
Hubby''s surprise blown!

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Nov 17, 2008
Well I have a birthday coming up and though I had told my husband not to really do anything as I have just started horse riding again (so had to buy a whole new kit) and we need our en-suite refitted. Well I had a call from our credit card company to ask me to verify a purchase at Tiffany and Co. I am sure he has got me the Green Quartz pendant and I had showed it to him ages ago and said something like that as a right hand ring. They told me the amount which was around the price of the pendant.

I feel a bit bad for him that the surprise is ruined, in fact I am not going to let on that I know. Will post pictures when i get it next month.
Aw--what a sweet hubby! Can''t wait for pics!
Aww that is sweet. I can''t wait to see what you get!
What a wonderful husband you have. Please post pictures when you get it.
It''s always nice to be surprised with something we really want. . . I don''t think I''d let the call from the cc company spoil it either!

It was a lovely thing to do on his part - and we can''t wait to see the pics!
How sweet of him to do this for you...that is too bad that his surprise was ruined though. I would not let on that you know either...that way he will still get his moment!
Awww...thats so sweet!!!! I can''t wait to see it!
How sweet! You better act surprised
Aw that''s so cute that he remembered and got it for you! Darn cc company but still, what a sweet gift!
lucky girl! nice husband :)
Awww that is sweet, what a sweet and wonderful hubby :D.
Your hubby is so wonderful!!! Can''t wait to see pics!!
that''s a sweet man you got. Well you won''t be 100% sure of what it is until you get it so there is still some suprises left!
What a sweet husband! Too bad the cc company ruined it, but I think you''re right to keep it a secret! I can''t wait for pictures!
Well to update you ladies here is the story so far.

AS we know (but he didn''t know we knew) my DH had bought the Green Quartz pendant from Tiffany for my birthday. It arrived at our house and I pretended not to know what it was and just put it inhis pile of mail. Then when he was on a business trip out of Heathrow (where there is a Tiffany), i get a call from him to say that he is looking at the pendant and he thinks that it is not as green as it looks online and he thinks it is disappointing. I say ''oh well if you don''t like it leave it''. So my birthday rolls around on Thursday. I had a great day and some nice presents from the kids but no presnt from DH. I didn''t mention it as I had a large dinner party to organise, kids off school and a stinking cold. On his birthday the following day we had got him lots of thoughtful gifts and he was just a bit cranky from the party. (no good having our birthdays on consequtive days).

Well Today (Saturday) we are flying out of the new Heathrow Terminal 5 where there is the Tiffany and so i go to check out the pendant. I think it is cute but actually prefer the amythest. I would not wear it everyday but is a cute necklace with better colour. While I am in there I ask her to show me the diamond pendants. The kids are with us and they are getting bored but the lady pulls out some .25 pendants. I am sold. We head off to get a sandwich, remove the children from Tiffany and think aobut it. Over the sandwich DH is concerned that we could get a better deal from our local jeweller, buy when we are in NY next month or online. I quickly check Whiteflash on the blackberry work out that with shipping and tax there is not much in it. So back we go to Tiffany. DH asks to see the next size up which is a .31, this is a really nice size which faces up as the same size as my studs. It is not much more and tells me to get it. Now my husband is getting stressed out by the kids and this is not a ''if you love it I would love your to have it'' moment or ''it looks beautiful on you, please elt me buy it for you''. My husabnd it is the kind to say ''just get that one then''.

Now we are doing alright at the moment, the house needs painting, the bathroom needs ripping out but we have some savings and it is my 35th birthday. I have had a bad year health wise etc. and feel like I have worked really hard on our new house painting and DIYing. BUT I worry what my friends will say and what my parents will say. I have come to stay with my parents and have my necklace in the box. I am worried I should take my nacklace back to Tiffany when I get home. I don''t need it in the grand scheme of things but it is very pretty and won''t bankrupt us.

Why am I having this dilemma. Do you think I should return it. I was a rushed impulse purchase when we went in for a silver and gemstone pendant in the first place.
That''s a hard situation and one that my husband and I often find ourselves in. Approving of the purchase but not really putting much thought in it and just agreeing to it. I often feel the same way that it sounds like you do right now.
hi sparkle :)

i suspect your husband feels as tho he''s already put more effort into it than he wanted to, so you returning it would probably just confuse him and not help the situation - like "I thought you wanted it? so now i didnt get you anything for your birthday? but i TOLD you to get it..." he''s probably at the ''whatever'' stage at this point.

it might not have been the ideal scenario or the ideal gift, but at this point, in his head, it''s what he got you, and i''d keep it. what i WOULD do tho is wear it a LOT, and tell him that you LOVE it and that, altho it was ''a bit of a bother on the logistics side'', you really appreciate it and what a wonderful, generous guy he is. let him overhear you telling a couple of people that he got you a tiffany diamond pendant, and how touched you were...and maybe next time the two of you will have a better experience; 40 is coming faster than you''ll ever want it to, believe me!!

now. where''s those neck shots???

