
How safe do you feel when shopping these days?


Sep 1, 2009
I feel safe shopping where I do, but that is a select handful of places and I go out of my way to go to locations in areas that are less prone to crime. Safety issues while shopping are bad in some areas in my greater western Washington (state) area. Things are so bad that way in certain areas that stores are actually closing up. Parts of Seattle, for example, have had many businesses leave. I have had some people worry that even grocery stores in their immediate neighborhood have been closing up. Hard to stay open with massive theft and unsafe working conditions for the employees.


Jun 26, 2007
I have a sales job and I travel to many retail locations each week. Grocery stores, department stores (Target), and convenience stores. I generally feel safe...but ....

It is really bad out there.
Now granted, I go to stores a whole lot more than the average person, so maybe I just see more of this.

Target stores in my area have a huge problem with theft, and finally in the past year now have armed security. But according to employees I've talked to, theft is still happening. Try to find something in Target that costs less than $5.00! They no longer carry low end toiletries like V05 and Suave hair products. Everything in their hair and makeup department is fancy and more expensive. Apparently, it is so much easier to steal than to pay.

Some groceries and convenience stores have security guards as well.
Just yesterday, I witnessed a young woman boldly walking out of a convenience store with merchandise.
I think the recent high prices have fueled this increase in theft. It's easier to steal than to pay the high prices.

And don't get me started on the homeless/vagrants hanging around the Circle K, smoking fentanyl behind the store and tossing used needles on the sidewalks.

I also just learned that one of my favorite antique malls had their windows broken out on Monday.
And people can now go into stores and banks with their faces covered (thanks COVID) and no one bats an eye.
So what good are all the security cameras?
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Aug 12, 2005
Back in the 90s when I was a kid working in retail there were smash and grabs. In the 2000s we would chain leather jackets to each other and to the racks. Some theft rings would just walk in and steal entire racks. I’ve seen and heard of it happening for decades, so to me this seems like nothing new. There will always be trendy items that have high street /resale value that thieves are going to target. In my experience, none of them were ever armed, they just wanted the merchandise and avoided employees.

I feel perfectly safe shopping where I live, but it’s a small Midwestern city. No Lulu store here. I saw a guy open carry at Kroger last year. That’s about as scary as it gets.

As far as LlL is concerned, remember this murder from 2011?!



Jun 23, 2005
I feel safe in the places I shop but that doesn’t mean that I am not on high alert. Gone are the days of being carefree and unconcerned. I do shop quite a bit online too. I had found a few things online at Macy’s recently. I decided to go to the store to try and find them to see if I would really like them. They are good about online returns but if I could see or try on in person I could skip that step. Out of the four, I found none of them in the store - and I asked for them. I think that is the downside of online shopping; stores just aren’t carrying a lot of the merchandise in the stores. I went out into the mall and ordered them all online! Had to return two of the items but I had no choice but to order and return if I didn’t like them. Sign of the times I suppose. Don’t see nearly the mall shoppers that were once there and I suspect malls will go away to make more room for condos! Store and mall security has to be a nightmare. Have two friends that work in retail. They are told under no circumstances do they confront or chase a shoplifter. Guess the store would rather lose the merchandise than risk an injury to the employee or the thief! Sadly, consumers have to pick up that cost on every item we purchase. Those stores don’t want uniformed security guards either as they think it makes the store unwelcoming. Just such a crazy mess!
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Jun 23, 2005
Back in the 90s when I was a kid working in retail there were smash and grabs. In the 2000s we would chain leather jackets to each other and to the racks. Some theft rings would just walk in and steal entire racks. I’ve seen and heard of it happening for decades, so to me this seems like nothing new. There will always be trendy items that have high street /resale value that thieves are going to target. In my experience, none of them were ever armed, they just wanted the merchandise and avoided employees.

I feel perfectly safe shopping where I live, but it’s a small Midwestern city. No Lulu store here. I saw a guy open carry at Kroger last year. That’s about as scary as it gets.

As far as LlL is concerned, remember this murder from 2011?!

Yes, I remember that tragic story. When the danger is among your own co-employees, it is terrifying and impossible to predict.


Feb 2, 2016
I don’t go a lot of places but in my part of CT, it’s pretty safe. I do not go to the ATM alone but that would be anywhere. Mainly I’m going to grocery stores and I don’t carry a pocketbook so if they want my wallet or phone, they will have to rip my pants off to get them. What a sight that would be.

Slightly off topic but, our oldest son (16) was waiting for us to pick him up after frisbee practice. He was waiting in a parking lot and a woman with a cute dog asked him if he wanted a ride. He politely declined thank God! I do worry less about myself and more about the kids.


May 15, 2014
I don't go many places either, mainly the grocery store, home depot, pet store, etc but honestly I've never thought about it being unsafe. It's pretty safe in my area of Massachusetts but this stuff can happen anywhere I guess. I will be more aware from now on thanks to this thread.


