
How old do you feel?

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Dec 29, 2004
They say it''s rare for people to feel their actual age (whether it be older or younger). How old do you feel, and what makes you actually feel your age?

Me -

Real age: 34
The age I feel: around 30 or 31...I know that sounds weird as it''s not much difference, but I don''t feel mid thirties.
Something that made me feel my age:

I was driving down the freeway and Tom''s Diner by Suzanne Vega came on the radio. I flashed back to a deja vu because that song came on as I was driving to college for the first time at around the same spot on the freeway. Then I realized...crap! That was 17 years ago. 17 YEARS! I was only half the age I am now....

Another thing that always makes me feel a bit old is when I see a business associate''s kid at 9 years old and the next thing I know they are going off to college.
This is neat, and I want to play!

Age: 20

The age I feel: It depends on the situation, obviously, but I feel like I''m about 25 or so. I have a good head on my shoulders, and I often don''t see eye to eye with people my age because they seem so amazingly immature. My friends are all my same age, but also have everything in their lives coming together, with a good plan to back them up.

Things that make me feel my age: Parties. Yea. ''Nuff said.

Actual Age: 29

How old I feel: It is totally dependant on the situation. I often feel like a kid playing dress up (e.g. when I substitute teach, attend a play, go out to a nice dinner). Sometimes I feel older than dirt (e.g. ready for bed at 9:30, feel like staying home and read on a Sat. night).

I don''t usually feel my age.
Actual Age: 27

Age I feel... usually about 21- I''m hyper. When I got my ten year HS reunion notice, I felt every last second of 27, though.
Date: 3/28/2007 7:07:30 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Actual Age: 29

How old I feel: It is totally dependant on the situation. I often feel like a kid playing dress up (e.g. when I substitute teach, attend a play, go out to a nice dinner). Sometimes I feel older than dirt (e.g. ready for bed at 9:30, feel like staying home and read on a Sat. night).

I don''t usually feel my age.
Kimberly! That is me to a T! My boyfriend often calls me grandma because I go to bed sooo early (compared to him especially -- he''s up ''til 2ish on weeknights). I often prefer to get comfy cozy in my PJs and read or watch a movie at home on the weekends. My boyfriend also jokes that when it comes to retire, I''ll fit right in with all the other blue hairs.
Heck, if we moved to a retirement community now, he''d feel like I''d fit right in!

I''m actually 33 but some days I feel older and some days I feel younger than I really am.
Date: 3/28/2007 7:00:25 PM
Author: poptart
I often don''t see eye to eye with people my age because they seem so amazingly immature.
I''m right with you on this one, poptart.

Actual age: 22.

Age I feel? I guess 25 or 26. I''ve always been a homebody, maybe that''s part of it--I''ve really never enjoyed the party/casual hookup scene, which is what the vast majority of other people my age are into. Also the point that poptart made above--WOW is that true.

Things that make me feel my age: not being ready for children, not having a steady job (though, with my line of work, I hope I never do!!), and still driving the car my parents helped me buy before college
Actual age = 50

How old do I feel= 30 (all the time!)

What makes me feel old? = Looking in the mirror!
(Kinda bashes my 30 year old fantasy to pieces!

What makes me feel young? = Not looking in the mirror!

(I don't ever think about my age, unless I look in ther mirror and then I think, who is that looking back at me? My MOTHER???
Date: 3/28/2007 7:53:27 PM
Author: musey

Date: 3/28/2007 7:00:25 PM
Author: poptart
I often don''t see eye to eye with people my age because they seem so amazingly immature.
I''m right with you on this one, poptart.

Actual age: 22.

Age I feel? I guess 25 or 26. I''ve always been a homebody, maybe that''s part of it--I''ve really never enjoyed the party/casual hookup scene, which is what the vast majority of other people my age are into. Also the point that poptart made above--WOW is that true.

Things that make me feel my age: not being ready for children, not having a steady job (though, with my line of work, I hope I never do!!), and still driving the car my parents helped me buy before college
Me three...

Actual age: 21

Age I feel: 25ish? I don''t seem to be able to relate to people my age at all, I usually hang out with people who are 25 or older. It happens very naturally, ee seem to be more at the same point in life.

Things that make me feel my age: still in college, no steady job, not ready for kids.
Hahaha...I like your response, SuzyQZ!

My actual age: 25
How I feel: it totally depends on the situation...I guess 25!

Things that make me feel younger than I am:
I have a pretty fun job and I wear whatever I want there so when I see girls my age in suity/worky things I always think they''re older than me!

Almost every single one of my friends from high school is married with at least 2 children, so needless to say I feel a lot younger when I see them.

