, i wanted to share this day with my family, because it's a very important (and not very pleasant) birthday for me...i hit forty!
So i'm on the phone with my mother and she's telling me that she will be away, bla bla bla...and i can tell that she's already feeling guilty about leaving without even having discussed this with me beforehand, even though i NEVER said or implied that i am upset about this issue...
So without me asking for any explanations, she starts finding all kinds of excuses and at the end she adds: "And anyway, you are old now, you shouldn't be celebrating birthdays" :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr:
Just a clarification: The word that she used in greek, can't really be translated in englishm but it really means "you are an old lady", it doesn't mean "you are older", "more mature" or anything of the sort.
I was speechless... After a few seconds i pulled myself together and i amswered: "I'm sorry mom, but i don't feel like an old lady at all and i will certainly celebrate my birthday...".
My mom's answer was: "Well, i consider you capable of celebrating your birthday and blowing candles and making yourself look ridiculous, until you reach...100 years...". :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:

I attach a picture that my DH took of me, the "old lady", two days ago...
How could my own mother think like this and say such hurtful things to me? As if i wasn't feeling bad enough already about getting older... Why would she ever think that it's ridiculous for me to have a cake and celebrate my birthday? Honestly, i am so frustrated...



Apr 19, 2004
natyLad|1386344138|3568780 said:
I really need to vent...
My birthday is on December 9th and at the same day it is my mom's and daughter's name day (name days are a very big deal in my country and they are considered a happy occasion, when people are buying drinks and sweets for everybody, etc!).
Anyway, traditionally, we have been celebrating this day together with my parents and the rest of the family long as i can remember! This year, mom decided to go away on a trip during this day. I will not pretend that i didn't care and didn't feel sad, because i would be lying. Especially this year, i wanted to share this day with my family, because it's a very important (and not very pleasant) birthday for me...i hit forty!
So i'm on the phone with my mother and she's telling me that she will be away, bla bla bla...and i can tell that she's already feeling guilty about leaving without even having discussed this with me beforehand, even though i NEVER said or implied that i am upset about this issue...
So without me asking for any explanations, she starts finding all kinds of excuses and at the end she adds: "And anyway, you are old now, you shouldn't be celebrating birthdays" :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr:
Just a clarification: The word that she used in greek, can't really be translated in englishm but it really means "you are an old lady", it doesn't mean "you are older", "more mature" or anything of the sort.
I was speechless... After a few seconds i pulled myself together and i amswered: "I'm sorry mom, but i don't feel like an old lady at all and i will certainly celebrate my birthday...".
My mom's answer was: "Well, i consider you capable of celebrating your birthday and blowing candles and making yourself look ridiculous, until you reach...100 years...". :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:

I attach a picture that my DH took of me, the "old lady", two days ago...
How could my own mother think like this and say such hurtful things to me? As if i wasn't feeling bad enough already about getting older... Why would she ever think that it's ridiculous for me to have a cake and celebrate my birthday? Honestly, i am so frustrated...


Of course you are upset. Sorry her words were rather insensitive.

And you should have as many cakes as you like!

hugs across the miles....Sharon
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