
I have pneumonia!

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Feb 17, 2006
I''ve been sick since last Thursday, home since Friday, and I realized today I wasn''t feeling any better. I went to the dr. and after a chest x-ray she told me I have pneumonia! I''ve never had this before, and I''m a little freaked out, but she gave me antibiotics and a note to stay home for another week.

While at least I have another week to get better, I''m freaked about losing half my vacation time for the year to this illness while I''m planning my wedding and honeymoon! And I''m going to be so bored this week! Anybody have any fun links to send me to? I''ve got a lot of time on my hands!
Awwww. Hope you feel better soon! You can do plenty of planning at home at your computer though!

I found one new "blind item" gossip site that calls my name:
Crazy Days and Nights Def. look up the "MV" story ... juicy!

If you wanna feel lucky to NOT be dating anymore ... check out the narcissitc ravings of "filmmaker" Eric S. over at I Can''t Believe I''m Still Single ** and for BONUS points ** see his current "girl toy" defend his every action & wax on College Creative Writing style at Her Personal Blog and for EXTRA credit ... check out Salon Magazine''s snarky take on Mr. Schaeffer''s Wife Hunt craftily accomplished by HIS OWN WORDS.

This should keep you busy for HOURS! Enjoy!
excellent, Deco! thanks! Looks like lots of good reading!

And yeah, I guess this would be a good time to nail down the hotel blocks. I''ll have plenty of time to be on hold.
Take care of yourself and get well quick! Try and get as much in-bed wedding planning done as possible.
Sorry to hear sumbride! At least you caught it early. Get your rest and you''ll be better in no time.
Oh no! Feel better soon!
Sumbride, so sorry to hear you have pneumonia! I hope you feel better soon.
oh my. I am praying for a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself!!!
I am so sorry! That stinks, but rest up, and do not push yourself too fast. You are young and strong so I would not worry.

There is a website that you can log on to to take personality tests and other fun things, if you feel up to sitting. For the life of me I cannot recall the name but maybe someone else who is not having a senior moment will recall it!

Drink lots of fluids and baby yourself.
so sorry to hear you''re sick.
I hope recovery is quick. Rest up woman- it takes it''s toll on the body
Oh sorry to hear this Sum!!! Take care and get plenty of rest!!! I hope you feel better soon!!!
Thanks so much everyone! I''m firmly planted on the couch and driving my FI crazy asking for more water more water more water please! This antibiotic makes my mouth like a sponge on top of needing plenty of fluids already. I told him I''d buy him a nice dinner after I''m better in exchange for a full week of him cooking and waiting on me. Tomorrow I get to talk to my office. It''s full of nurses though, so they shouldn''t argue with me too much.
Oh Sum you poor thing! I hope you feel better soon! I hear that lots of PS is a good cure for almost anything, so if you just stay logged on I bet you'll get better really fast.
I''m glad you are feeling better!

And here are some websites...mostly gossip websites...what can I say, I am shallow!

and here are some other fun ones: - pictures of celebs wearing HORRID clothes! - cute pics of puppies, kittens, hamsters... - pretty self explanatory - super snarky and hysterical recaps of tv shows and great forums

That should be enough to waste at least a day!!!
Sending well wishes your way.....

OK I''m a dork I know but I sent one of these to my husband. It''s a free britney Spears crank call I sat in the hallway laughing like a 6 yo.
Poor Sum... what a bummer!! Although an unexpected week off can be kind of nice, sometimes... maybe just take it as a sign that your body needed to catch up on some rest!

I had pneumonia about five years ago during my first semester of grad school... living in a new city, starting a new program, didn''t know anyone.... I was a wreck. I just remember traipsing back and forth across campus from the health center to the hospital about a zillion times for X-rays and meds and whatnot, feeling like death. Then I injured my spine from coughing so violently, and had to go through yet another round of X-rays and traipsing around.