I''m the baby of my family (there are 5 kids) so everyone still babies/spoils me to an extent, and I have to admit that I like it most of the time...

Also, I almost always get carded when I order drinks at dinner or whatever so that makes me feel good!

Things that make me feel older than I am:
Getting engaged and talking about getting married and buying a house! Sometimes I feel like I''m too young for this marriage stuff! It seems so grown up and I''m still a kid, right?! And then I remember that I''m 25...and that pretty much is a grown up age!

I also pretty much got over going out and partying when I was around 21 or 22 so I feel old when I stay home weekend nights, but I think I just used up all my partying in high school and the beginning of college!
I''m 36, be 37 in may... and I still feel 12. I regularly think to myself, "how do they think I am qualified to drive a car?" "Who do I think I am that I can be a parent? I''m still a kid!" and other examples of just total and utter disbelief that my youth is spent LOL

On the other hand I feel like I''m nearing 50... I feel worn out... quite the contrast. I feel just about every age OTHER than mid-30''s lol
just to add... 27 to me was the balance age... the age where I didn''t want to be older to justify being an adult... the age I didn''t want to be younger... the clock kinda froze that year and I loved that age. Too bad 28 and 29 had to follow it!!!!

When I was in high school and just young I drank and partied and had no guilt - fake id the whole bit... and now? I STG every time I have a cocktail in the evening I feel like a kid sneaking cookies or doing something naughty LOL EVERY TIME it crosses my mind, hey! I''m allowed to do this!!
Actual age Just turned 31.

I don''t feel 31.

In fact my hubby and I went out to eat and I saw some young 20 somethings and I thought I feel their age but they look so YOUNG! Their skin is incredible and I am so jealous

I am a happy go lucky person and very silly and have lots of close and wonderful friends so I think that is what keeps me young!!! So I feel 26 for sure. heeheee
Hmmm. Well, usually, I guess I feel around 25-30. I still do most of the things I did at that time. But lately, I''ve been feeling more like 70. I''ve been having some awful pain in my knees for a few weeks, sometimes to the point of not even being able to walk up and down steps. It amazes me that my kids are 28 and 25...for some reason, I CAN''T be that old.

Actual age is 48.
Real age 45

Feel much younger though. Part of me grew up very quickly, was very mature at an early age. Had some tough life experiences. But then there is a part of me that is still very young at heart. Can''t believe my daughter is going to be 19 and my son is going to be 17 soon.

I don''t love being called Mam. That drives me nuts.

But the other day I was at our specialty market, where the guy has known me since I was a kid. He said, Lisa you never get older!!! I nearly kissed him, LOL!!!
What great timing for this thread. I was just shopping for clothes on Saturday and I have NO idea of what to buy...I''ll get to why in a minute. I''m soon to be 32...Some days it feels like 12...Seriously, my 12 year old son brings it out in me. DH jokes that I never matured past 7th grade. All of the Middle School jokes and potty humor gets me cracking up!!!! I''m obviously very immature. Other days I feel 40 or 50...Not physically. Many of my friends are 40ish and have kids my oldest son''s age. Then we have an 11 year old with friends'' parents in a similar age group. And then we have a 4 year old. She will start pre-school in the fall and I''m sure I''ll ''fit in'' a little better with the moms of the kids in her age group. Back to my shopping problem. Being 32, I want to dress like I am 32 not 45... So what to wear...Nylon sweats and athletic shoes or leggings and oversized tops with HUGE plastic jewelry? I usually go middle of the road with Juicy sweats and flip flops. Sorry for the rambling...I''m doing some soul searching right now...
Date: 3/28/2007 6:35:19 PM
They say it''s rare for people to feel their actual age (whether it be older or younger). How old do you feel, and what makes you actually feel your age?

Me -

Real age: 34
The age I feel: around 30 or 31...I know that sounds weird as it''s not much difference, but I don''t feel mid thirties.
Something that made me feel my age:

I was driving down the freeway and Tom''s Diner by Suzanne Vega came on the radio. I flashed back to a deja vu because that song came on as I was driving to college for the first time at around the same spot on the freeway. Then I realized...crap! That was 17 years ago. 17 YEARS! I was only half the age I am now....