Jan 3, 2013
I feel pretty safe where I shop, but probably so did all of those souls who have been victims. Thus, I am cautious and I do try to stay aware.
I’ve also been shopping more online, but also with the thought that retirement is soon and I have far too much as it is. :lol:


Dec 17, 2008
I'm another one for good or bad feels pretty safe where I shop. I have not been in our mall in quite some time though. That's the
only place I might be on a higher alert. Agree with @Slickk though...those people that were killed probably thought they were safe. :(2

I'm pretty sure if anything ever happens in my area I'll have PTSD and never want to go to another store again (even if I was not at
the event that occurred).


Jan 4, 2010
I feel safe in the stores but less safe in parking lots. There have been some recent purse snatching incidents in CT in parking lots. In several cases the woman was injured in the process (pushed or fell to the ground). One woman had her bag stolen from the cart as she was unloading her groceries.

I get my keys out of my purse before I exit the store and keep them in my hand while walking to my car. If they get my purse they won't also have my keys! Then I lock the door with the key fob the second I get inside.

If I have groceries to unload, I lock my purse in the car first thing, before I unload my shopping cart.

I also stopped shopping alone after dark a few years ago, when I realized that my gray hair probably made me look like an easy target.

I've read the advice in articles not to carry a purse, but that is not so convenient for me. My wallet would also not fit in my pockets. Perhaps I need another plan.


Aug 12, 2005
I feel safe in the stores but less safe in parking lots. There have been some recent purse snatching incidents in CT in parking lots. In several cases the woman was injured in the process (pushed or fell to the ground). One woman had her bag stolen from the cart as she was unloading her groceries.

I get my keys out of my purse before I exit the store and keep them in my hand while walking to my car. If they get my purse they won't also have my keys! Then I lock the door with the key fob the second I get inside.

If I have groceries to unload, I lock my purse in the car first thing, before I unload my shopping cart.

I also stopped shopping alone after dark a few years ago, when I realized that my gray hair probably made me look like an easy target.

I've read the advice in articles not to carry a purse, but that is not so convenient for me. My wallet would also not fit in my pockets. Perhaps I need another plan.

When my daughter was still in a car seat/infant carrier, I was terrified someone would steal her while I was unloading my groceries into the car. I would always park next to the cart returns and first thing I would do was put her in the backseat, unload the groceries as quick as possible, close the hatch, lock the doors, and then return the cart. I remember those few seconds being so full of anxiety. I was probably being overly paranoid but I still just hated letting her out of my sight for even one second.

As far as handbags, I rarely shop with one. I bring my phone in a pocket, a card holder with cash/ID/cards (also in a pocket) and keep my keys in my front pocket. Maybe you can find a jacket or sweatshirt or some other garment that would allow you more pocket space and just carry a card holder instead of a whole wallet. For winter I like down vests, and most of them have an inside breast pocket that zips up. Very convenient for purse-free shopping.


Jun 26, 2007
As far as handbags, I rarely shop with one. I bring my phone in a pocket, a card holder with cash/ID/cards (also in a pocket) and keep my keys in my front pocket. Maybe you can find a jacket or sweatshirt or some other garment that would allow you more pocket space and just carry a card holder instead of a whole wallet.

I do this same thing. I don't bring a purse in the store.


Jul 17, 2008
I live in a very safe area but I would not go to the mall.


Aug 12, 2005
I live in a very safe area but I would not go to the mall.

Our mall hasn’t had any shootings but a couple in the large metro area an hour north of us have had multiple shootings the last few years. The only one I will shop there now is the one with the Apple Store because we no longer have one in my town and I really dislike the service at our Best Buy.


Feb 1, 2014
I've never given it a second thought, honestly


Apr 30, 2005
I've never given it a second thought, honestly


Fear Fear Fear!...:roll::roll::roll:

After 13,466,946,231 trillion perfectly safe successful shopping experiences, one bad one happens, so the news reports the bad one and everyone feels unsafe.


I DO hope you never step outside your house.
Meteorites happen, you know.

They can kill you inside your house too.

Don't order online; the delivery person might kill you.

We're all doomed.
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Sep 1, 2009

Fear Fear Fear!...:roll::roll::roll:

After 13,466,946,231 trillion perfectly safe successful shopping experiences, one bad one happens, so the news reports the bad one and everyone feels unsafe.


I DO hope you never step outside your house.
Meteorites happen, you know.

They can kill you inside your house too.

Don't order online; the delivery person might kill you.

We're all doomed.

