
How do you get over a cold?


Apr 28, 2008
I have a terrible cold, and it couldn't come at a worse time unfortunately. What do you do to remedy a cold? I'm currently on a diet of soup, tea, and cough drops. Any other tips for a sore throat, or for some energy to get through the day?
Oh, I am sorry you have a bad cold. I find Zinc lozenges help shorten the duration for me as well as Vitamin C. And drink plenty of non caffeinated liquids. Drink a lot to flush your system. Plenty of rest and relaxation if you can swing it and I think good music boosts your immune system. And some swear by homemade chicken soup but I don't eat chicken so no help in that area. Good luck and I hope you feel better very soon!

Here's a list of cold remedies from WebMD fyi:
Also, iodine gargle. We have something here in Australia called Betadine - do you have that where you live? You gargle for 30 seconds and BAM - infection nuked. As soon as I get a sore through I am on to it nowadays and it rarely gets worse.
I get over colds in a very unconventional way. I put on a sweatsuit and go for a nice run 1-3 miles....breathing lots of fresh air helps me clear my lungs, and running increases my blood flow, and seems to help me sweat out my cold germs. Then I go home take a nice shower, and drink WARM orange juice.

I made this remedy up myself, but seems to work every time, I start feeling better the very next day.
jaysonsmom|1397173742|3651492 said:
I get over colds in a very unconventional way. I put on a sweatsuit and go for a nice run 1-3 miles....breathing lots of fresh air helps me clear my lungs, and running increases my blood flow, and seems to help me sweat out my cold germs. Then I go home take a nice shower, and drink WARM orange juice.

I made this remedy up myself, but seems to work every time, I start feeling better the very next day.

Exercise is a good way to boost the immune system (as long as you don't have a fever)- it's a great suggestion.
I have missed three days this week with the worst head cold I have had in years. Luckily no sore throat and it's not in my chest. I feel for you!

Rest and water help.
Sorry you're not feeling well:(
I take vitamin C supplements and zinc seems to help too. I usually have a supply of Emergen-C around the house because it's a simple way to get the extra vitamins and extra fluids at the same time (it's a powder that you add to a large glass of water). Of cours, none of these things are scientifically-proven, but at least I feel a little better knowing that I'm trying to do something healthy.
Feel better soon!
As near as I can tell I have no immune system anymore. So my body's solution is to turn everything into a bad bacterial infection, many times anti-biotic resistant, and then take it to pneumonia.

I don't recommend that.

When I DID have an immune system, REST was the best thing for me. I would find ways to nap and go to bed early. Generally avoid taxing my bodies resources any more than they already were and give it time to focus on healing.
Zicam seems to help if you catch it early... but I guess I'm a bit late for that. :knockout:
I like to use oil of oregano drops, three drops three times a day. Also a teaspoon of real honey mixed with 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon several times a day.
i swear by pineapple orange and ginger juice :) wakes you up and the vitamins and ginger are good for you. i get stuck in as soon i feel fluey.

if you're trying to power through, medically I'd say have
regular paracetemol,
a decongestant - tablets for general congestion but the nose spray is great to temporarily dry your nose out,
betadine throat gargle (a la misskittycat),
and the world best medicine - rest :)
missy|1397169976|3651446 said:
Oh, I am sorry you have a bad cold. I find Zinc lozenges help shorten the duration for me as well as Vitamin C. And drink plenty of non caffeinated liquids. Drink a lot to flush your system. Plenty of rest and relaxation if you can swing it and I think good music boosts your immune system. And some swear by homemade chicken soup but I don't eat chicken so no help in that area. Good luck and I hope you feel better very soon!

Here's a list of cold remedies from WebMD fyi:

Zinc lozeges? I'll definitely hunt those down. I had no idea that music could boost your immune system--very cool!
misskittycat|1397172603|3651477 said:
I make this soup:

The combination of the chicken stock (homemade if you can do it), ginger, lime, lemongrass and chilli does amazing things for healing. If nothing else, it blows all the snot right out!

That sounds amazing!! I've been having a lot of miso, so I'm excited to have something spicy.
Day four for me and I have the green crusties and hurting eyes today.
For cough and sore throat -- Chestal (honey based cough syrup that helps break up any crud in your throat) Once every few hours. Can be taken between other prescription doses too if you are taking anything like that.

NettiPot -- Clear out the sinuses to help get rid of any infection otlr irritant.

Vitamins -- B, C, D

Hot tea with honey or lemon or ginger. You can also get stuff from Whole Foods specifically for colds
I think the one we get is Yogi.

Steak. I don't know what it is, but steaks help boost my energy when sick.

Plenty of sleep-- I know you can't always miss work or school, but at least make sure to get to bed early.
IndyLady|1397231349|3651798 said:
missy|1397169976|3651446 said:
Oh, I am sorry you have a bad cold. I find Zinc lozenges help shorten the duration for me as well as Vitamin C. And drink plenty of non caffeinated liquids. Drink a lot to flush your system. Plenty of rest and relaxation if you can swing it and I think good music boosts your immune system. And some swear by homemade chicken soup but I don't eat chicken so no help in that area. Good luck and I hope you feel better very soon!

