
How to pick an officiant?

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Feb 10, 2006
I''ve found a couple judges for our ceremony, all for as reasonable a rate as I can find. Now, the question is, which one do I pick?
They all sound nice and say they''ll add or subtract parts from their written ceremony and cost the same. I just wonder are there other questions I can ask? Just do eenie-meenie-minie-moe?

I want this task to be checked off my list but don''t want to rush and make a mistake or not be thorough in my questioning/thought process.

Btw, I just read through a checklist torn out from some magazine and until that point, I thought I was doing good. Now, I am feeling so overwhelmed.
Those checklists are bad, bad things!!!

Thanks for the help!
I think you and your FI should meet with each prospective officiant and choose whichever one feels comfortable for you. I don''t know what questions to ask and I usually make decisions by feeling people out, haha. And I think the most important thing is that you feel like this officiant is on the same page you two are, so it would definitely help to meet with him/her.

Thanks Poptart! I''m not sure we''ll get a chance to meet the person but that would be helpful. I guess I''m just hoping to pick first to get this decision finalized

Anyone else have any suggestions, any questions, anything???
Date: 3/19/2007 12:27:34 AM

Btw, I just read through a checklist torn out from some magazine and until that point, I thought I was doing good. Now, I am feeling so overwhelmed.
Those checklists are bad, bad things!!!
UGH... I was just reading through the one in Martha Stewart Weddings on the train yesterday, and was so distraught about all the things I should be doing, that I actually MISSED my stop! I had to run to the front yelling, "wait wait let me off!!" Yes, I was that girl.

As for officiants, that was actually one of our (very few) uncomplicated decisions, because we''re having the same pastor that married my parents. Otherwise, do you have any friends in the area who''ve gotten married recently? Sometimes just asking around (and telling your friends to ask around too!) is the easiest way to stumble upon somebody good... that''s how we found our band.

Also, not sure where you''re getting married, but if it''s a place that does a lot of weddings, definitely ask them who they recommend. You''ll probably get an honest opinion from somebody who''s witnessed a lot of weddings. Maybe even email other popular reception sites in your area to ask the same question?
Eph, thanks for your suggestions. Luckily, I did get some referrals so I''ve called a bunch and (I think) settled on one judge. He was very nice over the phone and seemed very accommodating to add/delete whatever we want. So we''ll talk again and he said he''ll read me the ceremony.
I guess now''s a good time to figure out what *I* want in the ceremony. He has made some suggestions which were pretty much what we want so I think it''ll work out well. Plus, he''s among the cheapest I found so I''m feeling pretty good.

But I''m a little nervous making this decision. It feels like one of the big ones!
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