
I can''t decide on which one

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Feb 22, 2009
I''m a complete noob when it comes to diamond, thus my very first post in a diamond forum, for my very first diamond.

I am currently deciding between the following two diamond.
The price difference is like 50 bucks so its really pretty insignificant. And I''m hoping to get some pointers here on which is a better buy (i hope they are decent buys at least)

Both are round erms diamonds

GIA Certified
0.82 c
G color
VS1- Inclusion crystal
Very Good Cut
Fluoro - None

GIA Certified
F color
SI1- Inclusion - twinning wisp
Very Good Cut
Fluoro - Faint

This is what I remember of these two diamonds after walking out of the store. The diamond picture on the certificate looks pretty much the same.

Tx in advance
Date: 2/22/2009 3:30:03 PM

I'm a complete noob when it comes to diamond, thus my very first post in a diamond forum, for my very first diamond.

I am currently deciding between the following two diamond.
The price difference is like 50 bucks so its really pretty insignificant. And I'm hoping to get some pointers here on which is a better buy (i hope they are decent buys at least)

Both are round erms diamonds

GIA Certified
0.82 c
G color
VS1- Inclusion crystal
Very Good Cut
Fluoro - None

GIA Certified
F color
SI1- Inclusion - twinning wisp
Very Good Cut
Fluoro - Faint

This is what I remember of these two diamonds after walking out of the store. The diamond picture on the certificate looks pretty much the same.

Tx in advance

We need more info please in order to help.

Can you get the following info please for each diamond, this should be on the grading reports.

crown and pavilion angles
girdle thickness
diameter measurements
polish and symmetry grades
Any comments such as " cut grade affected by brillianteering' on the report if applicable.

Then we can go from there. Concerning the Very Good cut grades, are these the cut grades given by GIA on the reports, or is it the store referring to them as VG cuts?
Thanks, but what kind of information would you need ?

Can anyone pass judgement with the information that I could remember ?

Date: 2/22/2009 3:38:36 PM
Author: radd
Thanks, but what kind of information would you need ?

Can anyone pass judgement with the information that I could remember ?

Just posted it above!

And sorry we can't tell much at all with just the info you have regrettably. I am really sorry but in order to help you judge how well cut these diamonds are, we really need the info I listed above, but if the store is open they might be able to fax or email the info to you.
Thanks so much Lorelei,

I would try to contact the store again tomorrow. (Its 4.44 am where I live in right now. =) )

I really thought the 4 Cs are everything to a diamond. Apparently there are so so much more.
This site is fantastic.

Oh, if its of any help, the VG cut is given by GIA.
Date: 2/22/2009 3:45:30 PM
Author: radd
Thanks so much Lorelei,

I would try to contact the store again tomorrow. (Its 4.44 am where I live in right now. =) )

I really thought the 4 Cs are everything to a diamond. Apparently there are so so much more.
This site is fantastic.

Oh, if its of any help, the VG cut is given by GIA.
No problem, get the info when you can!

It is amazing when you really start researching diamonds how much is involved, what is not so well known is how cut quality can make or break the beauty of a diamond, and is so important. You don't necessarily have to go for the very highest cut quality, but what we call a ' fine make' of diamond can be a good choice if it has proven proportions. It depends on what you want.

That helps that the VG cut grade is from GIA, once we get the rest of the info then we will have a better idea. Did you have a favourite out of the 2 you saw and have you looked at many diamonds in person?
Well, to be honestly, it is a ring from my boyfriend that I am exchanging.

He got me the following:

GIA certified
0.8c, good cut, H color, SI1

And I saw the inclusion with my naked eye. An ugly black spark. I honestly can''t live with it and thus,
I am bringing it back to the store for an exchange.

With this exchange, we would definitely have to fork up around $1000 bucks but I rather that than that black spark.
Thus, I do not get the luxury to shop at any other store as I have to exchange it with that shop that he purchase from which does not have many choices within our small budget right now.

I am tending towards the 0.8 F color. However, I am worried that about the inclusion SI1 as that is the main reason why I am looking at exchanging that 0.8 H color.

But the good thing is I can''t spot the inclusion even with that loupe thing at the store.

Im trying to recall the cert and I somewhat remember both diagrams are pretty much similar with medium heavy or something along the line at the middle of the diamond diagram.

