
How to begin looking for the right tile?

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May 18, 2008
We have a tiny condo. It''s about 860 square feet, including patio, the closets, and the laundry room
. So there isn''t much to cover. I finally got FI on board for putting tile throughout the entire apartment. Our carpet is new and since we don''t have pets there aren''t any stains or anything. I just really hate carpet...especially in FL where its always so hot.

But now we have the task of choosing the tile. If you are experienced or just want to offer an opinion, I''m wondering:

1. Should we go with the really big tile to make our space look bigger? What size do you think makes sense for our tiny space?

2. I''m not too concerned with color. I''m thinking a nice cream color.

3. Anything else I should know before we start our search? I already know we have to put down the sound proof material (?) first because we''re on the second floor and otherwise our neighbors will hear every step. Anything else?

Depending on the size sometimes large tile can look really awkward in small spaces (if there is only a few grout lines). I would go for darker tile than cream (easier to keep clean) with matching grout. Plus I think more universal for resale. Are you doing the tile yourself? You will need to put down backer board/cement board (depending on where you live...same thing, different names). make sure you seal the grout to protect from stains. I would go to a tile shop and look around. You might want to get creative once you see what is out there!
Thanks for the tips tacori! We are picking the tile ourselves and purchasing but my mother''s friend who is in the construction business but completely out of work will do the work for us. He''s basically just waiting for us to choose the tile we want and he''ll do the rest.
If you are choosing between porcelain or ceramic tiles, go for the porcelain every time. They cost a shed load more $$$ than the ceramic, but they won''t break if you drop things on them. This is especially important in kitchens.

I like natural stone or one that looks like it - something that is not a totally flat colour will show the dirt a lot less. However, make sure with natural stone that you get it sealed properly and use the right cleaning products.

Off-white or ivory grouting also looks so much better than white does.
Glazed tile is often just white with a colored finish... so over time the finish will wear off and the tile will NOT look nice. I would go with a "through-body" porcelain 9the color is throughtout instead of just on top) or a quarry tile. Definitely get a darker grout color than just a cream or whatever... the darker it is, the less dirt it will show. Definitely don''t go with a very large tile... in a small space it will look disproportionate. I''d probably go for 12" or a little less. Another option is stained or stamped concrete which will probably cost much less than the tile. I don''t know your style but if I were tiling my whole apartment then I would probably go with something like slate which will probably require a thick set mortar. Its dramatic but still pretty neutral at the same time. Good luck with your search!
Also I think setting them on a diagonal opens up the space and make small halls, etc...appear larger. If you go with a stone know there will be more upkeep but could add more value to your home.
Don''t do light color grout! Ours in the house we moved in has white grout...what a pain to clean! I am trying to decide if we are doing a different color tile or hardwoods, but the light color has to go! I also think setting them on the diagonal looks great!
We are tile shopping right now too as we are renovating two bathrooms. They have some really cool stuff out there right now, I really like the larger rectangular tiles a lot. The ones I was looking at are like 12"x24", and I think they look awesome set like the picture on the left, I love the diagonal like Tacori suggested. Also in that picture they set a lighter color tile with a gray grout, which I also think looks great!!
Date: 12/29/2008 3:03:57 PM
I just really hate carpet...especially in FL where its always so hot.
Fiery: Did you consider wooden flooring as an option?
Date: 12/29/2008 5:37:54 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Also I think setting them on a diagonal opens up the space and make small halls, etc...appear larger. If you go with a stone know there will be more upkeep but could add more value to your home.
totally agree with Tacori. I''ve designed custom home interiors for quite some time and have found a 12-14" tile on a diagonal to open up a small area. It''s also a bit cheaper
than the larger tiles. Consider your wall colors. Bring home many samples and live with them for a few days, observing in all lights. Many tiles can appear fine in a showroom,
but turn a different color in your home. (think pink or green casts) Also consider resale, a nice neutral, beige/gold sometimes is just enough color, yet still a neutral. Many tiles mimic natural stones, the look without the upkeep. Visit your local tile showrooms and look at the displays, lots of ideas there. Good luck!
If you''re interested in hunting around a bit, would you consider reclaimed tiles from architectural salvage? I got Victorian quarry tiles for our bathroom that way and they are lovely, plus I know that they won''t fade, there''s no new glaze to wear off, they are pretty robust etc. I wish we had laid them on the diagonal and I wish we had used a dark coloured grout. White was a big mistake, it shows every mark and makes the floor look dirty even when the tiles are clean. I think we''ll give up and re-do the grouting.

Date: 12/29/2008 6:49:32 PM
Author: Steel

Date: 12/29/2008 3:03:57 PM
I just really hate carpet...especially in FL where its always so hot.
Fiery: Did you consider wooden flooring as an option?
I did but FI doesn''t like wooden flooring. I find it to be so elegant but he''s not a fan.

Tacori-I like the diagnal idea too. Someone mentioned to me before that it really opens up the space.
Date: 12/31/2008 9:14:37 AM
Author: fieryred33143

Date: 12/29/2008 6:49:32 PM
Author: Steel
Fiery: Did you consider wooden flooring as an option?
I did but FI doesn't like wooden flooring. I find it to be so elegant but he's not a fan.
Tacori-I like the diagnal idea too. Someone mentioned to me before that it really opens up the space.
That is a shame. But word of warning - in our first house DH refused to even consider wooden floors. I finally negotiated him into fitting one room with wood floors and once the house was finished he gave himself a big kick. He loved the wood and hated the carpets and some of the tiles. He really wished he had not been so wilful (
). The up side is that in this new house he almost refuses to offer an opinion - he knows I will get it right for us.

