
How to handle absent parents?



So, I guess since I've officially started shopping for my dress, etc. that it's time for me to at least emotionally deal with the very real possibility that my parents will not be at my wedding. I don't want to go into great detail, but whenever I ask my mom about coming she immediately launches into the same excuse that she's used about visiting for holidays, and even for why she doesn't call to talk to us.

I have two girls, ages 5 and 7 that miss her very much, and ask me frequently why grandma and grandpa don't visit, call, etc. My 7 year old, who rarely cries, breaks down about once a month about it. It breaks my heart into a million little pieces to watch her hurting because of my own parents. :((

I gave my parents 15 months notice, offered to pay for their flights, or to at least help if needed, and my FMIL has an entire HOUSE that she's offered them to use for just the two of them for the week of the wedding, all in hopes that they would feel welcomed and would come. Still, I get the same wishy-washy "well I don't know, I can't commit because I'm dealing with your grandmother" excuse that she gives for *everything*. Now, I have to explain why this just isn't a valid excuse because it COULD be - however, my grandmother is in a nursing home about 200 miles from my mom, and she only goes to visit her maybe once every month or so. Also, she only goes if my father has an appointment there as well, or it's absolutely necessary. So it's not like me asking her to take ONE week (less, actually) away to be at my wedding is an unreasonable request.

Ugh, this is all jumbled, and probably not coming out well at all. :(sad

So here's the thing - how do you deal with it? I fully expect to not have my mother, or my father there. I can deal with it, I think, but I know a big part of coping with it is having a "game plan". I have one living grandfather, and I'm thinking of asking him if he'd like to give me away, however it's definitely not a guaranteed thing because he's getting older and it would require him to fly to NY from AZ with plane changes, etc. and I'm nervous about him missing connecting flights.

The only family that I can guarantee to be there will be my two girls, who will be 6 and 8 years old at the time. My youngest will be the flower girl, and my older daughter will be a jr bridesmaid because she's just too tall to pass for a flower girl at over 4'6". I thought about having my girls do it somehow, but that just seems maybe just figure out how to skip that part completely? :confused: Anyhow, that's enough rambling for my first post on this subject. I've been holding a lot of this in and ignoring it, but I know it's starting to surface in my dreams, and questions are being asked, so I need to start figuring it out sooner rather than later.

If you made it this far, thank you!! If you aren't completely confused, you're doing better than me. :sick:


Feb 6, 2007
Hi Tammy,
Bless your heart. I don't post often, but I was so touched by your question and wanted to respond. I was recently an "encore" bride and am old enough to be the mother of most of the lovely ladies who post here, so my POV might be a bit different. I went though a slightly similar situation when my parents were not able to attend my June wedding due to my Mother's ill health.

I think having your daughters as your escorts sounds absolutely lovely and if that is what you would like, do it! My wedding was tiny and very unconventionaI. I walked down the aisle with my fiance, and I loved making that trip together. Make the day what you and your fiance want, and try not to let your parent's absence overshadow the joy of marrying the man of your dreams.


Dec 17, 2008
Sorry you are having to deal with this Tammy. I think you are on the right track not expecting your parents to be there.
If they do come - fine, if they dont, then you werent expecting them in the first place. I would find someone besides your
grandfather to walk you down the isle. It just sounds like there are too many "ifs" about him being able to do it. I would
either walk/march myself down the isle or have the girls escort you (one on each side).

Hopefully, you will have enough friends (or maybe other family members) at the wedding to keep you occupied and not
missing your parents. Some people are just not travelers. You could offer them the world but they still couldnt make it.
There is not much you can do but accept it. :( Remember that your girls are there and you are starting a new family
together...thats whats really important!


tyty333 said:
Sorry you are having to deal with this Tammy. I think you are on the right track not expecting your parents to be there.
If they do come - fine, if they dont, then you werent expecting them in the first place. I would find someone besides your
grandfather to walk you down the isle. It just sounds like there are too many "ifs" about him being able to do it. I would
either walk/march myself down the isle or have the girls escort you (one on each side).

