
How do you feel about stick figure family car stickers?


Mar 3, 2013
You know the ones, the stick figure stickers on the back windows of cars that represent a person's family members, pets, and/or interests. How you feel about them? Do you have one, what does it represent and why did you choose to have one? Again, no judgement - I just don't understand the concept, so I'm genuinely curious about the motivation behind them :D
I think they are cute, as long as they don't have the kids' names.
Not for me. Don't get it at all. I did hear of one that I found amusing. Was on a BMW. Two adult stick figures and a decal of a pile of money. Made me chuckle. Without the kiddos draining the coffers, we would certainly have a more robust pile of money.
I just saw that had a stick figure driving a jeep...mowing down a family.
They're cutesy, but I don't like them for safety reasons...there are a lot of whackos out there, and I don't want to broadcast to everyone how many kids we have.
purplesparklies|1401464017|3683142 said:
Not for me. Don't get it at all. I did hear of one that I found amusing. Was on a BMW. Two adult stick figures and a decal of a pile of money. Made me chuckle. Without the kiddos draining the coffers, we would certainly have a more robust pile of money.

DINKS (Dual Income No Kids) - that's funny :lol:
I saw one the other day that had a stick figure family in shambles and it read, "no one cares about your stick figure family!"
I guess people definitely have some strong opinions about them if they're willing to advertise it on their vehicles. Personally, I don't care for car stickers of any kind, which is part of what fuels my lack of understanding with the stick figure family stickers.
About a year ago, two packages of those decals ended up in our house. My husband said he wasn't sure where they came from but thought they might have gotten mixed into our groceries when he was in line. Anyway, I was tempted for a few minutes to see what sort of interesting combinations I could make with them to put on our vehicles. I think we ended up giving them to someone as part of a gag gift instead.

Whenever I think of them, the stereotypical mini-van with the mom, dad, two kids and a dog decals comes to mind. When I was in my twenties I called them "breeder vans." I grew up in an area that wasn't very diverse, and I could not wait to get out. When I saw representations of what was "typical" I sort of lashed back against that once I learned that so much of the world is not comprised of the nuclear family as in the 1950s American television show version.

They're kind of like those Honor Roll bumper stickers. There's a certain level of smug that can be perceived by others. To me it kind of seems redundant. If you're driving a mini-van, I usually (whether it's right or wrong) make the assumption that you have a spouse and more than one kid and probably a dog and/or cat. And I get that you're proud of that, but I guess my point is that the decals then are really not necessary. Unless maybe you've got some deep-seated issues and aren't really so happy with how your life turned out. ;))
Don't get it at all. Don't see the point of sticking anything not required (parking sticker,etc) on your car.
I was just having this conversation with someone at work who HATES them!

I'm not sure I understand where stick figure stickers became so polarizing? I see it as no different than having a "I love Jesus" or "I Love My Dog" sticker somewhere on your car. Do I deeply care about your kids/religion/dog/vacation? Well no, but I'm glad it makes YOU happy!

Funny story, a local undercover cop drives around in a beat up mini van with one of these stickers on the back and we've seen people getting pulled over by it :o
ame|1401465950|3683164 said:
Don't get it at all. Don't see the point of sticking anything not required (parking sticker,etc) on your car.

I'm not sure either. The closest I can figure is that some people see their vehicles as an extension of themselves and an important part of their identity, and some take it even further by plastering verbiage and symbols on the exterior. Bumper stickers always remind me of tee shirts that say things like "I'm With Stupid." :lol: It seems super important that these folks have their opinions broadcast to whomever has to look at their car, stuck in traffic or parked in a lot, etc. I of course am above all this. I keep my opinions to message boards. :bigsmile: :praise:
Neutral. We don't have kids. Neutral about stickers on cars in general though I never put any on mine. I always drive an ordinary mid-range car with no stickers to blend in on the road. But, anything to give me something to look at on your car while stopped at a red light to keep me from being bored is OK with me. ;)
Mieh. I don't want them (I dislike bumper stickers in general) but they don't offend me either. I can't really understand why anyone would have a strong opinion on what people stick on their cars, as long as it is not offensive.

I do dislike the versions that are all about criticizing the people who do like stick families. They don't do anyone any harm and if you want to see them as smug without even knowing the person who put them up, then that is more about you than them (generic you, of course).
I don't like stickers on cars. Those required for parking are one thing. Others are just not something I care for.

I have seen a couple of hilarious stickers on occasion. They are usually the sort to make fun of the cutesy stickers on other cars.

The stickers that show how many kids or say there is a "baby on board" are especially dumb. What a great way to advertise to scumbags that you will be slow getting in/out of your car and make a great target for crime.
monarch64|1401465836|3683162 said:
They're kind of like those Honor Roll bumper stickers. There's a certain level of smug that can be perceived by others.

I think thats why people are aggravated to see them. They have a little bit of a 'look at me' quality to them. Personally, I feel neutral about them; I'd get one with a picture of me and about 7 cats, and name them each a Harry Potter character or something.
The unhealthy images are sad and look awful. They each need a COOKIE! Or maybe a whole lot of cookies!
mary poppins|1401469712|3683219 said:
The unhealthy images are sad and look awful. They each need a COOKIE! Or maybe a whole lot of cookies!
I hate those stickers, but I like mine - It's a Australian Shepard outline and says "Haulin' Auss".

Pretty racy for conservative old me lol
This is the only one I ever took note of:

Jimmianne and GCGDanielle, those are funny. :lol:
I'm not into the run of the mill ones, but I have seen some absolutely adorable, and creatively clever ones I really liked.
Loved this one.

ETA: there have been some really cute personalized family stickers. Those I don't mind. It just seems silly to have a generic tally of how many in your family.

