Hi all. New here. Shopping for an engagement ring online and in brick and mortar stores.
Something I noticed from some salespeople is that when I ask to see certification on a diamond ring I like, some say "all that matters is that you like it." Like, why see certification if I like the ring? Not sure how to respond to that.
One person told me that they don't show certification until after you buy the ring, claiming that they don't have the certification paperwork to whip out for each ring as I see them. That seemed very odd.
Not sure what to make of this. It all seems shady since I can go on Blue Nile or James Allen and look at certifications to my heart's content.
Something I noticed from some salespeople is that when I ask to see certification on a diamond ring I like, some say "all that matters is that you like it." Like, why see certification if I like the ring? Not sure how to respond to that.
One person told me that they don't show certification until after you buy the ring, claiming that they don't have the certification paperwork to whip out for each ring as I see them. That seemed very odd.
Not sure what to make of this. It all seems shady since I can go on Blue Nile or James Allen and look at certifications to my heart's content.