Here's a list of cold remedies from WebMD fyi:

Zinc lozeges? I'll definitely hunt those down. I had no idea that music could boost your immune system--very cool!

Indylady: Sorry you have a cold - they are so exceedingly uncomfortable and fatiguing. I am on my 4th day of a cold, and *think* I'm finally on the mend (though you never know when the darn thing detours into your lungs :nono: ).

This soup sounds awesome and if you can muster the energy, I would totally make it. I'm a big believer in sweating it out, flushing it out, and washing it away. So I always drink tons of water, suck popsicles, eat soup (if I can get my hands on it - Pho is another good option), drink homemade tea, and steam myself in the bathtub.

Tea recipe:
Tea bags: I use whatever I can find that are those healthy type teas, with names like "cold cure" or " immune boost" or "blow the snot to kingdom come" - those kind of tea bags. :))

Nuggets of fresh ginger (like a thumb size) 1/2 inch chunks

Large handful of mint (at least 4 sprigs or 25+ leaves of different sizes)

Any bits of dried orange peel - if you have it

After its steeped for about 5 minutes, add:

Juice of at least 2-3 limes (we use lemons too, but like limes better)

Honey (preferably locally grown if you can find it) to taste. It might sound weird to say locally grown, but apparently if you have any allergies, local honey, due to the pollen the bees collect, can help to boost your immunity to the allergens - I guess kinda like an immunization works.

Enjoy it! I try to drink it as hot as possible, and will drink it several times a day. Sometimes I take it and sit in a really hot bath - at least in the bath, I don't have to blow my nose every 30 seconds! :((
Hydrate and avoid all dairy.

Other treatments depend upon whether you have congestion etc.
AprilBaby|1397176587|3651521 said:
I have missed three days this week with the worst head cold I have had in years. Luckily no sore throat and it's not in my chest. I feel for you!

Oh no! I hope you feel better. Makes me value and realize how good I feel the rest of the time.
Get well soon! I do it the old fashioned way. I take it seriously. I have a friend who traveled with a bad cold and years later she still has an awful chronic disease from it (adult-onset asthma and long periods of time when she is unable to speak, especially if she is exposed to things such as smoke).

I literally shut down my life. I do nothing but lie in bed and rest or be really lazy sitting in the easy chair spending hours on my computer or napping. I drink herbal tea, eat honey and lemons, drink water, make homemade vegetable soup and totally bask in my laziness to the point where being sick can be a little fun. My body thanks me for it and I usually recover fast and well.
I am so sorry your are sick!

I usually avoid all dairy and sugar first and foremost. Then zinc and vitamin C and lots of rest. In years past, I haven't been all that great at the rest thing and it took so much longer to get better. But when your kids are smaller it is much harder to do. In the last few years, I pretty much stayed in bed and was well days quicker.
TooPatient|1397234175|3651827 said:
For cough and sore throat -- Chestal (honey based cough syrup that helps break up any crud in your throat) Once every few hours. Can be taken between other prescription doses too if you are taking anything like that.

NettiPot -- Clear out the sinuses to help get rid of any infection otlr irritant.

Vitamins -- B, C, D

Hot tea with honey or lemon or ginger. You can also get stuff from Whole Foods specifically for colds
I think the one we get is Yogi.

Steak. I don't know what it is, but steaks help boost my energy when sick.

Plenty of sleep-- I know you can't always miss work or school, but at least make sure to get to bed early.

Wow-thank you! The steak suggestion sounds yummy too!
momhappy|1397179220|3651541 said:
Sorry you're not feeling well:(
I take vitamin C supplements and zinc seems to help too. I usually have a supply of Emergen-C around the house because it's a simple way to get the extra vitamins and extra fluids at the same time (it's a powder that you add to a large glass of water). Of cours, none of these things are scientifically-proven, but at least I feel a little better knowing that I'm trying to do something healthy.
Feel better soon!

Thank you Momhappy! I tried a little Emergen-C, but I'll try some more too. I think the water/little sugar combo definitely helps pep me up in addition to Vit C.
Day five I feel much better! I just feel like I need a weeks sleep since I couldn't breathe the last four nights!
I take Cold FX as soon as I feel a hint of a cold coming on. Seems to reduce duration and severity, and sometimes the symptoms never even develop into anything more.

It's a good question, but in the case of my father, it was the wrong question. We started the usual "cure" at home, then-because the weekend was approaching-decided a visit to the doctor might be smart. The doctor ordered a chest X-ray and blood tests (outpatient) just to "be sure", but my father (age 93) fell on me in the hallway. The doctor asked if I could "manage him at home". I said no. (The man had kept taking off his pajama bottoms and underpants all during the past night when he had to urinate, then not knowing how to put them back on! He had a fever!) So he asked if I could drive him to the hospital and I said no. (He couldn't even walk to the building-how could walk out again?) So they ordered an ambulance.

He has the 'flu. A chest X-ray and blood tests would not have shown that. It was shown by swabs of the nostrils and throat done in the ER. Yes, he had a 'flu shot (as did we all). But this is a different strain. What if he hadn't been admitted and given IV fluids and Tamiflu?

I take vimunity by Visalus. It is great. All natural herbs and the best part of the plant.