So that is my advice to you... whatever you do, don''t cough so hard that you end up breaking your back. Really. Not that fun.
Wow! Ephem! Ok, I''ll definitely try to avoid injuring my back! Geez... that must have been awful!!! And yes, I can''t imagine walking around a campus with this. I drove to the clinic and didn''t think I''d make it. Then I ended up at CVS at 5 pm... THAT was fun. Luckily I got to sit in the demo vibrating chair for the 40 minutes it took for them to prep my prescription. Drove home at rush hour. I''m so glad I don''t have to go anywhere for a while. I do have to make a follow up appointment with a new dr. because I went to the urgent care center yesterday but I''m hoping that can wait until next week. I wore myself out yesterday. Today I''m happy that my house isn''t very big so I can get to the kitchen and back without walking very far.
Sorry you''re sick! I have no websites to offer but hopefully you can get some wedding planning done or at least watch the soaps and relax! Take care!!
Hi Sum! I hope you feel better soon! I had pneumonia a few years ago and it wasn''t fun. Extreme exhaustion, coughing, and pain all the time...definitely not fun. BUt it does get better, little by little. Just make sure to gets LOTS of rest, even when you begin to feel better and think you don''t need it.
Verrrrrrrrrrrrry snarky celeb website someone sent me: (what would tyler durden do)
Get well soon sumbride!!!
Oh, fun FG, thanks!

ZoeB... thanks! That''s exactly how I feel.

FI and I were just talking about how bizarre it is that I have this. It''s just so odd, you know. I don''t think anybody ever expects to get pneumonia, but this is like the sickest I''ve ever been and it''s just strange to know I have something that has killed lots of people, but probably won''t kill me thanks to the care and antibiotics I have. But still... just weird. I don''t think I''ve ever had to make myself sit still for so long, not even when I broke my foot... they gave me a walking cast for that.

And knock on wood, this is the sickest I''ll ever get. I know it''s nothing compared to what a lot of people deal with everyday.
Pneumonia just seems to drain a body so. I think it''s because you aren''t getting all the oxygen you need efficiently enough.

Our son had allergy induced pneumonia many years ago. I saw on the weather yesterday, they reported the first pollen counts of the new year here where we live. Maybe something new that you''ve been exposed to just irritated your lungs. Who knows??!! It''s good you caught it and are being treated.

Rest. Push the fluids. Rest. Take your antibiotics. And, rest.

Sitting still when you''re young and normally healthy is tough. But you''ll feel better faster if you pamper yourself a bit right now.

Get to feeling better, Sum!!
I''m starting to feel better! I''m still on the couch though... no worries, I won''t be springing back into action yet. My fever still hasn''t broken but I don''t feel quite like death anymore. FI has gotten used to waiting on me but he did tease me about sleeping till noon today. I told him "I''m recovering!"
Good to hear you''re beginning to feel better sumbride! Thank goodness for computers, right?! My SIL had pneumonia last fall and did 5 days in the hospital, plus 2 weeks resting at home and said she''d never been more in love with her laptop, lol. Hope the road to recovery is all downhill from here for ya! Get well soon!
I just saw this. I''m sorry that you have been sick Sumbride and I am glad to hear that you are starting to feel better.
Date: 3/1/2007 10:15:19 PM
Author: sumbride
I'm starting to feel better! I'm still on the couch though... no worries, I won't be springing back into action yet. My fever still hasn't broken but I don't feel quite like death anymore. FI has gotten used to waiting on me but he did tease me about sleeping till noon today. I told him 'I'm recovering!'
Darn right!

Seriously, this can really zap you. You just keep laying on that couch missy, and you'll be up again in no time. Hope you're drinking plenty of fluids!

This may have a silver lining too, FI may have a new found appreciation for all you do.

p.s. I've been wondering, did you get rid of your uninvited guests??
the laptop is such a lifesaver! I don''t know what I''d do without it! It''s nice to stay connected because I can''t talk on the phone very long without coughing.

FI is definitely starting to appreciate how much I do around here! He''s had to make dinner several nights in a row but the hardest part for him is deciding what to make... it''s driving him crazy when I say "I don''t know what I want but I''m hungry!" Menu planning is the hardest part of cooking! he''s just figuring that out now!

Oh, and Ellen -- we think he left! We haven''t seen any more traces of our little rodent friend and I honestly think he just got so scared of the cat that chased him across the kitchen that he left and hasn''t come back. We still have poison in the walls though, and glue traps under the appliances. Funny thing though... Bill (the cat) got his toy stuck under the stove a couple of days ago, and when he pulled it out, it came out with 3 glue traps attached to it. Which he promptly flipped upside down on the kitchen floor! They stayed there until FI got home because I couldn''t pull them up and didn''t want to get the cooking oil out. He said they were easy to pull up, but I was sick so I was in a weakened state. The toy had to be thrown away. Bill still hasn''t gotten over it!
lol Poor Bill.

Glad there''s no trace of you know who!
Glad to hear your feeling better.
Have been praying for you but just realised I never posted in this thread :{
Take it easy and be careful pneumonia can be nasty and take a long time to recover from.
I wont scare ya with my horror story.
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