Gees, I sound so NOOBISH !

Date: 2/22/2009 4:13:59 PM
Author: radd

Well, to be honestly, it is a ring from my boyfriend that I am exchanging.

He got me the following:

GIA certified
0.8c, good cut, H color, SI1

And I saw the inclusion with my naked eye. An ugly black spark. I honestly can''t live with it and thus,
I am bringing it back to the store for an exchange.

With this exchange, we would definitely have to fork up around $1000 bucks but I rather that than that black spark.
Thus, I do not get the luxury to shop at any other store as I have to exchange it with that shop that he purchase from which does not have many choices within our small budget right now.

I am tending towards the 0.8 F color. However, I am worried that about the inclusion SI1 as that is the main reason why I am looking at exchanging that 0.8 H color.

But the good thing is I can''t spot the inclusion even with that loupe thing at the store.

Im trying to recall the cert and I somewhat remember both diagrams are pretty much similar with medium heavy or something along the line at the middle of the diamond diagram.

Gees, I sound so NOOBISH !

LOL!! Don''t worry!

Well it sounds as if you are doing the right thing if the inclusion is visible and is bothering you. What you need to aim for is a diamond which is not only eyeclean to your standards, but is well cut - and that is where we can help you a bit to find a well cut replacement if you would like. Did your BF buy it very recently, and does the store not have any kind of refund policy?
Where I come from, we don''t practise refund policy.
The best they could do for you is to exchange it unfortunately.

Yups, both choices are pretty eye clean to me. I spent like close to 2 hours staring at the diamonds in the store.

Date: 2/22/2009 4:33:20 PM
Author: radd

Where I come from, we don''t practise refund policy.
The best they could do for you is to exchange it unfortunately.

Yups, both choices are pretty eye clean to me. I spent like close to 2 hours staring at the diamonds in the store.

Ok, well keep us posted!
Date: 2/22/2009 4:33:20 PM
Author: radd

Where I come from, we don't practise refund policy.
The best they could do for you is to exchange it unfortunately.

Yups, both choices are pretty eye clean to me. I spent like close to 2 hours staring at the diamonds in the store.

Hi radd!

Along with picking a stone that is eyeclean, you want to look at them from a performance viewpoint also. Did you find they looked nice and sparkly? Did you compare the two for brightness, fire and scintillation (how it sparkles)? Did one stand out more than the other?

I ask this only because I know you were intent on not finding inclusions, and wonder if you were so intent on that (understandably) that you forgot to really concentrate on other things. If not, and you can go back, I would suggest that. Get them in as many lighting situations (within the store) as you can. Also by a window for the natural light. And cup your hand around them to block the light too, see which one is more lively. They shouldn't go "flat" and look dead. Then pick the one that looks the best overall.

If you do this (or did this), then you have done your due diligence!
And take Ellen''s advice also on examining the diamonds.
Thanks Ellen, Lorelei!

I did I did. After my intensive search for inclusions, I tried to put the two diamonds under the counter and see which one does glitter more. Of course, unfortunately both look pretty sparky to me.

The salesman, though I don''t how safe it is to trust him since he sold a budget rock to my guy (H color with black spot!) says that the F would be a better choice as he says the erms hearts and arrows are better in the F color gem.

Thus, when I look through the magnifying thing, I did think the erms arrows looks kinda sharper?

Of course, it could all be in the mind too.
Date: 2/23/2009 3:37:43 PM
Author: radd
Thanks Ellen, Lorelei!

I did I did. After my intensive search for inclusions, I tried to put the two diamonds under the counter and see which one does glitter more. Of course, unfortunately both look pretty sparky to me.

The salesman, though I don''t how safe it is to trust him since he sold a budget rock to my guy (H color with black spot!) says that the F would be a better choice as he says the erms hearts and arrows are better in the F color gem.

Thus, when I look through the magnifying thing, I did think the erms arrows looks kinda sharper?

Of course, it could all be in the mind too.
Really no way to tell without images to judge any h&a. Did you have a favourite diamond when viewing them face up in the store?
Date: 2/23/2009 3:37:43 PM
Author: radd
Thanks Ellen, Lorelei!

