
How many times have you moved since you became independant?

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Feb 8, 2003
Like as in, since you moved out on your own for the first time, how many times have you moved since then?

I''m really sick of moving. Not normal sick of it, but super sick of it.

In my real world life, I''m keeping an optimistic face and cheerful, bright, outlook and AM excited to be relocating, but man, can I just vent for a second and say moving truely SUCKS?!

Anyway, since moving out, this will be my 12 residence. Right now I feel like TG''s avatar character.
Wow that''s a lot MC. Are you moving far? And why?

I moved twice. Not bad. Once away from this apartment for a job in Santa Barbara, and then moved back. Have been here every since.
I''m still on my first residence. About to sign the lease for the 3rd year. I''ve been very lucky, but FI and I will buy a house in the next 3 years, and "plan" on being there for many to come.
Isn't it insane? And, we're moving to a rental rather than buying, meaning, yep, eventually move yet again.

After the scuffle with our neighbor, we realized a townhome isn't right for the boys. They need a yard and more space. So does my DH and I. We're moving close and the kids are still in the same school! That's very important to us.

I was browing craig's list a few weeks back and came across a home for rent that fits our criteria and I jumped on it.
I hear you, MC. I have moved 8 times since college and 5 times in my 6 years of marriage thanks to my hubby''s job which keeps us on the move every time he gets a promotion. I think we will be in our current home for a while now though b/c of the economy, the company is not moving anyone and that is fine with me. Moving and everything that comes along with it stinks. Hope things go smoothly for you, MC.
I Moved four times. After undergrad moved home with the parents. That lasted 6 months.

Then moved back to Chicago, into an apt (twin sister was still in school in Chicago) and looked for a job & attended post-bac classes. Lived here 2 years, found a job but decided to go back for a MS.

Then moved out the the uni''s neighborhood into the city/downtown when about done with my MS. Lived 1 yr.

Then moved 2 blocks away when I bought my place in 2005. We''ll probably put the condo up for sale in 2010 after we get married. That''s it so far.
Twice. After leaving my parents home, I moved into my condo...once DH and I decided to live together, I moved from my condo to his row home.

I''ve never felt the drag of moving, because both times I was moving into something that was "mine all mine" .... no renting here.

The first time it my first home and that in and of itself was thrilling.

The second time I was moving in with my future husband...what could be happier?

Maybe you''ll plant some roots this time MC and be able to stay put for a while...hopefully it''s a happy fit.
Well I lived in the dorms first my freshman year. Then I moved out with two friends to my first apartment and lived there for a year. After that I moved in with a friend of mine for about 4 years. Then I lived with FI and his parents while we tried to find a place to live for close to 8 months. Finally we moved into our condo and have been there for 3 years. So that''s 5 places? I guess 3 if you don''t count the dorms or FI''s parents.

One thing I appreciate about the get up and go is that I''m not a pack rat. I''m used to the clothes on my back and disposable furniture (you know the $40 set from Wal-Mart). So moving for me is pretty easy. Then again I don''t have kids like you do MC so I can only imagine how much of a hassle it is.
Well, I don''t know if I should include the 4 different places I lived in college, since I lived someplace different every single year (dorms, sorority house, with a group of guy friends, and with a group of girl friends).

Since college, I have lived 4 additional places. Two places in the first city I lived in after college (I hated the first place and only lived there 6 months) and two in the city I currently live in (one rented, one owned). Since I bought my current place when the market was high, I will be living here for quite some time. But after moving 8 times in 8 years, I don''t think I''d be too keen on moving anytime soon anyway.

Twleve places is a lot. How long of a time span does that cover? I think it becomes all the more frustrating when you feel like you have to move again so soon after settling in. Since I was only in the other places for a year and a half at the most, I never really felt like I had gotten super comfortable. I have been in my current place for almost 3 years now, and it is the first place that I really feel is "home".

Hopefully you can at least stay in this next place for a couple of years.
Let's see, I've moved a total of 6 times since leaving my parents' house after college. It's never fun to pack and go through the actual process of moving, but I LOVE the feeling of accomplishment I have when I thrown out things I don't need to take to the next place. Setting up the new place is a lot of fun too. Just out of curiosity, are you moving locally or to a new state (or part of the country)? I ask because I think it could be fun to work with your kids to research the new area and get a feel for where you're going to be headed.

ETA: I just read that you're moving close, so the last part of my post wouldn't apply.
Twice. The first time was to my apartment (the first place I ever lived on my own) and the sesond time was to my house that I currently live in.
moving is sucky but the after part is fun.... we moved in Jan and man how did we accumulate so much CRAP in 5 years? i gave away about 6 bags of clothes (and i clean out my closet yearly anyway) and about 5-10 boxes of home decor stuff...and we still have a packed garage in the old townhouse that we have to go through. crazy. anyway it is a good time to purge. i am happy with what we brought over to the new house and am resisting bringing more.

i have only moved about 4 times 'for real' in my life... not counting college and moving there/back, etc. i never used to dislike it because each time was typically a big life change so i was looking fwd to the next step, but this last time was brutal for us with all we had collected. i def know that MORE ROOM is not necessarily a GOOD THING. i also am really anal about unpacking immediately, so we had no boxes in our house after like 2 weeks. i had a friend come visit after we had been there 1.5 months and she was like wow it looks so put together. i was like yes it would drive me crazy otherwise!
I''ve moved about 7 times in the last 10 years since I''ve been on my own. Moving SUCKS. It sucks bad. So I feel your pain! When I moved into the apartment I''m in now, I decided I''m never moving again until I buy a house, and I meant it! I''ve been here for over 3 years and I will stay in this apartment until then.

