
How to buy WOW tanzanites


Sep 29, 2015
Hello to all,

I'm in the market for 3 tanzanites for myself -- -- 1 stone ~ 7MM round or trillion to add to pendant; 2 stones ~6-7 mm for drop earrings to hang from huggy hoops

I've done much reading, but found it tough going. I've come up with the following characteristics: really vivid blue color, with purple secondary; medium hue ; eye clean . I know I need photos straight head on.

Any other characteristics that will help me get my WOW tanzanites?

I'm going to be contacting Lapigems; Africagems, and Paraiba. Any other vendor who's really good with tanzanites?
Thanks so much -- in advance.

Your advice would be greatly appreciated and needed.

also, can someone send me a link for the steps in uploading pictures to a PS post.

Many thanks.

That sounds about right. Do see what Pearlman's can call in from the virtual inventory as well. They seem to be priced competitively for the quality.

Instructions by Pregcurious (haven't seen her post for weeks!)
1) Click "post reply" (like you are going to reply to this message)
2) At the bottom of the message window, you will 2 two tabs/folders. The one in the front says "options". Click on the tab in the back, which says "upload attachments".
3) Next to "file name", click on "Browse". A window will appear that shows your desktop. Select the picture, and click "Open". This window will close
4) Now you will see the file name next to the "Browse" button.
5) You can now write a comment that will appear under the picture in the white space under "Browse", to the right of "File comment".
6) (You an skip this step and go to step 7 if you only want to post 1 pic.) You can add 3 additional pics (4 total) by clicking "add the file" (to the right of the file name. This will refresh the screen and "attach" the picture without posting it (yet). (If you get a red error message saying "The extension [format] is not allowed", that means you need to change the format of your picture.) If your picture is accepted, you can now add another one.
7) You can post your message and picture (and a file comment) by pressing submit, just like you do when you post a message. (You can also click "preview" to see how your message/picture will look.

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. Your experience is invaluable.

I've "discovered" colored stone earrings late in life -- they bring such life to the face. I hope to be able to buy quality stones at an affordable price so I can have several pair.

Your description of the Tanzanite you want meets the criteria (almost) that most Tanzanite collectors want. The more vivid and blue the stone, the more it's a collector's item. Having said that, the general preference is that purple should feature more. Nearly all Tanzanite will exhibit purple as a secondary as it's a pleochroic gemstone.

Lapigems are a great source but you may find most of their stones to be a shade too dark for you.

Have a look at Multicolour - they sometimes have lovely Tanzanite in stock. I haven't looked at their inventory for a while so not sure if they have some but it's worth a quick look.

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