
How much are you paying per month for your...

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
cable TV, internet and cell phone services?

We are paying Comcast $136 for 3X play and $184 to AT&T for family plan (4) cell phones = $320 per month total... :knockout:
Dancing Fire|1460258440|4017480 said:
cable TV, internet and cell phone services?

We are paying Comcast $136 for 3X play and $184 to AT&T for family plan (4) cell phones = $320 per month total... :knockout:

Same - cost of doing business!!!
Internet- $54
Cell phone (2)- $45

Not too bad, I guess.
Internet - $70
Phones x 2 - $140

We basically watch most stuff online nowadays when we watch TV shows, we used to have cable TV that was costing us over $100 per month but we got rid of it as we basically stopped watching it.
2 very basic iPhone contracts- $30
Home wifi- $30
No cable
$193.00 cable/internet/phone $250.00 cell phone Verizon, 5 lines, 2 of the lines for smartphones...other 3 just basic phone
Cablevision and Internet $180
Mobile phone service (Verizon) $150 for 2 iPhones
NY Land line (Verizon) $90

Comcast $180 for cable, internet and NJ landline phone

We have a monthly TIVO service bill which I think is about $15 in NY and we own the other 4 TIVOs (total of 5 TIVOs for both homes together) so only pay a monthly on one of them.
And Netflix service which I think is only $7.99 a month. A bargain and they have great shows.
We are in CT and have Comcast Triple Play and pay $164 a month. Our contract is up in December and he will cancel all but the internet since we just got a fire stick and between that and Netflix we will be all set.

Cell phones are $146 a month. Just upgraded in January because our 4S's stopped working. We have two phones and get a discount through my husband's job.
About 300 for Verizon cells - 5 lines - 4 smart phones and an old flip phone for mom (she doesn't want a smart phone). I think we get about 12 gigs of data a month shared.

We finally decided to bundle everything (home phone, cell phones, cable, Internet, and home security system) with AT & T, which will save us a significant amount each month.
Comcast is tv and internet - $125

AT&T is four lines, three iphones, one other smart phone, all but one phone is paid off. The other phone is mostly paid off, but requires a $15 per month payment. There is insurance on three phones. The bill is $190 per month.

Grand total $315

Each month I think that there has got to be a better way.... :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
$220.00, give or take a dollar or two.
Time Warner cable (no HBO or Premium channels) + Internet + landline (only for house alarm) = $225/mo.

Two cell phones = $139
Satellite TV - Right Now it's free :bigsmile: (company discount)
Home phone - 2 lines (yes how quaint but one is DH's office number) plus internet $125
2 Cell Phones $175
TV/cable/internet = $165/mo
Cellphone = $70/mo
Cellphones - ATT: (3 smartphones-1 is for work and I get a $35 stipend): $147
Internet: $67
DirecTV: $120

Total: $334 - $35 stipend = $299

Still too much, IMHO
DirecTv, middle package on two TVs with DVR on both
Two cell phones, but not smart phones, with a 20% work discount
One land line; yes, we're dinosaurs
UVerse on the iMac, middle speed package
I am surprised so many people still have cable. Can't say I miss it at all!
Tacori E-ring|1460339368|4017778 said:
I am surprised so many people still have cable. Can't say I miss it at all!
We need to watch MSNBC... :bigsmile:
I almost never watch TV, but I live with someone who does, unfortunately. I hope maybe to get him to try Sling TV with sports added ($30) with Netflix and Amazon Prime movies (which we already have) for some substantial savings.

AT&T U-Verse TV and internet: $180 a month

Verizon wireless: 3 iPhones with shared data at $160 a month. In September our current contract will be up and we can change to their new lower cost plan that has lower monthly fees but doesn't give free/low cost phones.
diamondseeker2006|1460351659|4017834 said:
I almost never watch TV, but I live with someone who does, unfortunately. I hope maybe to get him to try Sling TV with sports added ($30) with Netflix and Amazon Prime movies (which we already have) for some substantial savings.

AT&T U-Verse TV and internet: $180 a month

Verizon wireless: 3 iPhones with shared data at $160 a month. In September our current contract will be up and we can change to their new lower cost plan that has lower monthly fees but doesn't give free/low cost phones.

This is what we have and I highly recommend it. We switched to Sling years ago and our savings was substantial. We have Sling, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus, and HBO Go and we pay about 1/5 of what our cable bill was 5 years ago.
We pay a ridiculous amount. Cable, internet and internet phone is around $300 per month, unlimited access. It's bundled in such a way that we have to pay the higher amount to watch some very basic channels. :angryfire: My cellphone rate is $68 per month and DH's is about $90/month. When I get a new phone, my bill will go up about $45 more because they can. More :angryfire: .
Cable: $89
Phones and internet: $0 (both my husband and I only have company cellular plans and his company pays for internet because he technically works from home.
Kids' cell phones: No idea. I'm not the bill-payer in the house obviously. I just know our kids are spoiled. they have nicer phones than us, and unlimited data, texts etc!
Internet - $39.99
At&t cell phones - $306.00 (4) iphones with 30gb data plan
Directv - $124.00

Hubby has been looking into the Fire Stick. How does that work?
I pay Comcast $90/month for cable. I pay my parents $76.31 per month for cell service (total is 228 for all 3 of us - it's cheaper to be on a family plan so I am still on theirs, will transition to plan with fi soon).
wildcat03|1460398667|4017988 said:
I pay Comcast $90/month for cable. I pay my parents $76.31 per month for cell service (total is 228 for all 3 of us - it's cheaper to be on a family plan so I am still on theirs, will transition to plan with fi soon).
I'm still paying for my daughters cell phone, b/c they are on my family plan.
Dancing Fire|1460400962|4018001 said:
wildcat03|1460398667|4017988 said:
I pay Comcast $90/month for cable. I pay my parents $76.31 per month for cell service (total is 228 for all 3 of us - it's cheaper to be on a family plan so I am still on theirs, will transition to plan with fi soon).
I'm still paying for my daughters cell phone, b/c they are on my family plan.
To clarify - I write my parents a monthly check for my portion - I'm not a 30-something moocher!!!
We pay $90 for DirecTV with DVR and OnDemand, $105 for cell through Verizon with 6G data (shared on two smart phones), and $39.99 for internet through Charter for unlimited data and streaming.
$42 for 100M broadband Internet and basic cable TV (we don't watch cable TV but it was included free with the broadband offer).
$8 for Netflix
$73 for unlimited data and calls on 4G LTE network (2 smartphones). The phones were free with the 2-yr contract (Samsung Note and LG phones).
Total = $123 for 2 people.