I think we''ll probably buy a house soonish, maybe next year at the latest, but I''m already dreading moving. I am a total (slightly reformed) hoarder and I have TONS of stuff. Shelves and shelves of books, TONS of clothes, etc. It''s going to be painful, but I do like to get rid of a ton of stuff when I move, so it''s always nice to get into a new house with less crap.

Good luck and I hope this one sticks!
My first unfurnished apartment all on my own was in grad school - I lived there for 2 very happy (but stressful) years. Since then, it''s been 3 moves in 3 years, all with DH (not including his move into our first shared place). The last move was into our first house, and we plan to be here at least 5 years, so that feels pretty good.

I hate moving too (but not as much as you must, MC!). I feel like the only upside of moving is that when you have to physically carry and arrange every last item you own, it''s a huge incentive to have less, which IMO, makes life a lot happier and easier anyway.
Twice, but I've only been on my own for 4 years......unless you count highschool. I did the boarding school thing, so technically I moved out every August for 4 yrs.....
At first count off the top of my head 10+ times at least. I am a minimalist decluttering freak so I guess that helps a little.

5 times in 5 years, and we foresee that we''ll probably be moving at least once a year for the next 2-3 years as well. It definitely gets old, and both DH and I look forward to being able to settle down somewhere at some point. On the upside though, moving often encourages us to not keep unnecessary stuff around the house and to really consider what makes sense to keep vs. not.
Hmm, I''ve moved 5 times in the last 4 years. And this is not including my brief homelessness when I crashed with various friends/library for a few weeks.

I am liking the whole ''settled in'' feeling in our current condo, so I think we''ll only leave once we buy a house in another 4-5 years.
I''ve moved ten times since 1998. I hate moving and hope we don''t move for a few more years. The most time I''ve living in one residence since I moved out was the three years I lived in the house I owned in Seattle. I lived in Seattle for six years and lived in three places during that time. I''ve been in Atlanta for 2.5 years and am in the third place. It would have only been two, but the first house sold quick and we had to move into an apt until we found a house we loved enough to buy.

I hear you about being super sick of moving. The only bright side to us moving last year was the we really purged and the donations to Goodwill helped make a huge dent in our tax bill!
I moved twice every year while I was in college since I didn''t stay in the same place any of my undergrad years. I would move into my undergrad hubble in the fall and move back in with mom and dad every spring. Then starting graduate school I moved twice again, about yearly. Now for the first time being on my own I''ve been in the same place for almost 4 years. It''s really nice, although DH and I are getting antsy to buy a home in a year or two.
I also moved in and out every year in college, and lived with my parents for the summer after college (although I was job-hunting several hours away, so I was gone and crashing with friends for most of it). Then, once I got my job, my friend''s parents let me stay with them for a couple months until I found an apartment. Moved into the city, left when the lease was up. Lived in the same apartment in the suburbs for three years, then moved back into the city with my FI and we''ve been here almost two years. And I thought that was bad!!! I completely understand why you ladies who move more often are sick of it...I lived in the same house from the time I was 3 until I moved out, and my parents are still there, so I never had to deal with it growing up. My friends who moved a lot growing up think it''s no big deal, but it''s just so unsettling if you''re not used to it. MC, I hope you''ll be in this new place for a good long time!
I hate moving. And even more I hate knowing that we''ll be moving, but not knowing when or where.
Over the last 10 years, I moved 5 times within one city, once from state to state on the west coast, once across the country from the west coast to the east, and once pretty much across the world - from the States to SE Asia. I have not lived in the same residence for more than 2 years...ever. And my poor daughter is on her 4th school in 4 years.
18 times since 1984, 5 cities in 4 states, and overseas> I'm an expert mover. We've been in this house 5 years now............I love that. My family has been kind of nomadish anyhow so at a certain point I would get that "moving itch" but thankfully it passed quitely last year though I did go look at horse property a few miles away.

MrsG, I think we've been following each other around. lol
Let''s see...not counting each different dorm/house I had in college, I''ve moved six times since I was 17 (8 years ago). I hate the process of moving, but I have a bit of wanderlust, so once the whole packing/unpacking thing is taken care of, I really enjoy getting used to a new place.
DH and I both lived at home, with our parents, until we got married. We are in our second home now and have been married for 12 years.
9 times in 12 years. 3 cities.
twice, going on move number three in five years.

one - apt, two - house, three - apt in new state
Well, I moved 5 times during my first 2 years of college which my parents paid for. I''ve been on my own since then and have moved twice. This is the longest I''ve lived anywhere in the last 7 years... and we''ve been here almost 2 years now. I was so tired of moving and it was taking a toll on my furniture!
I feel your pain, MC!

I think I prob win the prize IRL, amongst people I know, for having moved the most number of times since leaving my parents' home. I think it's in the region of 15-16 times, I've lost count. AND I'm about to move again!
Date: 4/7/2009 11:46:26 PM
Author: cnspotts
. My family has been kind of nomadish anyhow so at a certain point I would get that ''moving itch'' but thankfully it passed quitely last year though I did go look at horse property a few miles away.
Cnspotts - is there anything specific about where you currently live that you believed helped eleviate that "moving itch" you would get? I kind of think some people do have the nomadic tendency built into their genes, but there''s must be something that helps a person eventually feel "settled." We will keep the boys in the same elementary school, no matter what, but what if we end up moving to another street up or down the road in a year or two? What will everyone think? That we''re nuts!
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