We have a tiny condo. It''s about 860 square feet, including patio, the closets, and the laundry room
. So there isn''t much to cover. I finally got FI on board for putting tile throughout the entire apartment. Our carpet is new and since we don''t have pets there aren''t any stains or anything. I just really hate carpet...especially in FL where its always so hot.
But now we have the task of choosing the tile. If you are experienced or just want to offer an opinion, I''m wondering:
1. Should we go with the really big tile to make our space look bigger? What size do you think makes sense for our tiny space?
2. I''m not too concerned with color. I''m thinking a nice cream color.
3. Anything else I should know before we start our search? I already know we have to put down the sound proof material (?) first because we''re on the second floor and otherwise our neighbors will hear every step. Anything else?

But now we have the task of choosing the tile. If you are experienced or just want to offer an opinion, I''m wondering:
1. Should we go with the really big tile to make our space look bigger? What size do you think makes sense for our tiny space?
2. I''m not too concerned with color. I''m thinking a nice cream color.
3. Anything else I should know before we start our search? I already know we have to put down the sound proof material (?) first because we''re on the second floor and otherwise our neighbors will hear every step. Anything else?