
Huge newbie error!

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Mar 31, 2007
When my husband and I went to upgrade my stone I made a very quick selection based on the overall "look" of the diamond. I was mesmerized at the sparkle and clarity and thought it was safe to purchase because the diamond was certified (my engagement ring had a large inclusion and wasn''t certified). After using the Holloway Cut Advisor however, I realized that my new stone is cut too deep. I know my husband is fairly frustrated because I had been lurking around this site for weeks before the purchase, hoping to be better informed the next time around but am still in the same boat. I am so upset with myself and don''t know what to do! A local jeweler made me feel worse when he said that I could upgrade my diamond for life with the company I bought from, but would be getting the same thing each time..... A poorly cut stone. I can''t return the diamond, I can only exchange and/or upgrade. But will I really be upgrading or will I be mislead again? Should I just keep the stone? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
I have some feedback for you :)
I too have lurked here for sometime. My Hubby was replacing my lost e-ring. Long story short I couldn''t make up my mind on a stone. I saw so many that I liked but then the numbers or lack of a cert got to me. Finally Hubby just surprised me with a ring. I love it! With that said it has it''s problems. It is too shallow, and it has a girdle that is very thin-thin (this is not good because it is more prone to chipping.) The up side it that I love it! It looks beautiful to me and it is totally something I would pick out if I knew nothing about diamonds. I swear the stone calls my name. LOL!
My point is, is that if you love that stone dont worry too much about the numbers. You said you cant get a refund just an upgrade. If the stone is beautiful to you than smile. It is your stone.

Just my 2 cents.
Why would an upgrade have to be to a poorly cut stone? Wouldn't you have the option to chose a better stone within the same company's inventory? It would cost more, but it might be worth it for your peace of mind. Of course, if you are happy with your stone, don't let the numbers turn this into an unhappy experience. What do your eyes tell you?
I defense of your stone in an effort to help you possibly feel better, Isn''t the Look of the stone what counts over the numbers? I am assuming you paid a reasonable amount for the diamond. If the diamond is pleasing and well priced, then job done. Enjoyment is what is important and perhaps the number''s are not far off from what is considered ideal......

Best wishes in whatever you decide.....
Thanks for the input. I really love my diamond and the price my honey paid for it. I probably wouldn''t have noticed it if I hadn''t used this site''s tools. I was mostly concerned because I am searching for unique settings on a budget and whenever I find one it is either too small or too large. I love the setting in my avatar but can only be set with a .95 to 1.05 ct. My .96 carat diamond has a table of a .75 carat so I doubt it would fit. If Ikeep the diamond I have instead of spending more on one with a better cut, I will have to find a setting to make it stand out more since it does face up as a .75 ct. Do you think I could find a better cut .75 carat in the same price range as my poorly cut .96 ct.? It all seems like such a hassle when your on a budget ya know? I''ve got to figure out something because I am sure my husband is tired of hearing about it. Men just don''t understand what all the fuss is about...
Have you spoken with a jeweler or online vendor regarding fitting your stone into the setting that you like? Perhaps the table size won't affect this...I don't know, because I'm not an expert in this area, but getting some advice from one might help you make a decision. The stone is still a .96ct, regardless of it's face-up appearance.
I tried calling the company but they aren''t answering...they must be closed weekends. $280 sounds too good to be true for such detailing on a setting. I''m keeping my fingers crossed until Monday. What do you think about it?

I agree with those that said not to worry about the numbers, go with what your eyes tell you.

That is a beautiful setting, I love all the detail to it. Good luck, I hope that you can get it to work out for you!
May I ask why you can''t return the stone? The thing that would be regretable is if he paid a 1 ct. price for a diamond that has a diameter of a .75 ct stone. The jeweler should be able to get in other stones for you that have a cert that says excellent or ideal cut, and then you won''t be as likely to have this problem. Getting a stone that is shallow and appears larger is one thing, but getting one that is very deep making the diamond look much smaller is another.
The store I bought from only has a 30 day return policy but they allow you to upgrade for a lifetime. He only paid 2300 for it which was only about another thousand after I traded in my engagement ring. The diamond is K in color and is an SI2 in clarity (probably lower in clarity because it is certified with EGL USA) but has a depth percentage of 66.3, and the pavillion is 44.5%. It also has a medium blue fluorescence which I beleive contributes to it''s darkened color in some lighting.
can you post a picture of this stone. sometimes, diamonds with poor numbers outshine and outwow pedigreed diamonds. I have a round (that I found lying on the ground) that is "out of round". has no crown, and people can''t stop staring at it when i wear it. it stops traffic.

you also may have an "old cut" and not be aware of it.
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