I did I did. After my intensive search for inclusions, I tried to put the two diamonds under the counter and see which one does glitter more. Of course, unfortunately both look pretty sparky to me.

The salesman, though I don''t how safe it is to trust him since he sold a budget rock to my guy (H color with black spot!) says that the F would be a better choice as he says the erms hearts and arrows are better in the F color gem.

Thus, when I look through the magnifying thing, I did think the erms arrows looks kinda sharper?

Of course, it could all be in the mind too.
You mean a Heart and Arrow viewer? If so, and one looked better than the other in the heart department, and you can''t see any difference face up, then yes, you might go with the one with better hearts.

And good for you for scoping them out! (did you happen to get them near a window, away from the lighting?)
There ain''t any windows in the mall for me to bring the diamonds to light.

I am honestly tending towards the F color myself. However, after googling and reading about twinning wisps being undesired inclusions, I can''t be sure. Even though I can''t really spot the twinning wisps.
Date: 2/23/2009 5:06:38 PM
Author: radd

There ain''t any windows in the mall for me to bring the diamonds to light.

I am honestly tending towards the F color myself. However, after googling and reading about twinning wisps being undesired inclusions, I can''t be sure. Even though I can''t really spot the twinning wisps.
Ok, scratch that!

Twinning wisps aren''t bad.
I''m back !

How does the attached specifications sound ?
Honestly I dont know if it is expensive? It''s from a Brick and Motar store in Singapore so I guess it will cost a bit more ?

My rough estimate is its around USD 3470?

Let me know! Basically I have to get it exchange at this store so I have no other options of buying it cheaper over the internet. The good thing is this SI 1 is eye clean, but I''m not too good with the cuts and griddles and the percentages to tell how good a diamond is.

Much appreciated

030309 gia.JPG
Hi Rad,

You''ve picked a FIC, which means Firey Ideal cut, which means it will tend to have a tad more fire than a TIC, and may, or may not lose just a bit of brilliance. It''s facing up just a titch smaller than it could, as it''s a little deep. But overall, I think it could be a very pretty diamond!

I take it you have seen it? Did you like how it looked/sparkled?
Hi Ellen,

Pardon my ignorance but what is a TIC ? I like the way the light dances around the diamond. I even brought it out of the store to have a closer look. Of course, the very bright shopping malls that Singapore has only makes it kinda sparkles more.

TIC means Tolkowsky Ideal Cut. TIC types are popular choices here but FIC's can be a good choice too, it is a matter of preference.
Date: 3/5/2009 11:20:36 AM
Author: Lorelei
TIC means Tolkowsky Ideal Cut. TIC types are popular choices here but FIC''s can be a good choice too, it is a matter of preference.
What she said! They are not "bad", just different. Some people seek them out.

Here you go, this might help.
Thanks so much. This is once again overwelming. I actually like the sound of FIC.

I guess I have to give it some more thought on this bling.

Do you guys think its a okay buy ?
Date: 3/5/2009 11:46:21 AM
Author: radd
Thanks so much. This is once again overwelming. I actually like the sound of FIC.

I guess I have to give it some more thought on this bling.

Do you guys think its a okay buy ?
Well, it''s ok if you are happy with it.
Let me put it this way, I don''t see any real reason not to try it out. Like I said, it has potential to be a pretty diamond, I just can''t say it is, because I can''t see it it.
Date: 3/5/2009 11:55:08 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 3/5/2009 11:46:21 AM
Author: radd
Thanks so much. This is once again overwelming. I actually like the sound of FIC.

I guess I have to give it some more thought on this bling.

Do you guys think its a okay buy ?
Well, it''s ok if you are happy with it.
Let me put it this way, I don''t see any real reason not to try it out. Like I said, it has potential to be a pretty diamond, I just can''t say it is, because I can''t see it it.

FIC here I come.

I will post up photos of it real soon.

Thanks again for all the help !

Can''t wait to see it! And you''re very welcome.
Date: 3/5/2009 4:01:08 PM
Author: radd

FIC here I come.

I will post up photos of it real soon.

Thanks again for all the help !
an interesting diamond.
Date: 3/5/2009 4:07:51 PM
Author: Ellen

Can''t wait to see it! And you''re very welcome.
my bling !!

not very photogenic tho..

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