Hopefully, you will have enough friends (or maybe other family members) at the wedding to keep you occupied and not
missing your parents. Some people are just not travelers. You could offer them the world but they still couldnt make it.
There is not much you can do but accept it. :( Remember that your girls are there and you are starting a new family
together...thats whats really important!

I guess I really had not considered this, since they used to travel all the time for work, but now that they are retired I suppose that's something I have to keep in mind. Thank you both for your input on the situation.

The more I think about it, the more I really want to figure out if I can get the girls to cooperate enough to walk me down the aisle. I know for sure my 7, soon to be 8 year old can and would love to, but my younger daughter may prove to be a bit of a challenge...albeit worth the risk. You are right that there are just too many "ifs" regarding my grandfather.

I don't think any of my other family will be able to attend, since it's on the opposite coast, but I knew that when we chose the location. Even if they don't come, I won't regret having it there. My FI moved here (CA) to be with me, the very least I can do is have the wedding in his hometown where all of his family can attend it. I knew that the likelihood of my family attending even if we did have it here would be slim-to-none since they still live 600 miles away from us, so it really was the best decision.

So I guess the best course of action is to enjoy my new additional family and friends (whom I love, and they love me right back, so that helps tremendously), and work out a way to have both of the girls walk with me...or have my older daughter walk me down, and my younger daughter walk in front of us since she'd love to toss flower petals. My older daughter is quite mature for her age and more likely to appreciate that role/the memories when she's older. Hmmmm, yeah I like that idea!


May 31, 2009
tyty333 said:
Sorry you are having to deal with this Tammy. I think you are on the right track not expecting your parents to be there.
If they do come - fine, if they dont, then you werent expecting them in the first place. I would find someone besides your
grandfather to walk you down the isle. It just sounds like there are too many "ifs" about him being able to do it. I would
either walk/march myself down the isle or have the girls escort you (one on each side).

Hopefully, you will have enough friends (or maybe other family members) at the wedding to keep you occupied and not
missing your parents. Some people are just not travelers. You could offer them the world but they still couldnt make it.
There is not much you can do but accept it. :( Remember that your girls are there and you are starting a new family
together...thats whats really important!

Bolded - this is so true. My fiance's mother hurts him so often by declining our invitations to come out and see us. She will only come if somebody else from her family will drive her, as she refuses to fly or to drive by herself. She has no reason to dodge our invites, she is retired, has no daily cares or worries, nor financial nor health constraints. She just does not travel! I have made my peace with it but it does hurt my fiance. I hope that eventually he can make his peace with it too.

That being said, it is so extreme for your parents to not even travel to see your wedding, is there some deeper psychological fear at work here I wonder? Also, I have been at a few second weddings with children involved, and it is always touching when the children walk down the aisle with their mom. Not a dry eye in the house!


ts44 said:
tyty333 said:
Sorry you are having to deal with this Tammy. I think you are on the right track not expecting your parents to be there.
If they do come - fine, if they dont, then you werent expecting them in the first place. I would find someone besides your
grandfather to walk you down the isle. It just sounds like there are too many "ifs" about him being able to do it. I would
either walk/march myself down the isle or have the girls escort you (one on each side).

Hopefully, you will have enough friends (or maybe other family members) at the wedding to keep you occupied and not
missing your parents. Some people are just not travelers. You could offer them the world but they still couldnt make it.
There is not much you can do but accept it. :( Remember that your girls are there and you are starting a new family
together...thats whats really important!

Bolded - this is so true. My fiance's mother hurts him so often by declining our invitations to come out and see us. She will only come if somebody else from her family will drive her, as she refuses to fly or to drive by herself. She has no reason to dodge our invites, she is retired, has no daily cares or worries, nor financial nor health constraints. She just does not travel! I have made my peace with it but it does hurt my fiance. I hope that eventually he can make his peace with it too.

That being said, it is so extreme for your parents to not even travel to see your wedding, is there some deeper psychological fear at work here I wonder? Also, I have been at a few second weddings with children involved, and it is always touching when the children walk down the aisle with their mom. Not a dry eye in the house!

Yes, there are some deeper (muuuch deeper) psychological issues at work, however not so much fear as depression. Both of them have distanced themselves from all friends and family - at first it was "just" extended family and friends, but over the last couple of years they've become that way with everyone. :blackeye:
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