
How do you bust a bad mood???


Mar 13, 2008
I'm feeling a little blue today, any tips on how to bust up a bad mood? Any suggestions welcome.
Hm, interesting. This will be the second time I've answered this question today, so I hope you don't mind that I'm copying my first answer....

I go sit in my back yard, on a lounge chair if it's sunny and take a drink for what's appropriate for the time of day (coffee, tea, wine). Somehow, the sun on my face always makes me feel better. Working out to some pumped up music always makes me feel great too, although it's hard getting out there to do it.

ETA, hope you feel better!
Go for a nice long walk (somewhere beautiful) and take in the wonder of nature. That always makes me feel great! I really examine the trees, the squirrels etc.
Do you have pets? Mine seriously cheer me up.
If you don't, we have a lot of great dog parks in the city!
Go to if you don't want to leave your house.

I'm sorry you're feeling blue. I really do spend time with my animals when I'm down, and if they're being boring, I watch When Harry Met Sally or Breakfast at Tiffany's. I make popcorn on the stove, too. YUM.
Haven|1305223456|2919841 said:
Do you have pets? Mine seriously cheer me up.
If you don't, we have a lot of great dog parks in the city!
Go to if you don't want to leave your house.

I'm sorry you're feeling blue. I really do spend time with my animals when I'm down, and if they're being boring, I watch When Harry Met Sally or Breakfast at Tiffany's. I make popcorn on the stove, too. YUM.

Popcorn on the stove is AWESOME. My friends all don't like popcorn, but love my stove popped corn! One of them seriously said she thought popcorn had to be microwaved in bags.

So a good TREAT is a great bad mood buster!
i work out like a maniac. If i'm exhausted i can't be sad. Or if i'm pissed, i take it out on the punching bags.
Oooh, thanks ladies!

TGal, yeah I should totally kick some A$$ at the gym, but unfortunately I have a 8K/half marathon on Sunday, so I technically need to conserve. Maybe yoga, that helps sometimes.

Haven, yes I have a dog. She does help cheer me up. I'll have to remember to give her some squeezes tonight.

I'm getting a massage today, so hopefully that'll help too...

Thanks ladies, you guys are great! And helping me cheer up too :) I love PS.
Mmmm!!! fresh popped popcorn!!! that sounds TASTY! And I have some truffle butter I can slap on top.

- buy myself flowers. My favorites, peonies, are in season right now: so too lavender. :)

- love to take long baths, with candles and chocolate and wine - hey, it's a cliche, but a time-honored one.

- vent to a friend/have a friend cheer me up: they know I'll return the favor.

- get dressed up. Like, really dressed up: that whole "you look good, you feel good" thing holds a grain of truth for me.

- play with my toys - reorganize my closet, my jewel-box, my bookshelves.

- make something: I'm an amateur jeweler, and having some tangible results at the end of the day makes me feel better.

- also take long walks - burns energy, and being surrounded by people distracts.

Etc., etc. - I hope your bad mood dissipates!
if you can handle profanity, etc., damnyouautocorrect awesome at boosting ones mood.
Ice cream. Fixes bad moods for every reason (except for being too fat :| ).

I play with my dogs or put a cat on my lap. It's hard to be sad, mad or bad while stroking a cat, or watching one sleep.

Yoga fixes everything.

Yes about walks & just looking around, noticing shades of green, contrasting textures, colors. Birds & squirrels are good for a smile too.

Then I take the advice of AA. Put blue thoughts into a box, close the lid, and throw it away. Make better ones crowd out unhappy ones. Decide I don't have to feel this way today. It isn't corny, it works!

Hope things are better by now for you!

--- Laurie
Well, I'm combating mine by agreeing to go out for drinks with a guy I'm not 100% sure about (not sure if he's straight, not sure I'd be into him if he is, not sure WHAT I think about him). But he mentioned a place with really good ceviche and great margaritas, so why not? A free margarita never hurt anybody, and the guy is at least fairly cute...
Exercise and petting my cats are my #1 bad mood busters. Sometimes I'll do what Circe mentioned and look at my favorite shoes/jewelry/etc. Or watch something funny on TV or the internet.