The biggest issue is less that once in a rare occasion thing and more the, sadly, routine things for many of us. Overdosing person in the bathroom. Impaired person throwing stuff off the shelves. Unresponsive person near the front doors or in the parking lot. Catalytic converters stolen while you get groceries. Stabbings. Mentally unstable person spitting at people. The unstable woman screaming at people who turns out to have been released from her term for kidnapping. The carjacking while unloading groceries with kids inside. The guy pounding on car windows and screaming at people. The rock throwing, machete waiving, glass bottle tossing, etc. The s*x in broad daylight in a parked car near the store entrance. The person wandering with no pants on. The needles on the sidewalk.


Jun 23, 2005

Fear Fear Fear!...:roll::roll::roll:

After 13,466,946,231 trillion perfectly safe successful shopping experiences, one bad one happens, so the news reports the bad one and everyone feels unsafe.


I DO hope you never step outside your house.
Meteorites happen, you know.

They can kill you inside your house too.

Don't order online; the delivery person might kill you.

We're all doomed.

I think you have to use common sense and be aware of your surroundings. You are a male Kenny so might not make an easy target. Women are far more likely to be accosted or robbed in a parking lot. As for the inside of a store or mall, any of us can be sitting ducks every day of the week. I am sure the shoppers in Texas a couple of weeks ago felt relatively safe. Everyone does…until it happens to them. I had a car stolen from me at a gas station 30 years ago. It was driven off with my hands still inside the car window. Once you have been a victim of random crime, you never forget it!


Jun 8, 2008
I feel safe. But I am always aware of my surroundings. And I always listen to my intuition


Apr 30, 2005
I think you have to use common sense and be aware of your surroundings. You are a male Kenny so might not make an easy target. Women are far more likely to be accosted or robbed in a parking lot. As for the inside of a store or mall, any of us can be sitting ducks every day of the week. I am sure the shoppers in Texas a couple of weeks ago felt relatively safe. Everyone does…until it happens to them. I had a car stolen from me at a gas station 30 years ago. It was driven off with my hands still inside the car window. Once you have been a victim of random crime, you never forget it!

Granted, generally women are more vulnerable than are men.

So I ease off on my point, insofar the gender aspect factors in, but after that I do not entirely withdraw it.


Jun 23, 2005
Granted, generally women are more vulnerable than are men.

So I ease off on my point, insofar the gender aspect factors in, but after that I do not entirely withdraw it.

Fair enough. Your point is well taken too. We cannot let fear drive our entire lives or otherwise we may as well stop living. Healthy caution perhaps should be the words of the day?


Feb 24, 2017
I feel safe where I live, so much so, that a little while ago, I went in to the supermarket, did my shopping, came out to find my boot lid hadn’t closed properly so had been up the whole time I was in the shop.

I’ve always made sure I’m aware of my surroundings and don’t knowingly put myself at risk.


Feb 2, 2016
I didn’t even think of the mall, never go there so didn’t cross my mind.

If antique stores and pawn shops were as unsafe as the mall, then I would be in big trouble ;-)


Aug 16, 2007
There are very few areas where I don't feel safe. If I get a "vibe", I don't go. It takes a lot for that to happen to me. I work in one of the most dangerous areas in BK every day so I have a well developed radar.


Aug 14, 2009
Just for one day, I would love to feel the freedom men have to walk around care-free. Just one day.

My other half (very tall, white, blond and blue-eyed all-American farm boy) once tried to tell me that most places are much safer than the media makes them out to be, and anecdotes are just that and should be taken as such, and that I was really worrying far too much about walking around (NYC and Chicago) by myself. In the middle of the Asian hate epidemic a couple years ago.

I cannot even fathom the amount of privilege it takes to say that to a smaller-statured Asian woman. I told him so in exactly those words. I’m getting angry just thinking about it.

He knows better now. Or at least knows to keep any thoughts like that entirely to himself. He’s a generally very sensible and empathetic person but occasionally this privileged cluelessness blunders through.
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Aug 12, 2005
The biggest issue is less that once in a rare occasion thing and more the, sadly, routine things for many of us. Overdosing person in the bathroom. Impaired person throwing stuff off the shelves. Unresponsive person near the front doors or in the parking lot. Catalytic converters stolen while you get groceries. Stabbings. Mentally unstable person spitting at people. The unstable woman screaming at people who turns out to have been released from her term for kidnapping. The carjacking while unloading groceries with kids inside. The guy pounding on car windows and screaming at people. The rock throwing, machete waiving, glass bottle tossing, etc. The s*x in broad daylight in a parked car near the store entrance. The person wandering with no pants on. The needles on the sidewalk.

For all my wishing to see my city as a wholesome but cultured and great place to raise children and get a good education…all of those things happen here, too. I don’t like to admit it. But I won’t walk alone at night and I won’t walk paved trails alone even during the day.


Jan 21, 2011
I feel pretty safe shopping outside , even in the mall . I only go during day time though and I am careful in parking lots .
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