About diagonal tiles- unless you DIY you should know most tilers charge extra to set on angle as it is more labour intensive (cutting) and has more tile wastage.

Sorry to be all doom an gloom
fiery: I am in the same boat regarding tile. Not sure what to do. We are remodeling guest bathroom and haven't made the tile decision yet. I wanted a neutral, cream color tile but DH is leaning toward a dark, grayish tile with hints of red...we will have some cherry wood in this bath.

We are on a strict budget using wedding gift cards from a year ago, making sure they don't expire, and extras from Christmas gifts. We painted the walls a dark green, I think it's called artichoke, and installed beadboard painted a taupe color. Trim and baseboard will be an off-while color so not so bright against the darker colors. All accessories (tissue/towel holders/trash can) will be rubbed bronze. Regardless of the tile color, definitely taking advice from others on here and going with the dark grout. Going Friday to a new place to look at their tile and get suggestions.

Anything would be better than the previous pink bath with seashell wallpaper and teal (yes, teal) trim left from the previous homeowners.

Oh!...Haven't picked mirror and lighting yet, either. I have to agonize over it for a long time before I make decisions...sigh.

Good luck to you! I will be lurking to see the responses you get.

ETA: Good gosh...I just read my post and see that I gave way too many details of my own redecorating woes on your post.
My apologies...I promise to be quiet and lurk for advice unless I learn something tile-related on my visit Friday that I can share with you.
dianne, DH always buys mirrors at Garden Ridge for his rehabs. They are cheap. Check them out! Also if it is a small bath go to a tile store (we go to "the tile shop" good prices and a great selection) and ask if they have any half boxes they are trying to get rid of (maybe something that they no longer keep in stock but still have some inventory left).
Tacori: You are so right about Garden Ridge! We actually have a mirror "kinda" picked out at Garden Ridge. DH just happened to go by there one day to see what they amazing selection and the prices were fantastic!

The bath floor area to be tiled is 8ft X 5ft...just an average full I''ll be sure to remember to inquire about leftover or even discontinued tiles that may work for me. Great idea! Thanks!
Personally, I much prefer wood than tile after having lived with both. My current home has tile and the only think that makes it bearable is that it has radiant heat (we live in NJ) otherwise, I would have ripped it up.

As Tacori mentioned, laying the tile on a diagonal makes the room look more spacious. But that only works if you get a larger tile. I would say 12x12 or larger.

The way you lay your tile can largely be dependent upon the actual stone you pick. For instance, Travertine is one of those stones that looks better laid in a certain way.
fiery: I went to the local tile store that Tacori recommended and Wow! So many choices! The mock rooms were a great help and some of the designs were so creative. We thought we wanted smaller than 12x12 but now have changed our minds to using 12x12 and installing diagonally. We brought some samples home and we have one more store to visit tomorrow so the decision is not final yet. I don''t make instant decisions so this is really tough for me. I wish you the best and I''m sure whatever you choose will be beautiful.
i so love tile! our home is a rather large open floor plan so i used the same tile but two different sizes: the larger 18x18''s in what is supposed to be a livingroom but for us is called the sunroom [if you saw it you''d know why] and the kitchen family room using the smaller 12x12. the use of the same tile but in two different sizes provided a nice transition. ditto re tinting your grout. and buy an iRobot to clean the floors for you!

movie zombie
We went with a natural stone...travertine marble.

We went with 12x12 in our bathrooms...and 18x18's in our basement/office. It worked out really well.
I also vote for the tile (in a bit darker than cream color) and on the diagonal! The entrance way into our house, is long (about 25 feet..probably more), and we just replaced the tile (on the diagonal) and it really adds width to the long hallway (that also has 16 foot ceilings). Makes a huge difference from the smaller (off white tile) we had before, that was set, side by side. These tiles are 12X12..and anything bigger (16X16) in a small space will look out of place I think!! You may not be able to tell from the pic, but the tile has sort of wavy edges (not straight), and we went with a sand color grout, with the brown (looks lighter in person)..and it's so easy to conceal the dirt the kids track in!!

entrance way.jpg
Thank you all for the suggestion. We''re going shopping this weekend to check things out. As for the cost of placing diagnolly, I''ll speak with the guy but I don''t think he''ll charge extra. He''s mostly doing this because he''s out of work and also because my mom has gotten him lots of business before. He tiled my mom''s entire house, the garage (with stone...I believe) and the entrance. By the time he was finished, he had 8 other houses lined up in our community so he''s very grateful.

Thanks again! I''m really excited. I know this is going to make us feel so much better about our space. Right now it just feels so small.
Good luck. Just to throw out another suggestion, our tile in our kitchen is in what they call "hopscotch" and it uses a bunch of different sized tiles. I love it. Here''s a pic.

Burk: I love your kitchen tile color and design!

fiery: Will you post before and after pics? Can you tell I''m a big fan of HGTV? I watch it so much you would think I could do something. I''m very excited for you! Good luck!
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