Hope you feel better soon!
I listen to Jason Mraz "I'm Yours." it's impossible for me to listen to it and still be grumpy.
Ooooooo, one more: comfort reading. Depending on the mood I'm in, either I Capture the Castle or (don't judge me) The Debutante Divorcee will make me feel better almost every time.
Dog, bf :naughty: , or a fun movie for kids.

I'm just happier with pretty fingers and toes.

Feel better!!!
Ice cream! :appl: In a cone! :appl: With sprinkles or jimmies. Seriously, gotta get the jimmies, it's so childish and silly it's hard to feel down.
lliang_chi|1305223261|2919834 said:
I'm feeling a little blue today, any tips on how to bust up a bad mood? Any suggestions welcome.
buy a new piece of jewlery... ;))
- A mani or pedi
- A hot tub and a glass of your favorite beverage.
- Spritz on some really great perfume just for the hell of it
- A home based facial. I keep a lot of stuff here for that.
- Great music. Sometimes I just blast it (we have a house though)
- Sometimes, comfort food can work, I try not to go to that well too often unless I've really really earned it because I can feel like crud after.

Hmm, depends on why I'm in a bad mood, but here are my suggestions:

- music (instant calming effect or pick-me-up depending on what you need to play)
- relaxing in the sun (too true, TGal)
- a warm bath where you can have a good cry then wash all the tears away
- comfort food of choice (not so good for the diet)
- snuggling on the couch and getting lost in a good book (bonus points for snuggly pajamas too!)
- getting into a bed with clean sheets (Is it the smell? The feeling? Best luxury in the world!)

Hope you feel better soon, lliang chi.
Circe|1305238048|2920052 said:
Ooooooo, one more: comfort reading. Depending on the mood I'm in, either I Capture the Castle or (don't judge me) The Debutante Divorcee will make me feel better almost every time.

I love that book, Circe! I need to go borrow it out again; it's probably been 10 years...
There's a chain of grocery stores here in Texas called Central Market. In almost 10 years, I have never walked out of there in a bad mood. I might only get a cup of coffee, but the people watching and merchandise are mood lifting to me.
buy a new piece of jewlery...

LOVE it, DF!!! Dunno if my DH would. But I suppose it is my birthday on Monday.... :Up_to_something:

You guys are great!

Went for my massage today --> relaxed.
I made chicken "fingers" (homemade) = comfort food.
Just pulled Freke's chocolate chip cookies out of the oven. (guilty comfort food). To eat with ice cream.
Mani & Pedi for tomorrow, hopefully.
And sushi.

Still haven't hit the gym or anything, but I have my run on Sunday.

Yes I'm slowly feeling better.

And, JF, just after I started the thread I did tell myself to "Choose being happy." It's hard, but I think it's working.


ETA: Why do my posts end up with those "tags" and not italics or quotes? :confused:
Echidna|1305249773|2920215 said:
Circe|1305238048|2920052 said:
Ooooooo, one more: comfort reading. Depending on the mood I'm in, either I Capture the Castle or (don't judge me) The Debutante Divorcee will make me feel better almost every time.

I love that book, Circe! I need to go borrow it out again; it's probably been 10 years...

Echidna, if you love that one you should try Lolly Willows and Lud-in-the-Mist (if you haven't already): though the subject matter is v. different, they all feel the same. I'm about to order a bunch of Nancy Mitford books in the hope that, as contemporaries, they'll have some of that flair as well ....

Lliang Chi, excellent! And happy b-day in advance! :appl:
Pop a pill?

Call a trusted family member and burst into tears?

Just some ideas off the top of my head.

I had a bad day today. Four days of extreme stress finally got to me.

Buy jewels! Yes, if that were possible at 6:30 PM on a Thursday night, I think that would cheer me up right fast. LOL.

Hugs, lliang chi.
iLander|1305241314|2920091 said:
Ice cream! :appl: In a cone! :appl: With sprinkles or jimmies. Seriously, gotta get the jimmies, it's so childish and silly it's hard to feel down.

I just love your answers. Always so whimsical and wonderful! Just the fact you can say "childish" as if it's a good thing is great. I hope I never lose my "child-like" innocence (my SO calls me Peter Pan) and to be honest I don't think I could if I tried. Thank you, iLander.