
How much would you sell your pearls for?

baby nurse

Jan 12, 2010
My pearl collection is huge and there are many pieces I simply don't wear anymore. I'd like to sell them but I've never sold anything before and am not sure what percentage to take off. Many of these pieces have only been worn a couple of times, some never. I was thinking reducing the original price by 30% would be reasonable. Should I take off more?

And where would be the best venue to sell them, other than Preloved? Diamond Bistro and Loupe Troop? Ebay?

Thank you in advance!
I'm thinking 30-40% depending on how much they were worn, if they were bought on sale to begin with etc.

Icy and I would get into a fight if you end up putting up your blue baroque akoyas for sale! :lol:

I think preloved section here would be best because we are pearl lovers here. Pearls don't seem to hold up values well outside of these circles... Diamond Bistro & LP are just ways for people to get in touch with you, but I suspect they mostly spot the items first here. So all roads lead to Rome...

Please do keep us posted - I for one am absolutely interested in checking out your lovely items and rehoming some of them!

pearlsngems|1449080533|3956478 said:
I'm thinking 30-40% depending on how much they were worn, if they were bought on sale to begin with etc.

Thanks, pearlsngems. I think I'd probably go down 40% on items like ripples since they are now so much cheaper than they were when I was buying them 3 years ago.
Yes, I think when selling anything, one has to ask what people might pay for it nowadays brand new, and go from there.
Purranha|1449081386|3956483 said:

Icy and I would get into a fight if you end up putting up your blue baroque akoyas for sale! :lol:

I think preloved section here would be best because we are pearl lovers here. Pearls don't seem to hold up values well outside of these circles... Diamond Bistro & LP are just ways for people to get in touch with you, but I suspect they mostly spot the items first here. So all roads lead to Rome...

Please do keep us posted - I for one am absolutely interested in checking out your lovely items and rehoming some of them!


Aww, thanks for the compliments and the tips Purranha! I not tired of the blues yet, lol! But I've accumulated so much, I definitely need to re-home some of my pieces.
You might have a 3-way wrestling match for blue akoyas. I hope there's room in the pearl wrastling ring.

I'm not exactly clear on how you sell jewelry on this forum, either.
Do you have to have it actually listed on E-bay or Etsy or some other site, and then you just post in the Preloved forum that you have something for sale, and put the link in there?
Lolol we may have to come prepared with LOTS of jello...

And BabyNurse I hope you are not thinking about rehoming your Holy Grail?

BWeaves - since I have rehomed a few of pkinnew's items, how she did it was:
- post pictures and detailed specs & asking price of each of her items (pictures can be in groups of course).
- post a representative listing on LT with her email included.
- she included the link & title of that representative LT posting on the pre-love forum here.
- we found her email there, and contacted her directly.

This is my only experience with rehoming items (since I'm pretty new to PS & P-G), so not sure if there are other preferred ways...
BWeaves forgot to mention - eBay & Etsy would not allow you to post personal emails on the listings because then everyone would bypass paying fees and take the transactions offline. They actively scan and get rid off emails and forces you to exchange message via their system and charge lots of fees for transactions done on their platform.

I think eBay & Etsy should be used mostly after exhausting possible buyers on the forum here!
BWeaves|1449090342|3956534 said:
You might have a 3-way wrestling match for blue akoyas. I hope there's room in the pearl wrastling ring.

I'm not exactly clear on how you sell jewelry on this forum, either.
Do you have to have it actually listed on E-bay or Etsy or some other site, and then you just post in the Preloved forum that you have something for sale, and put the link in there?

Yes, when you post a thread on PreLoved about something you're selling, it is supposed to be listed for sale somewhere (DiamondBistro, LoupeTroop, eBay, etsy, craigslist, etc.) and then you include the relevant link in your PreLoved thread.
Ah Ok. I'm not familiar with those sites. I usually don't buy from strangers, but I feel like I know you guys and trust your taste in jewelry.
I'm so glad you started this thread Baby Nurse! I've also been giving this some thought but wasn't super sure of how to proceed.
Purranha|1449091379|3956546 said:
Lolol we may have to come prepared with LOTS of jello...

And BabyNurse I hope you are not thinking about rehoming your Holy Grail?

BWeaves - since I have rehomed a few of pkinnew's items, how she did it was:
- post pictures and detailed specs & asking price of each of her items (pictures can be in groups of course).
- post a representative listing on LT with her email included.
- she included the link & title of that representative LT posting on the pre-love forum here.
- we found her email there, and contacted her directly.

This is my only experience with rehoming items (since I'm pretty new to PS & P-G), so not sure if there are other preferred ways...

No-- definitely not re-homing the HG ripples. They're still quite dear to my heart : )
To me, and this is just me, so take it with a grain of salt...but 30-40% off price paid seems a little too expensive for used jewelry. I say this because I can walk into my jeweler as a good customer and receive at least a 20-30% discount off retail. I would think 35%-50% would be a better mark if you want the items to sell quickly.
I was thinking this as well, Pirard. Regardless how little the piece has been worn, in the end it's second hand.

I've been looking at what other people are charging and trying to find a happy medium :think: .
It also depends on if you are open to taking offers!
I agree, Purranha!
cmd2014|1449099270|3956613 said:
I'm so glad you started this thread Baby Nurse! I've also been giving this some thought but wasn't super sure of how to proceed.

Glad this helps you out as well, cmd!
BN, have you ever thought about restyling these pieces? Unless you really don't want them, 35%- 50% seem a lot to lose especially if they are high quality pearls.
diamond Bistro would be best and then post on preloved with links to your listings
Bailey1856|1449155000|3956886 said:
BN, have you ever thought about restyling these pieces? Unless you really don't want them, 35%- 50% seem a lot to lose especially if they are high quality pearls.

I actually started thinking this very thing last night! I have a lot of ripples that I could restyle into a cool tassel rope a la Purrhana ;))

I think I will still try to sell a bit though.
ckrickett|1449156394|3956891 said:
diamond Bistro would be best and then post on preloved with links to your listings

Does it cost anything to sell on DB?
Help page on Diamond Bistro:

Here is one of the questions on this page, and the answer:

How much does it cost for sellers to place listings?

Pricing for all listings are a flat 99¢.
There are no 'final value fees' like on Ebay where you can end up paying 8-12% of the sales price. You may also purchase tokens, which allow you to effectively purchase listings in bulk, from 2-10. This reduces the per listing price by 5-20%, meaning listings cost as little as 80¢.

Please note that you will need to register an account to use our site.
Thanks for the info, Pearlsngems!
Awww can't wait to see your tassel rope version with ripples babynurse!!! :appl: :love: :appl:
Saw this old post.. but baby nurse if you are ever selling. Do let me know. I'll be keen. You have a to die for collection.
I have purchased many things on both DIamond Bistro and Loupe Troop with great experiences. Many PSers post there. I notice many people cross post on both sites.

When you do post, please let us know!