
How old were you when you got...

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Date: 11/29/2007 4:49:12 PM
Your first piece of real jewelry? I''ll be getting an aquamarine ring in March!

Your first kiss? 16 outside a movie theater. He kissed another girl later that night.. What a winner, huh?

Your first car? I got my Dad''s 12 year old Acura at 16. It smoked out the back, made a loud click noise when I turned, and the tape player didn''t even work. It was also black with leather which was no bueno in Texas summers! But I was just so glad to have anything with wheels I didn''t care.

Your first job? Besides babysitting.. 16

Your first heartbreak? 17

Your first serious hobby? I first learned to embroider at the age of 10 but I didn''t pick it up seriously until I was about 18


Your first piece of real jewelry? A diamond ring from my dad when I was 10 or 11... I still have it and it just barely fits my pinkie :)

Your first kiss? 13 i think... it was unimpressive... LOL

Your first car? 16 - A 1983 Toyota Camry that my grandma gave me in the year 2000. I didn't want to drive it and so my sweet mother let me drive her car (1999 Mercury Cougar) to school. :) Yeah I was spoiled (still am!)

Your first job? 17 As an office assistant to a paralegal (under the table)... first real job (real as in paying taxes... LOL) was at 23 when I graduated from college and worked in accounting for a construction company.

Your first heartbreak? 22 when I broke up with my first serious boyfriend. I thought then that I was in love with him, but I have to say that after being with my FI, I really realize how much I was NOT "in love" with him.

Your first serious hobby? 13 - Hockey, and I still play twice a week.. I love it!!!!

Your first piece of real jewelry?

5. My grandma gave me a plastic ring, and being the future PSer, I was in love and asked her if she had any more. She gave me a double garnet ring in an 8 shape. Unfortunately, being 5 I lost the ring.
She went into a coma when I was 6 and died when I was 8, so I have always wished I had held onto that ring!

Your first kiss?

18 . . . and it was my husband! I was first shy then religious as a youngster. I even dated a guy for a year in high school. I do regret not kissing him, but I think it's sweet that my husband is my first kiss. And although that first kiss was certainly not our best (I don't think experience makes you a good kisser because he seemed to have a strange technique!) he did say that although he couldn't share his first kiss with me, he'd give me his last (aw).

Your first car?

17 . . . a nice navy blue 1990 Honda Accord

Your first job?

Well, other than working at a temp agency for approximately two weeks in college, my first job was teaching 7th grade English out of college.

Your first heartbreak?

Almost 17, my high school boyfriend. He broke up with me when he realized he'd be heading to college soon. And probably because I wouldn't kiss him
(see above).

Your first serious hobby?

This is the only one I can't think of an answer for! Actually, it was probably geology and collecting hematite and amethyst and quartz (in rough form) from the gem garden in town.
Cute thread!

Your first piece of real jewelry?
17, I bought a white gold sapphire-and-diamond RHR for myself as my high school grad ring, from K's Merchandise. I still have it, but it's not my taste anymore.

Your first kiss?
13, with my first boyfriend (who just "came out" a couple months ago, ha!). It wasn't bad at all, actually. I remember wondering how long we had to peck before we could french-kiss, haha!

Your first car?
I used the family's oldsmobile sedan when I got my license at 16. The first car that was MINE is a Jeep Cherokee that my parents bought from my grandmother for me as a high school graduation gift when I was 17. 6 years later, I'm still driving it!

Your first job?
16, working at one of those little kiosks in the mall (we sold watches, I hate a watch obsession going for a while there

Your first heartbreak?
15, I totally thought I was in love. It was more of an impossible crush, really... we dated for about 3 months, but it wasn't much of a relationship. I was too ridiculously infatuated to build a real relationship with him!

Your first serious hobby?
3. I starred as Snow White in a local children's production. During the scene when Snow White is in a coma, I actually fell asleep and had to be shook awake. It made it very believable.

That's when I decided to be a method actor.
Date: 1/14/2008 9:44:00 PM
Author: musey
Cute thread!

Your first kiss?

13, with my first boyfriend (who just ''came out'' a couple months ago, ha!). It wasn''t bad at all, actually. I remember wondering how long we had to peck before we could french-kiss, haha!


This made me laugh. I broke up with a guy because he was taking way too long to get some tongue action.
Your first piece of real jewelry? - If watches count, it would have to be when I turned 16 and my dad got me a Rolex . . . which I lost maybe a month later.

Your first kiss? - BAD memory here! First kiss was when I was 17 and it was with my first ever boyfriend. We knew each other since the start of high school because he lived two houses down and I would babysit his little brother. My dad never liked him and he was a total jerk.

Your first car? - A black 2001 4Runner that I got on my 16th birthday. Wasn''t really expecting anything and I would have been happy with anything, but that''s what my folks got me. It was a great car, unfortunately, it met it''s maker in the form of a Magnolia tree in the middle of the night. Lighting snapped the tree and the tree snapped my poor car.

Your first job? - At the Gap when I was 19. I was a SA for a while and then an assistant manager up until the hurricane hit New Orleans.

Your first heartbreak? - When I was 17. I think it was kind of doomed for failure at the start because my dad hated him, but he was extremely jealous.

