
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

My best friend at work and looooong time carpool partner is retiring today. I WILL focus on how happy I am for him... not on how much I''ll (and the organization) will miss him.
Writing out Christmas cards and my work will not let me use the Pittney Bows (sp?) stamp machine. I offered to pay for the postage. That would have been so convenient.
I was just asked this by the office ditz:

"Vancity, is it okay if I put frozen TV dinners in the Food Bank box?"

(I should clarify, that the contents only get picked up once per week.)

Uh, HELLO! That was my stupid question for the day...

How about you guys?

Yssie--I love your kitty picture! Our three little boys sleep like that during the day, it''s so cute! Sometimes they just look like a giant three-headed kitty.
Yssie - ADORABLE!!!

Today, I vaccumed my car. I''ve also begun drinking diet coke again after not having a single sip for over 1.5 years! Now, I''ve had a 20 oz bottle every day for the last week.

My female guppy has a round tummy. Can''t wait for babies to pop out. We don''t have anywhere to put them, though. . .
I just took my last final for the semester. No more school for 5 weeks!!
Date: 12/17/2009 8:46:33 AM
Author: y2kitty
Yesterday my coworker offered me chocolate and when I said ''No thank you'' she said ''Gained enough weight already?''.
I''d have smacked her!!
Date: 12/15/2009 7:38:41 PM
Author: steph72276
Isn''t it funny when you see the guy you pined over in middle school on FB and he now has no hair and a beer belly

I JUST did this! I found my middle school crush and I was like, hmmm, really? I liked him? Huh.
Date: 12/15/2009 7:59:29 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Zoe, so glad you like your new job!
We should celebrate when Princesss gets back.

Packrat, I was picked for a jury about 4 years ago when I served. I think it is pretty hard to get out of. The judge didn''t dismiss the 8 month preggo. It was BORING but only two days of my life. Good luck!

Sounds good! It''d be fun to get together again. Oh and yeah, T. and I did have a great time at our little dance party. That girl can move!
I also had a goose named Jello. I always wanted to put him in a pen with one of those fainting goats just to hear Jello honk out and see the goat fall over. It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

My mom and my sis made a gingerbread house today. My son said, "that looks like a house, but ugly." They didn''t hear him.
I''ve always had a sweet-tooth. I think all those women who used to tell me in my 20''s, "I wish I could be there when you turn 30 and the pounds just start packing on..." would be disappointed to see me today.

Don''t get me wrong, it has not been easy, and I try to stay healthy. But why do people wish such things on others? Now that I''m older, I''d never say something like that to a younger person.
This morning we woke up buried in snow. And it keeps snowing. The snow-ploughs can''t seem to clean the roads fast enough. The drive to work was horrible, I thought we''d never be able to reach the city centre where I work, not until noon at least. Well, DH is an excellent driver, thankfully.

I''m looking out of my window right now, where the national theatre building is supposed to be, but all I see is the snowstorm. It''s kinda cool, actually, once you''re inside and you can feel your toes again! lol
My java driver works!!!
Just heard the weather forecast for NY... we''re supposed to get snow this weekend! I really hope we do, I would love to have a weekend cuddled up with DH drinking hot chocolate with snow falling outside.
The glue stick is one of the most significant inventions of the 20th century.
A total jerk in our department just got promoted to manager over another person in our department that really should have been given the position.

He has been a manager for one day and told this person, who he knows applied for it, "I''m going to work with you to develop your career so that the day I move on you will be the next obvious choice for this position."

my favorite part of my hubby being out of town for work is that both of my dogs get to cuddle in bed with me all night long.

however, charlie, my chocolate lab, is the worst bed hog ever. last night he decided to sleep smack dab in the middle of the bed and was NOT moving. i finally got him to move a LITTLE bit, but then he proceeded to roll over and lay ON TOP OF ME. 70lbs of lab=not comfortable.

but i love it.
Date: 12/17/2009 3:11:14 PM
Author: Vancity
I was just asked this by the office ditz:

''Vancity, is it okay if I put frozen TV dinners in the Food Bank box?''

(I should clarify, that the contents only get picked up once per week.)

Uh, HELLO! That was my stupid question for the day...

How about you guys?

seriously? wack-job.
Date: 12/17/2009 12:32:31 AM
Author: Haven
I fear that if we do have children we''ll never love them as much as we love our pets.
i have a fear that since i have no imagination, if my future children want to "play pretend" i''m going to be annoyed.

i REALLY want children, but i''m very scared i''m going to very annoyed by my own kids in general. co-workers have assured me that your own children are much different than other people''s kids, just like other people''s pets are different from your own.

i love my dogs very very much. i can relate.
today it is rainy, my chili doesn''t taste like chili, I forgot something important for work and had to go BACK home for it, and my SO forgot his phone at home and has yet to remember it.

2010 where are you?
I am SO excited to get my hair cut and colored tomorrow afternoon!!!! It''s too long and all my silvery-grays are popping out all over the place. Gah!

Also psyched for tomorrow''s dinner - my homemade mac & cheese. YUM!
The Demon at two of my socks (one each from two different pairs) and an allergy pill this morning while I was at the gym. F*cking dog!!! (But I love him...
I amuse myself by writing mock articles and sending them to my loved ones rather than just coming out and saying "This and that happened, yadda yadda yadda." My mother says I''m a lunatic, but I think it''s hilarious.
I just ordered an exercise dvd from Amazon.

Tuesday I''m getting a Mad Bomber hat. I''m going to look like a dork (tho JD thinks it''s hot, so I suppose that''s good) but my head will be waaaarm.
I am home alone with a 5lb. box of my favorite chocolates.
I''m trying to fly home from NY and my flight is delayed. Of course. I only have 40 mins of battery life left and not an outlet in sight. Oh well. As long as I get home before midnight like I did last Friday, I guess I''ll be happy.
Date: 12/18/2009 1:57:29 PM
Author: Haven
I amuse myself by writing mock articles and sending them to my loved ones rather than just coming out and saying ''This and that happened, yadda yadda yadda.'' My mother says I''m a lunatic, but I think it''s hilarious.
I think you did a post like this a few weeks ago. It was hilarious!
oye! Just avoided an accident that I was about to be in, can''t help the shaking now
Date: 12/18/2009 3:50:48 PM
Author: Matata
I am home alone with a 5lb. box of my favorite chocolates.

4 is a much better number. Nice and even. Then you and SO can split it equally later and not feel bad.

I have an appointment with my midwife in an hour, and today was potluck day at work. Something tells me I am going to weight a LOT more and that makes me sad. I was doing so well lol.