A single friend of ours took one of our leftover stick guys and put it on the back of his car. Just the one stick person. I thought that was pretty funny :lol:
GCGDanielle|1401471043|3683231 said:
This is the only one I ever took note of:
LOL I'd enjoy that one. I like the DINK one too.
I'm neutral about the stick figures - love the funny ones a few of you mentioned. The smug factor, good way to put it, gets me more in the Baby On Board ones. I can't see that except to brag that you have a baby -- and think it's a feat a major skill, as if nobody ever had a baby before.

DH & I don't go for stickers on our own cars. Have gotten used to them on others' though. The funny ones give me something to laugh at at red lights. Down here in the south there are a ton of religious ones -- cars screaming I LOVE JESUS, and the ubiquitous silver fish. Those get me wondering how sincere the religion is if it has to be announced everywhere someone goes, but it's none of my business.

I really dislike the bragging ones: honor roll or worse, PROUD MOTHER OF A GREAT KID, who must not have done anything specific worth crowing about. All the public boasting about one's children, I think, is unhealthy and unattractive. Down the road lives a family with a daughter about 7 or so. Sign in their yard: "Winner of Dance Competition of the Week, Miss Donna's Dance Class." It has been there so far for a month. Crikey. Every h.s. senior's house in our neighborhood sprouts a sign: "Home of a (Name of our Town) Warrior." The Warriors is the name of the athletic team -- but these kids aren't on teams; all they did was go from being a junior to a senior. BFD, as my father would never have said -- that's what we expect of you. Brag when you've done something above excellent.
momhappy|1401463347|3683133 said:
You know the ones, the stick figure stickers on the back windows of cars that represent a person's family members, pets, and/or interests. How you feel about them? Do you have one, what does it represent and why did you choose to have one? Again, no judgement - I just don't understand the concept, so I'm genuinely curious about the motivation behind them :D

I don't care for stickers generally myself, and my impression when I see the stick figure family ones is "who cares?".

That said, I can think of one potentially useful reason for them (and the baby on board stickers, too) - such a sticker might be especially helpful in the case of an accident so first responders to have an idea of who may be in the vehicle needing help OR may have potentially been ejected from the vehicle.

Granted, not all family members are in the car all the time, but in the chaos of an accident, it may help to know the family has 3 kids and a dog that may be in the car - especially if parents are incapacitated and can't communicate. It also gives responders who may be dealing with scared children a way to ask questions about "was your brother/dog in the car too?" to help refocus young kids on something other than their fear.
random_thought|1401472862|3683258 said:
A single friend of ours took one of our leftover stick guys and put it on the back of his car. Just the one stick person. I thought that was pretty funny :lol:

That is clever and suits my sense of humor perfectly:)

I guess that I just miss the point entirely - why would you need/want to advertise your family on the back of your car? What does it matter to the rest of the world if little Timmy plays soccer, Susie does ballet and let's not forget about baby Jack and the family dog…. It just seems like an odd thing to share with a bunch of complete strangers every time you drive your car around. Like I said before, though, it's not like they are harming anyone, so I don't have an issue with them (outside of the fact that I just don't understand them).
Lots of people like to get the word out about how groovy THEY or THIER views are.
Their car is their billboard.

I think my views are super-duper-groovy, but I don't have any bumper stickers.
I guess my strongest view is not getting my car keyed.

We don't know for sure that a car owner is preaching superiority with their nuclear 1950s family stick figures.
They may have just been a meaningless impulse buy made while standing in line at the cashier.
I have no idea why someone would think stick figures could make you a crime target.

I roll my eyes when I see more than, say, two bumper stickers on a car, no matter if I agree with their message or not.

I DO enjoy watching the banter or the 'conversations' between bumper stickers.
A Google Image search shows a whole slew of anti stick figure family stickers.
I think I remember first seeing those fish bumper stickers way back in the 1970s.
Over time the fish evolved legs and the rest is history.

The fish became so ubiquitous it even generated a comic in the New Yorker.

BTW, I love sarcastic humor making fun of people who take themselves too seriously, on any side of any issue, even ones dear to my heart.
Some of my favorites:
My kid beat up your honor student
Jesus Saves ... at Bank of America
I'm so gay I can't even THINK straight
White people don't fart


I think they are cute and often funny. I enjoy looking at them on people's cars at stop lights, especially when they have a huge family -- like four kids and three cats and two dogs. My husband and I always marvel at big families because we find just our two kids and dog to be a lot :lol:

The funniest for me was the guy who had a jeep and a snowboarding stick figure guy on the window. Just him! No family. I thought, "well there's a great way to broadcast that you are single!!"

So I guess I like to look at them because I am nosey and because I think the psychology of personal identity and communication of that identity to the world in interesting. That said, we don't have them on our car, it's just not our style.
I don't like them at all. I remember telling someone I felt it was dangerous to have the names on their car (or backpacks, etc) and he said I was overreacting. "Dexter" did an episode a week or so later where the serial killer lured the child by using his name and his mom's name! Ha! I am not a fan in bumper stickers in general.
kenny|1401475104|3683293 said:
I have no idea why someone would think stick figures could make you a crime target.

If someone sees a car with stickers of only mom and kid(s), he or she can target the car owner mom by waiting for her to return to the car alone or with kid(s) and distracted by kid(s). It advertises the likelihood of no man present.
mary poppins|1401477341|3683330 said:
kenny|1401475104|3683293 said:
I have no idea why someone would think stick figures could make you a crime target.

If someone sees a car with stickers of only mom and kid(s), he or she can target the car owner mom by waiting for her to return to the car alone or with kid(s) and distracted by kid(s). It advertises the likelihood of no man present.

Oh, thanks.