Your first serious hobby? - Science research and experiments. Grade A science geek here.
Your first piece of real jewelry?
At the age of 7 when I recieved my first communion; I was given several gold crosses.

Your first kiss?
What kind of kiss? I kissed a boy on the cheek in 1st grade, he was my first crush. The first time a boy kissed me I was 13.

Your first car?
My mom drove a yellow, bright yellow, 1982 Ford Mustang. It was her first car -- my parents married young and had kids right away, she and my dad shared a car, a Duster!, until they purchased this lovely vehicle for her to drive -- and it was given to me when I was 15 because my sister wouldn't drive it. I named it Nuprin ("Little, Yellow, Different") and then sold it to a cousin and used the money as part of a down payment on a 1997 Ford Ranger that was totally stripped. In my early teens I would sit in the garage, in Nuprin and practice shifting; I couldn't wait to drive.

Your first job?
I started babysitting when I was 10. I was a sandwich artist at 15. Okay, I worked at Subway; it was the first job that required me to pay taxes. And then I sold baby clothes before spending many years in several libraries and a few at in a hospital lab.

Your first heartbreak?
Teenage angst: 16. Real heartbreak: 20.
Your first serious hobby?
I started reading at a very young age. My sister and I were always getting in trouble for reading under the covers with flashlights after bedtime. This has developed into a lifelong love of reading and appreciation for literature.
I was little, I think I got one of those add a pearl necklaces. I also had a little ring with a diamond butterfly. The body was a tiny marquise sapphire and it had two little diamond chips.

First kiss I think was in fourth or fifth grade, spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven, the boy was a twin who was adorable.

first heartbreak was when my first serious boyfriend broke up with me, I was about 16. Oh well, on to better things.

My first car was a dark green Volkswagen Sirocco. I liked it, but liked my black BMW that I get later better!!!

My first hobby was collecting Hello Kitty as a kid, and then MAKE UP and JEWELRY...I would say shopping in needlepointing, reading, crocheting...
Your first piece of real jewelry?
I think my first real jewelry was a small emerald and diamond heart shaped ring. I got it as a birthday present in fifth grade from my godmother. I used it to scratch up the mirror in the girls'' bathroom at school, testing the theory on how hard diamonds are. Sheesh, the trouble you get into for a simple science experiment...

Your first kiss?
First really good and memorable one was at 19 from a guy who looked like a younger, darker haired Dennis Quaid.

Your first car?
A black 1995(?) Ford Tempo. I hit a tree just outside my driveway with it and damaged the front bumper. Um, oops.

Your first job?
I babysat a lot, and I also cleaned stalls at a local barn. My first clock punching job was the WORST JOB EVER - I was a customer service rep taking calls and orders for a cheerleading supply catalog. I dealt with the girls who did nothing to alleviate the airhead stereotype that most cheerleaders have, as well as having to interact with their irrational psychotic moms and coaches. Add in the random flaming gay guys, the men buying for their wives, and the cross-dressers, and boy, were my evenings interesting.

Your first heartbreak?
Having to break my engagement to my first real boyfriend, after being together nearly five years.

Your first serious hobby?
HORSES, HORSES, HORSES. I was the kid who rode her bike around the block in a spangly hat and cowboy boots, making nickering and neighing noises as I furiously pedaled/galloped my "steed" down the sidewalk. I devoured every book I could find in the library on horses, had a HUGE collection of My Little Ponies, and only played with cowgirl Barbie dolls. My uncle gave me a surprise horseback riding lesson for my 12th birthday, and the horse bug just bit down harder! A few trips to horse camp and lessons at a local barn led to getting my own horse at age 13. Though I don''t get to ride as much as I used to a few years ago, the hobby still remains a defining part of my life.
my first real job was in a pet supply store that also groomed. I love dogs so it was great, but they did not sell them, I just saw the ones who came in. I would hoist 75 pound sacks of food, and I was all of 100 pounds and 16 years old. Not that I minded then, but now? Ouch.
I''ll play

Your first piece of real jewelry?
14 ct gold bangle as toddler. Then just like Dee Light gold signet ring with ruby
Your first kiss?
13, and singularly unimpressive!
Your first car?
18. A 1955 baby blue austin lancer called Heep Beep. I never got it out of 3rd gear for 4 months

Your first job?
12 Baby sitting. My sister and i found some very raunchy stuff in the uber conservative parents room

Your first heartbreak?
20. holiday romance with a very sophisticated older professional tennis player.

Your first serious hobby?
Reading and running.
what a fun thread!

jewelry? My parents gave me a star sapphire ring for my 16th birthday. I was a cheerleader and a few months later after a football game, I still had the ring but the stone was long gone! I hid that from my parents till I left for college!

kiss? 8th grade, I still have love letters from him!

car? 21, I graduated HS at 16 and didnt really need one in college.

job? at 13 I got a job at the fabric store at the mall.

heartbreak? 21, a two year college relationship. I can still feel the pain when I think about was the best thing that ever happened to me, but it hurt!

serious hobby? Hmmmm... Either sewing or reading. Probably reading, I won the library reading contest 3 summers in a row in elementary school!
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