
I got a new Fireball!

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Sep 17, 2008
This was a purchase from exportgems on ebay. Its not the best cut and its got a window but OOOOO man that COLOR!!!!

For what I paid, I''m very happy. The window will probably close up nicely with the right setting.

Here''s their stats:

Natural Spessartine
Color Fanta Orange *its not, its VERY mandarin*
Shape/Cut Round
Size 7.64x 7.65x 4.98 mm.
Weight 2.54CT
Clarity VVS1
Heated Natural
Origin Nigeria

Here''s the vendor pic

Ok, so here''s mine (in no determined order)

This is just out of the package on the kitchen counter. By the time I got home from work, no sunlight so these are all inside with artificial light.

In the kitchen on hand. under the counter spots are providing the light.

The upside down pic. Here you can see its rather wonky cut.

I kinda like it though.

This was taken in the bathroom. Since we have reveal bulbs in there, its probably one of the best places to take night time pics. I shaded the stone by one of the bathroom sinks and it really started to glow.

This stone is pretty hard to capture, but its really something else in person.

Another hand shot but this time I''m in the best light for this stone.

This is a for sure white gold stone. Though I don''t know if I really want a halo or not.

Lovely stone A, I like its rich colour.
Another glow shot (but very blurry) This stone really dosen''t disappoint in person. I can''t wait to get some day shots! (at least they''ll be clear...I

Thanks Loving.

This gem is really hard to describe. The artist in me says Mandarin red. Its pretty red honestly though it does flash orange pretty intensly.

I will say that this stone really does look fab on me
I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but it will be in white gold.

Nice stone!
says its round but it looks like a very fat oval to me....could be optical illusion but who cares with color like that?! personally, i like fat ovals!

That is a fireball, wow!
I love that firey color...i need to look up that seller on ebay!!! I cant'' wait to see daytime pictures!
sweet stone..I like the color..
Thanks for the compliments all.

mv, I agree with you as it dosen''t look round all the time
Since I don''t plan on doing a bezel set I''d probably be ok with a basic round prong setting. I''ve got a setting in mind (once it gets here that is) and will see if it fits. I think if I went with a halo I''d have to do a custom one which I''d rather avoid, but it may look better with one.

Sarabear, I got turned on to this seller by TL. They do have some fantastic stuff, but being its ebay you still have to be careful. What I do like is that they tend to disclose treatments on stones if there are any but even with that, I tend to stay with safe ones.

Their sphene is out of this world gorgeous (I bid and lost on a christmas green one recently...darn!)They can have some super nice cut stones though some can be on the blah side. you just have to watch them ever so often.

Date: 9/24/2009 11:51:31 PM
Author: amethystguy
sweet stone..I like the color..
Yeah I know! Every time I look at it I think of tangerines or fire.
Had the cut been spot on I would have had to pay dearly for this stone I think.

I love that stone Arcadian!!!
Lovely bright fireball!
GREAT color! The Spess are so hard to photography and get them to look like they look IRL.

Very big, I don''t think it needs a halo! Congrats.
Great color on that stone Arcadian. Congratulations on an excellent ebay find!!
Very nice stone Arcadian! That color is very nice, I like it!
It''s gorgeous -- just the color I''ve been trying to find on all my failed attempts LOL.
Date: 9/25/2009 8:08:44 PM
Author: tourmaline_lover
Great color on that stone Arcadian. Congratulations on an excellent ebay find!!
This is all your fault.

Date: 9/25/2009 8:19:52 PM
Author: fierypyropixy
It''s gorgeous -- just the color I''ve been trying to find on all my failed attempts LOL.
Most of the ones on ebay are super light flooded, but I just had that feeling about this one.

As much as I like how the more fanta ones look, they look like caca on me. The redder I can go the better they look on me, because of that I save a bit more money in the process

I took the pics with my orangy citrine, which my jeweler mistaked for spess before *lol* (it would have been a sorry ass piece of spess if thats the case!)

I think you''ll find it but you just have to keep looking. Trust me, they''re out there

It''s beautiful! It is really a fireball!
It really sparkles. I like the "wonky" cut and the colour is really nice.
Date: 9/24/2009 9:10:18 PM
Author: Arcadian
The upside down pic. Here you can see its rather wonky cut.

I kinda like it though.
I don''t think I''ve ever seen a nipple cut like this before. It''s certainly a conversation starter.
Date: 9/26/2009 7:44:22 AM
Author: exturkconner

Date: 9/24/2009 9:10:18 PM
Author: Arcadian
The upside down pic. Here you can see its rather wonky cut.

I kinda like it though.
I don''t think I''ve ever seen a nipple cut like this before. It''s certainly a conversation starter.
Thats what makes it proof positive its a she

YUM! I''m loving the colour, and it looks like what you''re seeing is pretty accurate! Congrats, it''s lovely!
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