
How To Clean Diamonds, White Gold and Platinum

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Sep 8, 2001
Just wondering, what is the best way to keep my diamonds rings sparkling without destroying their settings?One is set in platinum and the other white gold. Someone told me that it was OK to mix windex and H2O and soak the rings. Can this hurt in anyway?Also, not only does my diamond reflect all the colors of the rainbow, but at times it reflects pink and this a normal effect?Lastly, it is amazing to see how much there is to know about purchasing a stone. My father gave my mom a marquise 35 years ago. He looked at only 1 other stone. The marquise is approximately 2 CT and he paid $1,500. Today, we pay $15,000+...that is a scary thought. How will our children be able to afford this luxury?Thank you for your response.
"Diamonds like being cleaned in any household cleaners like window cleaners and dishwashing liquid with a dash of ammonia (if you can stand the smell). The best results are obtained by adding some boiling water to the solution in a cup. Give the diamonds a clean with an old toothbrush and then have a good rinse with the PLUG IN the sink! Dry with some tissue paper.

Gin is for drinking and tooth paste for teeth. Covering the back of a diamond with toothpaste, as some people suggest, is a great way to make diamonds really dirty."
Garry, ir remindes me that we should consume gin in the right way this winter. Jenn and I have new skies now

BEDAZZLED, who knows, diamonds might cost much less 35 years from now... Enjoy yours today

Hi, I was a new bride - to - be when I started to learn about jewelry. Once, in "zales" store salesperson told me that my ring was very dirty and it needed to be cleaned... She went to clean it in the other room and it seemed eternity. In reality it was only 2 minutes. I have a question, is that possible that she could switch diamond in my ring for this period of time and what is the best way to clean my engagement ring: at home or at jewelry store?

Thank you
Hi Beaute,

I doubt that they could switch stones in a couple of minutes. Switching stones is very risky thing to do anyway. It happens very rear.

To make yourself feel comfortable you can know inclusions/flaws in your diamond that can be seen with a loope (if it has a grading report they should be marked out) and check the stone with a loope after you're getting it back.

Some people use to clean their diamond(s) themselves at home regularly and yet bring them to a jeweler for more thorough clean up.
thank you Leonid,

your reply made me feel safer :) Actually, the diamond I have looks very clean, my fiance' did a good job by choosing everything. The whole proposal took me by the surprise, even the size of a ring fit for my finger.

I have one more question:
How much power can be used to get my diamond chipped or broken? I am a very active person and don't know if it can be good for a ring...
How much power can be used to get my diamond chipped or broken? I am a very active person and don't know if it can be good for a ring...

Most risky parts are girdle and culet. So the danger also depends on type of the settings. E.g. bezel setting is securer. However you'll be safer not to wear it during physical exercises at all :eek:

hello Leonid
My ring is in 6 prong setting and I do work out a lot. I am not running with my ring on me....

Thanks, Mara, I would do that. I got soem close-up pics, but unable to upload. It is in BMP format and size is around 400 KB. Do I need to change the format?

I just received the ultrasonic cleaner I ordered on the internet 2 days ago...

I have absolutley cleaned EVERY piece of jewlery I can find in the house.. Now I'm left with nothing else to clean..

But let me tell you guys.... it does an AMAZING job! All the gook on the bottom of the diamond where I can't reach is perfectly clear!!!

And it was on $54..

I love it!
can you tell me the brand of ultrasonic clearner that you got?
Sure .. no problem..

Here's the link.. it is on sale... other sites have it too... but for about $60-$90. So this is the cheapest I found. They are just as good as the larger ones. It doesn't have a ON/OFF for heat switch. But if you put warm water in it.. and after it is on for about 5 mintes... it'll start heating up... and after 10 minutes.. the water gets real hot!

These work exactly the same as those big ones for $200-300.. except personal use size.

Here's the link:

My ring is platinum with a princess diamond and my jeweller told me to get a pan add some water, dish detergent and lemon juice boil until slightly bubbling then put the diamond in and let boil for five minutes, let it cool and brush it with a soft toothbrush under cold running water and dry with a paper towel. I have been doing this for years and my ring sparkles like new every time!!!!!!

Lou Lou
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