
How tight do you wear your diamond rings? This is loose?


Jun 14, 2009
Just wondering how tight all of you ladies wear your diamond rings? On my wedding finger, I normally wear a 5 maybe 5.5 BUT wear wide rings (7, 8, 9, 10mm). Wide.

When measured by a local jeweler few months ago for my new ring, he said I was a 4.75. The metal ring sizer seemed to fit fine at 4.75 (the band was 3mm or so). I didnt OCD about the size since I was still at the loose diamond phase. The guy did say 4.75 over 5 when we quickly discussed ring size for a setting he was trying to sell me. High end store. Surprised me @ 4.75. Usually get a 5 but again, my rings normally have wider bands.

For my new ring, during the making I shared I was 4.75 to a 5 and didn't quite know what size to go with. Explained the latest measurement situation and added I usually buy a 5 (wider bands). Ring also needed to get over my knuckle (widest point). Recomemdation was to get a 5 and add the stabilizer balls on the shank for any spinning BC I voiced I was worried it would spin.

Well, the second I put the ring on I thought thank gosh for the two balls on the shank or this ring would definitely be too big! It does not spin, but feels "loose" compared to what I am use to. Won't fall off (not that loose) but leans a bit N/S forward backwards when I raise my hand up or down. Tilts. I'm not used to this. All of my rings I have zero movement north south left or right when I wear them. If I put the new ring on my right hand, it fits perfect (perfect & lays nicer...) No gaps, no movement and just how I would want it (right hand wedding finger slightly larger). Snugg.

My gut says I need to go down in size. 4.75 or 4.8. I figure I better do this now versus later. I hate to do this I have to send it to New York and it's going to be a big "to do", but I don't know what other choice I have?

Can a ring be reduced by 1/4, but NO more? It's platinum? It is a trellis set, will this cause issues with the diamonds loosening? So sad.

I went to 4 or 5 local jewelry stores about 2 months ago for sizing, but all they have is half size increments. 4.5 is way too small.

Can a jeweler make a 4.8? Shoot. I'm so bummed. :(

How tight do you wear your rings? Thank you


Jun 8, 2008
Re: How tight do you wear your diamond rings? This is loose

Hi cinnamonstick, a jeweler can make it exactly the size you want. However I like to wear my rings slightly larger (I wear them at a 6 and I am a 5.75) so when I stack they fit and also when the weather gets warmer they are not too tight. What I have done with one of my eternity bands is add sizing balls and they work perfectly. In the warm weather it still fits (I have bigger knuckles) and in the cooler weather it still fits. What I also do is in the summer if it is warm I only wear 2 rings (my ER and eternity) and in the cooler weather I wear all 3 (ER, eternity and engraved band).

Of course you have to find the solution that is most comfortable for you to wear and that may differ than the solution I have found. I would hesitate resizing a diamond eternity just because I would worry about the integrity of the setting afterwards. That's why I like sizing balls. Good luck.


Jun 14, 2009
Re: How tight do you wear your diamond rings? This is loose

Thank you Missy :) :) Wow! Interesting you size up. Guess it is all in the "feel".

It has the ball sizing now and this is what is preventing the E/W movement but still has N/S movement.
It is winter here....but 65 record highs! Of course. I think it may only get looser in cold weather. Funny as this is, I may actually order out some Chinese food for dinner this week and see how much I can swell up!

In your case, I agree fully tinkering with an eternity band would worry me. I had an invisible setting before (huge mistake). I knew I could never resize it. Was a 5. Jeweler put in a "speed bump" to prevent the spinning bc it was loose. Worked well. No issues getting over nuckle (nor with this ring with the balls). On and off with ease, and again, don't think it will fall off. The movement (wiggling) when I move my arm catches my attention. Not use to it....

I really spend so much money on this ring I can't stop short of how it fits on my finger. It should fit properly (whatever that means).

I will let the vendor know on Monday for a heads up and then I suppose wait for a week or two and see how it feels. Thank you for your thoughts!
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