Another thing that always makes me feel a bit old is when I see a business associate''s kid at 9 years old and the next thing I know they are going off to college.
Hehe! With the 80s look back in, I have this happen every single day when I take my kid to school. I drive by and think, Hey, I had that outfit! Only it was 20 years ago...
Date: 3/28/2007 9:09:58 PM
Author: Miranda
What great timing for this thread. I was just shopping for clothes on Saturday and I have NO idea of what to buy...I''ll get to why in a minute. I''m soon to be 32...Some days it feels like 12...Seriously, my 12 year old son brings it out in me. DH jokes that I never matured past 7th grade. All of the Middle School jokes and potty humor gets me cracking up!!!! I''m obviously very immature. Other days I feel 40 or 50...Not physically. Many of my friends are 40ish and have kids my oldest son''s age. Then we have an 11 year old with friends'' parents in a similar age group. And then we have a 4 year old. She will start pre-school in the fall and I''m sure I''ll ''fit in'' a little better with the moms of the kids in her age group. Back to my shopping problem. Being 32, I want to dress like I am 32 not 45... So what to wear...Nylon sweats and athletic shoes or leggings and oversized tops with HUGE plastic jewelry? I usually go middle of the road with Juicy sweats and flip flops. Sorry for the rambling...I''m doing some soul searching right now...

I am so with you at age 31. I still don''t feel this age. No one ever said this might happen. Someone needs to write a book on it!!!
Date: 3/28/2007 9:13:32 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 3/28/2007 9:09:58 PM
Author: Miranda
What great timing for this thread. I was just shopping for clothes on Saturday and I have NO idea of what to buy...I''ll get to why in a minute. I''m soon to be 32...Some days it feels like 12...Seriously, my 12 year old son brings it out in me. DH jokes that I never matured past 7th grade. All of the Middle School jokes and potty humor gets me cracking up!!!! I''m obviously very immature. Other days I feel 40 or 50...Not physically. Many of my friends are 40ish and have kids my oldest son''s age. Then we have an 11 year old with friends'' parents in a similar age group. And then we have a 4 year old. She will start pre-school in the fall and I''m sure I''ll ''fit in'' a little better with the moms of the kids in her age group. Back to my shopping problem. Being 32, I want to dress like I am 32 not 45... So what to wear...Nylon sweats and athletic shoes or leggings and oversized tops with HUGE plastic jewelry? I usually go middle of the road with Juicy sweats and flip flops. Sorry for the rambling...I''m doing some soul searching right now...

I am so with you at age 31. I still don''t feel this age. No one ever said this might happen. Someone needs to write a book on it!!!
Skippy, when I was turning 30 I was whining to my Gramdma about it. I said, "I stilll feel 18, how can I be turning 30." She said (at 80) "honey, so do I"
Real Age: 40

Feel Like: 30ish

I don''t know, I guess 40 is supposed to be the new 30, and I do feel younger than my age, except gosh darn it - my eyesight is starting to go when I am looking at things close up
and I haven''t even been 40 for a week yet! Sheeesh!! lol My son told me that he found it hard to think of me as 40 ''cause that just sounded too old! Ha!
i'm with everyone here. i don't feel my age at all. most of the time i still feel 19, i don't know why 19, i guess it was a good year?

then i'm brought back to reality when my daughter asks, "mommy, spongebob and squidward tied up mr. krabs!"

i know being 25 is still a baby, but i feel so much younger than that! i think i'll always feel like i'm 19. sometimes at work, we'll have a tough problem/situation and i'll be able to handle it with ease, afterwards i'll think to myself, omg look at me now! i'm working full time, overcoming problems and not in school anymore? when did school end?? how can that be?

weird, but i love being an adult. i feel like a kid with lots of power and money to do the things i couldn't do when i was younger!
no need to ask mom for permission to do this, i can do it!
37 some days 12 some days 112 or atleast 92.
I am 41...but there is a definite shock in me that I am in my 40''s...sometimes I feel like a teenager!!! I usually feel like I am in my late 20''s early 30''s...
I am 48, but I feel like I''m 30. I have a really hard time wrapping my head around my actual age, because it just doesn''t seem like me. When I look in the mirror, I do see a couple wrinkles that have cropped up in the last year or so, and I think "Hmm, maybe that isn''t me." I intend to fight feeling old for as long as I can.
On new years weekend my wife and I hosted 2 parties, and attended 3 others. Newyears day we were out till 5
:30am. it was awesome. we partied with family, co-workers, and friends.