I totally understand your dilema, I just purchased a new ring I didnt really need and I have so much more that I should have done with the money, but I look at like hey its what I want and if I can afford it then why not....we need to just let go of the guilt
Maybe I missed this but what happened to the box that arrived at the house? I thought that was for you? Or did he order it then when he saw
it in person he decided he didnt like it and planned on sending it back???

Why do you care what others think/say. It is up to you and your husband whether you can afford it or not. I suspect that whitby is correct
and your husband probably thinks he has put enough effort into and will be confused with the offer to return it.

I say keep it (if you truely can afford it). Ignore what anyone else says (but if you have been whinning to them you are broke then you are
likely to hear some comments). It is unfortunate that such a lovely gift has some negative feelings attached to it. You need to preform an
exorcism on those bad feelings and where it with joy!

BTW - wouldnt hurt to come up with a standard response to those make comments that will shut the conversation down (without offending
them of course
Thank you for all your comments. I was having a guilt issue about the purchase but as we can afford it I decided when I woke up this morning that I love it. I have wanted a diamond pendant for about twenty years and to hell with it. I am wearing it with pride.

As for the tension when purchasing I just think that DH is annoyed that we ended up getting the necklace together and wished he had just gone ahead and bought me a diamond pendant. I had told him I liked the qreen Quartz pendant as a modest suggestion and he thought it was not good enough. It was his suggestion to look at the diamonds in the store and even when I modestly said I liked one at .25 he told this assistant we could do a bit better than that. It was unfortuante that we had the kids with us but we wanted to take advantage of the tax free aspect.

Whitby - I didn't let on the DH my anxiety about the necklace really. I think I was just having some late night guilt. We are doing alright at the moment but lots of our friends are not. I love the necklace and have told him about a million times today.

tyty33 - To clarify DH had returned the quartz pendant before I had even seen it as he thought (quite rightly I think) it was not worth the money. Therefore he had suggested to me that we take a look in Tiffany in the airport when coming on this trip. It is not like the purchase of something came out of the blue.
I also like your idea of having a comment ready for those who can be a bit catty. Any suggestions? I am really bad at things like that. I would never comment on someone elses choice of how to spend their money but people do feel free to comment on mine. I usually take it personally and feel bad but I am going to get a standard comment ready and to hell with what they think. I work very hard bringing up my children and doing most of the renovation work on our home myself. My DH travels all the time for work and I am on my own a lot and rarely get to go out. Can't I have some pleasures in life. NB I make it a policy not to talk about money with friends.
P.S Photos to follow as I am currently at my parents house.
Let''s see - you''ve wanted a diamond pendant in forever - you turned 35, had a tough year - did alot for your family - hubby wanted to buy it for you (ok the circumstances were not the best, but that''s life) - It''s not the Hope diamond - You deserve to enjoy this!!!!! Thank your DH a million times; if there are $ issues with family/friends, I personally wouldn''t go out of my way to show it to them - just let your hubby know YOU are VERY happy and never take it off - he''ll get the message.
Well, that is an awesome gift and I would say to enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is gorgeous, sparkly and will signal people from across the room. The Tiff bezel diamonds are really special, aren''t they? I heart mine and it is one of my favorite pieces.

You will live in it! Enjoy, don''t feel guilty! You definitely deserve it.

If you''re worried anyone will say anything, just relax and smile when someone asks about it. If they''re really your friends, they will be happy for you. If they''re catty, just smile and say, "Thanks, I love it!" Then glow with true happiness - that''ll usually take the wind out of most jealous sails.
How sweet. I can''t wait to see it.
She likes it. She'd always wanted something like it for years. So he gets it for her, esp since he can afford it. Really, that's how most guys operate. So wear it without guilt cuz knowing you like it will put a smile on his face.

To catty comments, you cd say with a smile, "Well, my DH loves to see it on me and I think it looks absolutely fabulous!"

But if you're feeling especially 'wicked'... "If you think this was extravagant, wait till you see what else he got me..." which of course you won't (elaborate).

While some wd advocate kinder words, I have no such qualms agst 'sourgrapes' or 'sore losers'. In fact many of them have learnt to be less catty around me...
hi sparkle :)

i''m glad you''ve decided to keep it. i think you''re kind of ''there'' with it anyway - so now it''s time to enjoy the ride!

there''s no comment in the world that can silence truly mean or judgmental people - it only lowers you to their level. sp keep your head up, a smile on your face, and your eyes on the husband who loves you enough to buy you such a lovely gift.

congratulations :)
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