I feel my age: 24.

age i am: 32
age i feel: 25 or sometimes younger!

for me i feel younger because i remember what my mom was like at 32 and she had 3 kids and this big serious life and my life is sooo far from that. so i feel more like i am still in my mid-twenties. also i shop at all these young, hip, trendy stores and am kind of a tomboy in terms of that kinda thing esp in summers so i don't feel like i wear clothes a '30 year old' should wear. lol i was in forever 21 last week and i bought the cutest blazer even though everyone in there was literally 21. hehe. i know times are different now and i am not an 'atypical' 32 year old around here, pretty much everyone i know acts and looks younger, but i tend to FEEL younger because of just remembering how my parents and their generation were at 'my age' and it was very different and more serious than my generation and our friends are now.

what makes me feel young...ahhhh...i don't know? i feel young all the time. but maybe...picking up some cute clothes that seem like a younger gal should wear them and they look super cute on me. hee. also, going out dancing.

what makes me feel old...three things specifically but i don't often feel old, thank goodness. one is when the mid 20's trainers at the gym say things like 'for your age...' like i am 75 or something. come on kids i am only 32.
the second is that my youngest sister is 16....and it makes me feel older to realize how quicky she is growing up. the other day i told greg 'wow do you realize that when we met, my sister was 8!' that made us both feel old.
and then when i think wow when my sister is 21 i will be 37! and so forth and so on. and the last one is when some sort of health problem pops up and you think 'gosh i am so young to be having something like 'heartburn' or similar...i mean obviously illness can happen to anyone but it makes you more aware of your mortality and along with that is age. OH and one scenes or really loud club scenes. i am like SOO over that. haha.

i think overall one's mentality hugely determines how old they end up looking and feeling. i always get carded and people are always absolutely amazed that i am 32. i think part of it is good genes (my mom looks much younger) but also the fact that i have a younger attitude and am pretty casual in how i dress and act. in a corporate environment i can pull it out and be professional, but on my own time i definitely have a more carefree look and attitude.

greg is 38, but everyone always thinks he is early 30's like 31 or 32. so kind of a similar thing imo!
Date: 3/28/2007 8:49:08 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Real age 45

Feel much younger though. Part of me grew up very quickly, was very mature at an early age. Had some tough life experiences. But then there is a part of me that is still very young at heart. Can''t believe my daughter is going to be 19 and my son is going to be 17 soon.

I don''t love being called Mam. That drives me nuts.

But the other day I was at our specialty market, where the guy has known me since I was a kid. He said, Lisa you never get older!!! I nearly kissed him, LOL!!!
You sound just like me, I was basically going to write the same thing.

I have never known how old I was supposed to feel, I am very young at heart. I am only reminded ocassionally how old my body actually is, like yesterday when I was scrubbing the kitchen floor on my hands and knees. The knees are not what they used to be. Oh hell, who am I kidding? My whole body is not what it used to be.


LOL @ Suzi!
Great thread!!

My real age is 59, but I feel like I''m 19 or 20 most of the time.
I''m 34 but feel like i''m in my late 20''s. My girlfriend''s range in age from 27-34 so I think that keeps me feeling younger b/c so many of my friends are younger. Plus, I''m no longer working so I don''t dress up very often where I look professional so I think that has something to do with it too. It does amaze me at times when I realize a kid I babysat for when I was in grad school is graduating from College or when I hear a song on the radio and realized that was a fav when I was in HS which was almost 15-20 years ago..
Real age: 43

I would say I feel about 35. I am told I look much younger than I am, which is nice. My kids (1 and 3) keep me feeling young playing on the floor and such and I work out regularly which helps give me energy. I hear a lot of people my age saying stuff like "I am getting old'' or going on about this ache and pain and I frankly think a lot of it is about attitude. But I think part of that negative attitude is just being tired with what life throws you emotionally. Even though I don''t feel old, after a while, you deal with a lot of things emotionally and that can take its toll. My sister is only 3 years older than me but she constantly talks about getting old. She is 30 pounds overweight (or more) and I think that is hard on a body as it gets older. Her daughter is going through depression and it is just emotionally exhausting for my sister. I call her and she just heaves these big sighs that her life sucks and I can just feel the negativity spilling out of her.
I''m 35 almost 36. Most of the time I feel older than I am. I''ve always been the "mature" one...even in college. I was the student who actually had all my term papers done a week or so before they were due. I had 2 jobs...worked about 50 hours a week and took 21 credit hours just to get through school. I didn''t have time for the usual party scene.

Now, 14 years out of college (ouch!), I''ve had so many more life experiences than friends my own age. The things I''ve gone through make me feel very out of touch with them. I married a guy who is 12 years older than me. He acts younger and I act older so I think we meet in the middle which works just great.

But on those rare occassions, I get to feel younger. Like when my husband''s ex walked into his store and his employee later asked who she was and he told her. Then she says, "well your current wife looks so much prettier and younger." So, when I think about it my husband''s ex graduated from high school the year I was born, so yeah, then I get to feel like such a baby!
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